Configurações: Revista de Ciências Sociais | Chamada em permanência

Configurações: Revista de Ciências Sociais, editada pelo Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais – Polo da Universidade do Minho (CICS.NOVA.UMinho), é uma revista indexada em bases bibliográficas internacionais, que apresenta uma política de acesso livre e publica trabalhos académicos inéditos, sob a forma de artigos ou recensões de obras publicadas, que contribuam para enriquecer o conhecimento científico em temáticas relevantes na área das Ciências Sociais e, em especial, da Sociologia.

Procura-se equilibrar a publicação de trabalhos de investigadores/as seniores com a disseminação de trabalhos de jovens investigadores/as, que apresentem qualidade e originalidade.

Prazo para submissão de propostas: Aberto em permanência

Configurações: Revista de Ciências Sociais, editada pelo Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais – Polo da Universidade do Minho (CICS.NOVA.UMinho), é uma revista indexada em bases bibliográficas internacionais, que apresenta uma política de acesso livre e publica trabalhos académicos inéditos, sob a forma de artigos ou recensões de obras publicadas, que contribuam para enriquecer o conhecimento científico em temáticas relevantes na área das Ciências Sociais e, em especial, da Sociologia.

Procura-se equilibrar a publicação de trabalhos de investigadores/as seniores com a disseminação de trabalhos de jovens investigadores/as, que apresentem qualidade e originalidade.

Os textos poderão ser escritos em português, espanhol, francês e inglês e serão submetidos à avaliação independente de especialistas, em regime de duplo anonimato.

As propostas para a chamada que se encontra permanentemente aberta devem ser endereçadas à Direção da Revista, através do e-mail Recomenda-se aos/ às autores/as a leitura das normas de publicação, disponíveis no site oficial da revista.

Working Papers ComTextos

ComTextos é uma publicação eletrónica do polo da Universidade do Minho do Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, destinada aos investigadores do CICS.NOVA, e direcionada para a divulgação de trabalhos de investigação em curso – working papers, com o objetivo de potenciar a discussão e prossecução de trabalhos de pesquisa.

Prazo para submissão de propostas: Aberto em permanência

Aceitam-se submissões de textos, em vários formatos, não publicados, tais como textos que resultem de trabalhos conducentes à elaboração de dissertações/projetos de intervenção, artigos cuja discussão de dados ou maturação da perspetiva teórica esteja numa fase intermédia, comunicações resultantes de encontros científicos que os seus autores pretendam ver publicadas.

Os artigos submetidos deverão ser enviados para, em conformidade com as normas disponibilizadas em anexo.

Normas para a apresentação de textos

Forum Sociológico | Call for special issues

Forum Sociológico, edited by CICS.NOVA, has a call open for special issues about relevant subjects in Social Sciences.

Deadline for proposal submissions: Permanently open


Forum Sociológico is published in open access and is indexed in DOAJSciELO PortugalOpenEditionJournalsLatindexERIH PLUSDRJICAPES (Brazil), SHERPA/RoMEO. Submission and publication are free of charge for the authors, as is the access to published papers.

Proposals must be sent to the official email of the journal ( and must include the following information:

1. Proposed title for the special issue;

2. Name of the coordinator(s) and respective(s) institutional affiliation(s) presented in three levels (University, School/or Faculty, Department/or Centre);

3. A short presentation identifying the theme of the special issue, its relevance and articulation with the specific domain of publication of the journal.

The coordination must indicate a deadline expected for the publication of the special issue and for the reception of proposes and inform the number of articles expected;

Proposals of articles should be sent to the official email of the journal ( and must follow the norms of publication adopted by the journal, available in Guidelines for Authors;

All articles are submitted to the Journal’s peer review process. The coordination will be responsible for the selection of at least two referees per article, subject to approval by the Editorial Board;

The journal will be responsible for the management of the peer review process (reception of articles; sending of invitations to referees; sending of reviews to authors; sending of articles to coordination, etc.);

The coordination will be responsible for the organization and final revision of articles and for writing a short Editorial;

The timing of the publication of the special issue will depend on the schedule of the journal established by the Editorial Board.


Further information

Forum Sociológico | Urban neoliberalism in the 21st century: exclusion and struggles for the right to the city

Deadline for article submission: November 15, 2023.



Francesco Biagi, PhD
Researcher. Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, CIAUD - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design, Lisbon, Portugal.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3733-2706

Redy Lima, PhD Candidate
Professor. Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais, Praia, Cape Verde. Investigador. CEsA – Centro de Estudos sobre África, Ásia e América Latina, Lisbon, Portugal
ORCID: 0000-0001-8648-586X


For Henri Lefebvre, author of the concept of the right to the city, the urban margins are a privileged place of observation, as it is there that the narrative of the city is revealed. His thought develops from the threshold that divides and shatters the urban space, separating the wealthiest groups from the most vulnerable groups.

Will Lefebvre’s perspective, key to reading the processes of accumulation and expropriation in societies shaped by more mature capitalism, remain relevant in light of the socio-spatial problems raised by urban neoliberalism ? This is the question that we want to address in the proposed special issue, from a specific attention to the urban margins of contemporary metropolises both in the Euro-North American context treated by Lefebvre and in the post-colonial context of the global south.

In both contexts, Lefebvre’s observation in relation to the traits of a “new internal colonialism” (1972, p. 43) becomes pertinent when considering the way in which post-war urban development separates hyper-developed areas from areas abandoned to poverty and underdevelopment. This view is thus close to Fanon and his attention to the way in which the idea of ??race and the processes of racialization operate together with class and space, producing “compartmentalized cities” (1968, pp. 23-75). We rediscover this perspective in the theorization of a modern dual cartography (Santos, 2007), which corresponds to a system of distinctions that, having its genesis in European expansion and colonialism, today crosses the heart of the old metropolises. Distinguishing and separating hegemonic knowledge and practices, which assert themselves as universal, from areas of non-being (Fanon, 1968), such compartmentalization denies the co-presence of diverse forms of knowledge, representation and action on the world.

On the other hand, the urban issue is also a spatial form of struggle against inequality, fostering new resistance and the testing of alternatives. It is part of a wider space-time dialectic, with the dual purpose of global liberation and everyday emancipation (Fanon, 1968, pp. 105-106). A group of researchers, linked to scientific currents that promote academic engagement in urban transformation processes, have been embracing alternative strategies that look at urbanization as a mode, rather than a model : as something organic and collectively dynamic, opposed to the modernist/ pre-established and pre-defined colonial/capitalist, which simultaneously takes cities as territories in resistance, power and emancipation, framed in the line of decolonization of the territory advocated by authors such as Zibechi (2015) or Ela (2013), fostering a greater distribution of public resources and stimulating the specificity of the way of life of the place.

In this volume, we intend to question and document the urban transformation experienced today, based on focused research - conceptually and empirically - on the urban margins of contemporary metropolises and taking into account the way in which three planes intersect, in concrete terms - like the elements of an experience chemistry - react together in the urban space : the question of class and the ethnic-racial question, already discussed, to which, crucially, the question of gender is added. How do these three plans complicate and problematize the contradictions of the new contemporary neoliberal urban model ? We invite the presentation of articles with an interdisciplinary approach, crossing all disciplines with a focus on critical urban studies.

We propose some points to develop :

1. How did the compartmentalization of the city specifically pointed out by Fanon evolve in the present context ?

2. At a time when the suburbs of the largest metropolises in the global north and south are increasingly crossed by populisms that threaten democracy, what emancipatory resistances can we identify ?

3. The protagonism of women in urban struggles is increasingly important and much feminist literature highlights a political role of the concept of “care” in new forms of “production of space”. What agency is this and how is it related, today, with the urban issue ?


Ela, J-M (2013 [1974]). Restituir a história às sociedades africanas. Promover as ciências sociais na África negra. Edições Pedago & Edições Mulemba.

Fanon, F. (1968 [1961]). Os condenados da terra. Editora Civilização Brasileira.

Lefebvre, H. (Ed.) (1972). Le bourgeoisie et l’espace. In Espace et politique. Le droit à la ville II. Anthropos.

Santos, B. de S. (2007). Para além do pensamento abissal : Das linhas globais a uma ecologia de saberes. Novos Estudos – CEBRAP, (79), 71-94.

Zibechi, R. (2015). Territórios em resistência. Cartografia política das periferias urbanas latino-americanas. Consequência.


This special issue will be published in the 1st semester of 2024 (Jan/Jun).


Original proposals written in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish will be accepted.

All original article, review and empirical proposals must be sent in their complete version by e-mail, in .docx format, to Forum Sociológico ( with the title of the special issue in the field email subject and until November 15, 2023.

Before submitting a proposal to the journal within the scope of this special issue, all authors must i) be aware of the policies, editorial procedures and norms for the preparation and submission of texts, disseminated in particular on the pages Guidelines to Authors and Statement of Ethics and Good Practices ; ii) have substantially participated in the work ; iii) having identified all sources of funding for the research carried out ; iv) obtain all authorizations and licenses necessary for reproduction, publication and dissemination in open access (rights to use images or other material from third parties, etc.), assuming responsibility for indicating the respective credits in the works and any charges associated with obtaining it and exempting the journal and CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH) from any responsibility in this matter ; v) have final responsibility for the content and statements made in the text.

More information, here.

Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher | 50

Deadline for article submission: 31 July 2023

Em 2023, no mesmo ano em que a Revista Faces de Eva comemora 25 anos de existência, completa-se a 1ª edição do primeiro Doutoramento em Estudos de Género em Portugal, resultado do consórcio entre a Universidade de Lisboa, através do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) e a Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH) e da Nova School of Law.

Pioneira nos estudos feministas, sobre as mulheres e de género em Portugal, o nº 50 da Revista Faces de Eva aceita artigos dedicados ao tema: “Os estudos de género, feministas e sobre as mulheres” que reflitam, nomeadamente:

• A evolução destas áreas;
• Temas emergentes;
• Temas resultantes de trabalhos de pesquisa académica no âmbito de estudos pós-graduados nestas áreas efetuadas em Portugal e/ou no estrangeiro

Convidamos todas as pessoas que desenvolvem investigação na área de estudos de género, feministas e sobre as mulheres a participar, submetendo artigos científicos.

Os textos podem ser escritos em língua portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola e francesa. Devem ainda obedecer às normas de publicação, disponíveis aqui.

Os textos devem ser enviados para o e-mail:

Forum Sociológico | Call for papers 2022/2023

Forum Sociológico, edited by CICS.NOVA, has an open call for papers. Proposals may be written in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

No. 1 of 2023: 28 february 2022 (New deadline!)
No. 2 of 2023: 30 june 2023

Forum Sociológico is published in open access and is indexed in DOAJSciELO PortugalOpenEditionJournalsLatindexERIH PLUSDRJICAPES (Brazil), SHERPA/RoMEO. Submission and publication are free of charge for the authors, as is the access to published papers.

Proposals to Forum Sociológico should be sent to the journal e-mail (

Further information

Forum Sociológico | Interdisciplinarity in the social sciences - Human ecology and the environmental sciences

[NEW] Deadline for article submission: 30 June 2023.


Prof. Dra. Iva Miranda Pires
NOVA University Lisbon, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Portugal.
CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, Portugal.
CiênciaVitae :

Prof. Dr. Karl Bruckmeier
Gothenburg University - School of Global Studies, Sweden.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia.
CiênciaVitae :


The Gulbenkian Commission had in its 1996 report “Opening the Social Sciences” discussed the present situation in the social sciences, but not given clear answers for their future development, as has been criticised in the sociological discourse (Wearne 1998 in “The American Sociologist”). What opening towards the future meant remained unclear : it was not a clear plea for an opening towards inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge creation and integration, that was already on the way at that time. Moreover, the report did not answer, how the social sciences can, after the two liberations from the church and the state in the course of modernisation, liberate from the third dependence that is dominant today, that from economic power, business and marketing control, as Wearne writes.

The thematic issue planned has the aim to assess and reflect the experience with the interdisciplinary opening of the social sciences since the Gulbenkian report, that happened in paradigmatic forms with the concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity, describing new forms of knowledge production. Both terms include a variety of knowledge practices that show similarities. In this issue we want to collect about 15-20 articles that analyse the interdisciplinary trends in human ecology and the environmental sciences, where sociological and ecological knowledge is required and needs to be integrated. The oldest interdisciplinary subject in this sense, the core theme of the special issue, is human ecology ; newer subjects originating from that in the course of the 20th century include cultural-, social-, and political ecology. Recent developments include sustainability science and transformation research, that show the connections to the interdisciplinary discourses about sustainable development in science and politics.

The new interdisciplinary knowledge practices were since the end of the 20th century intensively discussed in epistemological debates about “new knowledge production” (mode 2, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, post-normal science). Also the European Union has in its funding of research supported the interdisciplinary opening of social scientific research, as the calls and reports from recent years show. The joint feature of the new approaches in interdisciplinary science is their distancing from the conventional forms of academic science and research based on disciplinary and sub-disciplinary specialisation (mode 1). Knowledge integration between disciplines and cooperation between scientists from different disciplines, practitioners and citizen are main features of the new approaches, that spread quickly in some fields, especially in environmental research, where the integration of social-and natural-scientific knowledge became necessary.

The importance of the new inter- and transdisciplinary approaches is justified with two arguments :

  • the limited perspectives of specialized academic research (mode 1), that does not deal adequately with such complex social and environmental problems as climate change, biodiversity loss, land use change, urbanisation, population growth and its management, exponential economic growth, globalisation and its social and environmental consequences, social inequality and the digital divide, or problems of sharing resources more fairly between countries, as discussed in the sustainability discourse;

  • specialized academic knowledge does not address sufficiently problems that come with the transfer and application of scientific knowledge in social practices of resource use and other fields of action.

In the issue should be included examples from the practice of interdisciplinary research (how is it done), and of the application of such research in resource use practices, policy and governance processes.


This special issue will be published on December 2023.


In will be accepted proposals written in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish.

Full manuscripts of no more than 40,000 characters including spaces (abstract, footnotes/endnotes, figures, tables, and references included) should be sent by e-mail, in Word (.docx) format, to journal Forum Sociológico ( with the title of the special issue in the subject field of the e-mail and no later than 30 JUNE 2023.

Authors should follow the Guidelines for Authors (available here) and the Statement of Ethics and Good Practice of Forum Sociológico (available here).

More information here.

Configurações: Revista de Ciências Sociais | N.º 33/2024: Discrimination and diversity on work and organizations (extended deadline)

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 33/2024), on " Discrimination and diversity on work and organizations", to be published in June 2024.

New deadline for paper submissions: 22 June 2023

Coordenação: Carolina Machado, Emília Fernandes, João Leite Ribeiro e Regina Leite (CICS.NOVA.UMinho, Departamento de Gestão da Escola de Economia e Gestão, Universidade do Minho).

Apelo a contributos:
Apesar do conhecimento universal do direito à igualdade e à não-discriminação no emprego e no trabalho, a discriminação racial e étnica, baseada no género, orientação sexual, idade, aparência física, deficiências físicas e mentais, classe social, estatuto socioeconómico e educacional, localização geográfica, religião e identidade nacional, continua a afetar milhões de trabalhadores. Este cenário de desigualdade produz obstáculos no acesso ao mercado de trabalho e às condições de emprego (e.g., oportunidades de progressão de carreira, remuneração, formação). Mais ainda, reflete-se nas fronteiras entre trabalho e não trabalho, nomeadamente no uso do tempo, na qualidade de vida e nas expectativas ligadas aos vários domínios da vida humana e social. A literatura recente continua a evidenciar os contextos de trabalho como espaços de discriminação cumulativa que perpetuam e complexificam o modo como a desigualdade opera com base na diferença e na interseccionalidade das várias categorias sociais acima identificadas. Devido às conturbações económicas e financeiras, à intensificação dos fluxos migratórios, crises na saúde publica, e inovações tecnológicas, de que é exemplo paradigmático a introdução da Inteligência Artificial no contexto laboral, o trabalho tem sofrido transformações profundas que resultam na reconfiguração das profissões e em novas formas de conceção e execução do trabalho e da hierarquia organizacional. O cenário assim traçado tem resultado num aumento da precariedade e vulnerabilidade no emprego, nas profissões e nas organizações para os grupos socialmente minoritários, tornando os espaços de trabalho crescentemente opressivos e violentos. Todavia, os movimentos sociais e ativistas têm paulatinamente conquistado direitos e voz na defesa das minorias nas esferas pública e privada, levando a uma crescente atenção da gestão para uma visão mais complexa e articulada da diversidade e do seu potencial criativo e inovador para as organizações e seus ambientes sociais. Fruto dessa maior visibilidade das minorias e da tomada de consciência das várias partes envolvidas, as organizações começam a reinventar formas de acolher e integrar a heterogeneidade da força do trabalho e de conceber as estruturas e as dinâmicas relacionais organizacionais.
Esta chamada de artigos pretende renuir trabalhos académicos que explorem o modo como a desigualdade e a diversidade se manifestam e são justificadas nas relações de trabalho a partir de diferentes quadros teóricos e metodológicos. Especificamente, visa acolher contributos que se incluam, embora não de modo limitativo, nas seguintes linhas de orientação:
a) Desafios no/ contornos do acesso ao emprego e à progressão de carreira por parte das minorias;
b) Formas de discriminação (formais e informais) no contexto laboral;
c) Desafios da diversidade para a gestão;
d) Constrangimentos e estratégias individuais de gestão do trabalho e não-trabalho;
e) Novas formas de trabalho e suas consequências para a discriminação e gestão da diversidade nas organizações.
f) Sistemas e processos de inclusão/exclusão e culturas organizacionais.
g) Abordagens legais e políticas para lidar com a discriminação no local de trabalho.

As propostas devem ser endereçadas à Direção da Revista, através do e-mail, até ao dia 22 de maio de 2023. Recomenda-se aos/ às autores/as a leitura das normas de publicação, disponíveis em

VIII CIDH | Simpósio - Direitos Humanos e Execução Penal: políticas penais, violações de direitos, radicalizações e crime organizado nas prisões

Prazo para submissão de propostas: 14 de maio de 2023 (horários oficiais de Brasília – UTC-3)

Convidamos a comunidade académica e os profissionais do sistema de justiça criminal para submissão de Resumos Expandidos no VIII Congresso Internacional de Direitos Humanos: uma visão transdisciplinar, organizado pelo Ius Gentium Conimbrigae, o Centro de Direitos Humanos sediado na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal.

Venha dialogar conosco no Simpósio - Direitos Humanos e Execução Penal: políticas penais, violações de direitos, radicalizações e crime organizado nas prisões.

Coordenadoras: Eli Narciso da Silva Torres e Maria João Leote de Carvalho (Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - CICS.NOVA - NOVA FCSH)

Mais informação aqui

O antes e o depois da pandemia no Portugal Urbano: desafios e propostas para um futuro mais igualitário, inclusivo e sustentável

Está aberta uma chamada para capítulos do livro O antes e o depois da pandemia no Portugal Urbano: desafios e propostas para um futuro mais igualitário, inclusivo e sustentável, coordenado pelos investigadores do CICS.NOVA Gonçalo Antunes, Patrícia Pereira, André Carmo, Teresa Santos e Jordi Nofre.

Prazo para submissão de resumos: 31 de março de 2023


Gonçalo Antunes, Professor Auxiliar na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Investigador Integrado no Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Patrícia Pereira, Investigadora Integrada no Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
André Carmo, Professor Auxiliar na Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Évora & Investigador Integrado no Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Teresa Santos, Investigadora Integrada no Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Jordi Nofre, Investigador Integrado no Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Quase três anos depois do início da pandemia e da imposição de políticas com fortes impactos negativos nas indústrias do turismo, lazer e restauração, as cidades portuguesas enfrentam um futuro complexo. A crescente inflação e o agravamento da crise energética europeia a partir do outono de 2022-2023 configuram um cenário difícil e incerto. Atualmente, o risco de pobreza atinge quase 20% da população portuguesa – cerca de 2 milhões de pessoas, sobretudo mulheres, idosos e famílias monoparentais – e os preços da habitação aumentaram de forma muito significativa na segunda metade da década de 2010.
Por outro lado, a atual transição ecológica urbana promovida pelo programa Next Generation Europe coloca novos desafios no que respeita à reestruturação morfológica e espacial das cidades e, mais particularmente, às novas formas de planeamento e governança urbanos que devem integrar a digitalização progressiva do âmbito económico, social e cultural da vida quotidiana das cidades, a descarbonização e uma maior participação cidadã no desenho de cidades mais ecológicas. De facto, cada vez mais evidências indicam que, no atual caminho para a construção de um Portugal mais competitivo, resiliente, inclusivo e sustentável, a transição para o “capitalismo verde” está a produzir ‘novas’ desigualdades urbanas e a aprofundar velhas desigualdades que têm vindo a caracterizar o Portugal urbano na contemporaneidade.

O livro “O antes e o depois da pandemia no Portugal Urbano: desafios e propostas para um futuro mais igualitário, inclusivo e sustentável” visa realizar um exercício de análise empírica comparativa entre o Portugal urbano antes e depois da pandemia de COVID-19. O livro, que tem por objetivo oferecer um espaço de debate científico interdisciplinar e de acesso aberto, será estruturado em quatro grandes partes: habitat, governança, sustentabilidade e coesão. Além de apresentar uma análise comparativa entre os dois períodos/momentos referidos, cada capítulo apresentará propostas ao nível local e/ou nacional para contribuir para que o mote dos fundos Next Generation "não deixaremos ninguém para trás" deixe de ser uma frase de marketing político e se transforme numa lista de medidas, acções, ferramentas e estratégias socioterritoriais consequentes e eficazes.

Os coordenadores do livro convidam a comunidade académica a enviar resumos até 750 palavras, contendo informações essenciais sobre o quadro teórico-conceptual do manuscrito, os seus objectivos, a metodologia utilizada, os principais resultados obtidos, bem como um breve resumo das conclusões. As/os autoras/es seleccionadas/os serão convidadas/os a submeter os seus manuscritos completos no prazo de cinco meses após a comunicação de aceitação do seu resumo. A língua das propostas dos capítulos deve ser o português .
Os resumos devem ser enviados, em formato .pdf ou .docx, para Teresa Santos (, e Jordi Nofre ( em cc.

Envio de resumos: Até 31 de Março de 2023
Comunicação de aceitação de resumos: 14 de Abril de 2023.
Envio da primeira versão completa dos capítulos: 31 de Agosto de 2023
Período de revisão dos manuscritos: 1 de Setembro de 2023 – 27 de Outubro de 2023
Envio dos comentários realizados pelos revisores: 30 de Outubro de 2023.
Envio da versão final dos capítulos: 30 de Novembro de 2023
Comunicação de aceitação final dos capítulos para a sua publicação: 31 de Janeiro de 2024
Publicação do Livro: Outubro-Dezembro 2024

Forum Sociológico | Nocturnal studies: past, present, and future

Deadline for article submission: 31 March 2023


Jordi Nofre
FCT Associate Research Professor in Urban Geography
LXNIGHTS Research Group | Coordinator
Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Socias
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Manuel Garcia-Ruiz
Researcher in Sociology
International Night Studies Network | Coordinator
Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)

Alejandro Mercado-Celis
Investigador Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte – UNAM
Coordinador del Área de Estudios de la Globalidad
Embajador de la Regional Studies Association en México


At the time of writing this special issue proposal (November 2022), the night in many cities in the Global South and Global North is glowing again after more than two and a half years of night-time curfews and forced closures of nightlife-related businesses. Today, every weekend, tens of thousands of people go out to dine, meet friends or even dance ; thousands more work at night in back-office and logistics centres, supply centres, essential services and health institutions ; many (consumers of cultural and leisure activities, and workers) use night-time public transport, digital ride-hailing platforms, or even take their own vehicle to cross the city. Meanwhile, a number (difficult to quantify, but significant) of informal workers (e.g., domestic workers, street food vendors, street dealers, and male, female and transgender sex workers) carry out their activities at night, some of them taking advantage of the liminal anonymity of darkness.

Undoubtedly, the increase in urban economic, cultural and nightlife activity presents a truly surprising range of tangible and intangible dimensions that has to date been little addressed by the scholar community. On the one hand, the concept of ’urban night’ also implies the existence of a ’non-urban night’ that includes not only rural nights, but also metropolitan (suburban or peri-urban) nights. All of these kind of ’nights’ are largely unknown knowledge areas that deserve more academic attention. After all, the economic importance of urban centres is inversely proportional to the volume of population of suburban and metropolitan territories. Interestingly, these territories shelter fascinating night scenes that are in most cases unknown to the central city. Their dimension for the development - for example - of the cultural avant-garde, alternative, alter/anti-capitalist and in some cases even depatriarchalising, has so far not received sufficient academic (journalistic or political) attention. On the other hand, ’the night’ can be seen as a space-time of cultural production and consumption in its different formal and informal, institutional and non-institutional versions. In the formation of this very particular space-time, the symbolic, emotional and affective permeates all spatial, social, cultural and economic phenomena at night.

To speak of ’the night’ is also to speak in environmental terms and of the different discursive conflicts that arise in the conception and exercise of the governance of ’the night’. One example of this is the promotion of commercial nightlife as a central element of the tourism industry in the face of the systematic breach of the constitutional right to physical integrity (i.e. rest and sleep) and its impact on the individual physical and mental health of populations living in neighbourhoods characterised by the strong presence of nightlife establishments. Another example, among several that currently exist, is the lighting of public spaces as a safety mechanism in the face of the so-called “right to a dark sky” or the impact of noise pollution on vertebrates, invertebrates and plant species, both in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Talking about the night also means looking at both the past and the future simultaneously. On the one hand, recovering the retrospective image of the Roaring Twenties of the last century to predict what the return to normality would be like, or even claiming the material and immaterial cultural heritage character of nightlife establishments with decades of life in the face of their definitive closure due to hotel speculation or institutional-police pressure, brings us back to the fundamental importance of reconstructing nightlife (not only urban) of the past. It is precisely this historiographical exercise of our social and cultural life in the past through the analytical lens of the ’night’ that allows us to claim the importance of the ’Whos’ and ’Hows’ when writing our historical memory (which is a memory also written at night). Full knowledge of our past and our present, without nuances or rose-tinted colours to sweeten it, allows us to reflect, debate and (self-)determine what future we want and what means should be mobilised to achieve it.

This special issue, edited by Jordi Nofre (CICS.NOVA, Portugal), Manuel García-Ruiz (CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal), and Alejando Mercado Celis (CISAN-UNAM, Mexico) aims to build a space for interdisciplinary and open access scientific debate on one of the least explored research topics to date in the Social Sciences and Humanities : the night. This special issue, “Nocturnal Cities : Past, present, and future” aims to bring together scientific articles written from the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Economics or Law that contain a clear interdisciplinary integration with one or more disciplines of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

The number of articles foreseen for the dossier ranges between 6 and 10 and will be published in the journal Forum Sociológico (a Portuguese prestigious, indexed OAJ) in December 2023.


Full manuscripts of no more than 40,000 characters including spaces (abstract, footnotes/endnotes, figures, tables, and references included) should be sent by e-mail, in Word (.docx) format, to Forum Sociológico ( with the title of the special issue in the subject field of the e-mail and no later than 31 March 2023. The following timetable will be strictly respected, and authors who do not respect the proposed timetable will be excluded from the final participation in this special issue.

  Date Active Finished
Proposal submission November 2022   x
CFP – Starting Date January 2023 x  
CFP – Deadline for Full Manuscripts 31 March 2023    
Blind peer review – Deadline (including all review rounds) 31 August 2023    
Acceptance/Rejection of Full Manuscripts 1 September 2023    
SPI Launch 15 December 2023    


Manuscripts should follow the format specified for original submissions below.

Manuscripts proposed for publication must be anonymous and accompanied by a separate file with all the information about the authors (name, e-mail and institutional affiliation indicated at three levels : University, Faculty or School, Department or Research Centre).

Articles should have a maximum of 40,000 characters (including spaces, abstracts, notes, references, tables, and figures, making about 18 pages), and will only be considered for blind peer review if authors do not exceed the stipulated character limit. Authors are recommended to follow the following structure for scientific articles : introduction ; theoretical framework ; methods ; results ; discussion and conclusions ; acknowledgements ; notes ; references.

Texts should begin with a title and abstract in the language of the text and in Portuguese and English, if not written in these languages, with a maximum of 1,000 characters (10 lines), followed by 3 or 4 keywords in these languages and an indication of the number of characters (with spaces). Abstracts should include the following information : introduction to the study ; reference to the theoretical and methodological approaches ; main results ; conclusion and relevance of the work.

Texts should be submitted on A4 pages, double-spaced (also valid for the bibliography), in Times New Roman font, size 12, with top, bottom left and right margins of 2 cm. Tables, graphs and figures must be numbered continuously, in Arabic numerals, for each of the respective elements (Table 1 ; Graph 1 ; Figure 1) and must be sent in JPG format (minimum resolution 300 dpi). Citations and bibliographical references should follow the APA 7th edition citation standard.

The use of third-party material must be accompanied by a statement of permission for use with legal consent and must be obtained by the authors of the publication.


By publishing the article in Forum Sociológico the authors agree to assign, free of charge and exclusively, the right of first publication to CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, which reserves the right to reproduce and publish the article in printed and/or digital format and to distribute and promote it by all normal means at its disposal.

The authors grant CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, free of charge, the right to make the respective article available in open access on the websites of the publication and of CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, in the Repository of the NOVA University of Lisbon - RUN and in databases and platforms for the aggregation of scientific content.

The publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 - CC BY 4.0, which allows the work to be shared online with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication. The OpenEditionJournals platform assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each article.

Journal Forum Sociológico follows the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications and the Core Practices of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

The Editorial Board and its scientific reviewers promote equality in scientific publication for all articles and authors that collaborate with the Journal.

The practice of plagiarism, manipulation of citations and manufacturing of data is disapproved by the Journal. All papers submitted for publication will be submitted to a recognized plagiarism detection program. When identifying any type of misconduct, before or after the publication of originals, the Editorial Board will contact those affected to request their response and will follow the COPE guidelines (available here). The confirmation of plagiarism will imply the non-publication of the submitted article as well as other publications for a period of time to be defined by the Editorial Board.

The authors indicated in the original works must meet all of the criteria referred to below : 1) have contributed substantively to the design of the work or to the collection, analysis or interpretation of the data ; AND 2) have contributed substantively to writing or critical review ; AND 3) approve the final version submitted, taking responsibility for all the work done, including its ethical implications. Collaborators who do not fit the authorship criteria should be mentioned in the “Acknowledgements” section. Forum Sociológico disapproves the attribution of honorary authorship, offered, invited or phantom in the manuscripts proposed for publication. In this context, we follow COPE’s guidelines regarding authorship definitions (available here).

The Journal promotes transparency and integrity in scientific publication to combat any conflicts of interest that may arise during the research process, the writing, or the publication of scientific work. In cases where a conflict of interest is identified on the part of the Journal, authors, reviewers, members of the Boards or the editorial team, the Journal will also follow COPE guidelines (available here).

Any allegations of scientific misconduct or the need for corrections, revisions, or retractions in originals, should be addressed in writing to the e-mail address of the Journal ( Furthermore, all complaints about the Journal, the editorial team, or the Editorial Board should also be addressed in writing to the Journal’s email.

If an article has already been published online, the detection of a violation of ethical principles, the integrity of the scientific research and/or the guiding principles of the journal, may lead to the publication of a complement to the article with an explanatory errata or, in serious cases, the retraction of the article, and an explanatory note.

More information, here.

IV COMbART | Art, activism and citizenship - Precarities, resistances and existences

Está aberta a chamada para trabalhos da Conferência Internacional IV COMbART: Arte, ativismo e cidadania - Precariedades, resistências e existências, a realizar nos dias 3 a 5 de julho de 2023, no Colégio Almada Negreiros da NOVA FCSH, em Lisboa.

Submissão de propostas de resumos: 15 de março de 2023.

Mais informações

Seminário Internacional Projeto MAIs

Deadline for abstract submission: 28 February 2023

É reconhecido o papel fundamental que as mulheres detêm na construção de sociedades democráticas e sustentáveis, a diferentes e múltiplos níveis e dimensões. Todavia, são cada vez mais claras as desigualdades e discriminações a que as mulheres são sujeitas, sendo estas discriminações multifacetadas e complexas. Assim, refletir estas questões evoca a necessidade de cruzar diferentes olhares sobre esta problemática, promovendo diálogos entre diferentes disciplinas e modos de construção de conhecimento.

Este foi precisamente, um dos vários desafios do projeto MAIs - Mulheres Agricultoras em Territórios do Interior, que se encontra na reta de conclusão dos trabalhos. Para simbolizar este momento conclusivo, o projeto MAIs está a organizar o seu seminário internacional final, a ter lugar dia 21 de abril (mais informações em breve!).

Em virtude , deste Seminário Internacional, a comissão organizadora do mesmo convida à apresentação de trabalhos e resultados de outros projetos, que possam contribuir para uma reflexão mais ampla e aumentar o impacto e a visibilidade do trabalho que se desenvolve um pouco por toda a parte.

Neste sentido, convidamos a que enviem o resumo dos trabalhos que queiram propor até 28 de fevereiro de 2023 para o endereço de e-mail 

Por se tratar de um encontro presencial, o número de vagas é limitado. Inscrição gratuita, mas obrigatória: AQUI

A participação no tacho agroecológico terá o custo de 20 euros (a pagar presencialmente).

Para saber mais sobre o programa do seminário:


Número temático - Assimetrias territoriais: questões socioambientais e fatores de desigualdade

No seguimento da realização do Colóquio Internacional sobre Assimetrias Territoriais, a organização apela à apresentação de textos para publicação de número temático da Sociologia Online e da Desenvolvimento e Sociedade – Revista Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais.

Prazo para submissão de artigos:31 de janeiro de 2023

O Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA), polo da Universidade de Évora, e a Association Internationale de Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF) organizaram, em junho de 2022, um colóquio internacional dedicado ao tema Assimetrias territoriais: questões socioambientais e fatores de desigualdade, que decorreu na Universidade de Évora. Prosseguindo os objetivos de divulgar e aproximar reflexões sociológicas dos mundos lusófono e francófono em torno da temática selecionada, apresentamos agora um apelo conjunto ao envio de textos para publicação, em duas revistas: Desenvolvimento e Sociedade. Revista Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais, do CICS.NOVA e SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia.

Mais informações aqui


VII Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão | INCLUDiT

A VII Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão | INCLUDiT e I Conferência de Tecnologias de Apoio e Acessibilidade | CTecA, irão decorrer presencialmente, com alguns painéis temáticos online, no dia 18 de março de 2023

Prazo alargado para submissão de resumos: 29 de janeiro de 2023

O evento tem por objetivo promover o diálogo, a partilha e a divulgação científica de pesquisas e boas práticas no âmbito da inclusão e da acessibilidade a partir de uma perspetiva multidisciplinar.

A INCLUDiT conta com o apoio do CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria na sua realização e com a participação de investigadores CICS.NOVA na sua organização.

Para maiores informações sobre o evento visite o site da conferência, aqui.

Configurações | Special issue - Human trafficking, anti-trafficking and critical perspectives

Journal Configurações, edited by CICS.NOVA.UMinho, has an open call for papers within the scope of the thematic dossier Trafficking in persons, anti-trafficking and critical perspectives.

Submission deadline: January 30, 2023.

Guest Editors: Mara Clemente (CIES-Iscte) and Cecilia Varela (CONICET-UBA).

Context: In recent decades, few problems have drawn public attention like “human trafficking”. Since 2022, the conflict in Ukraine has only renewed the presence and extraordinary capacity for indignation and mobilization of images such as those of women and children, described as defenceless objects of brutality and violence by international criminal networks. At the political level, attention to trafficking is no less intense and anti-trafficking agreements and instruments have historically enjoyed great support at the international level. In short, trafficking is a concern and is firmly present in national and international political and social agendas. However, empirical study and research on trafficking has problematized both the dominant idea of ??trafficking and the anti-trafficking interventions it gave rise to. Although described in public discourse as a violation of human rights, trafficking is conceived by different states primarily as a crime that threatens state security and national interests. As a result, the fight against trafficking has led to responses that are based mainly on increasing controls and chasing criminals, without substantial concern for other social and political dimensions, i.e., the role of current migration policies. and work and its impact on the lives of migrants with less social and economic capital. In turn, simplified and stereotyped representations of “trafficking victims” have rarely contributed to “protection” practices that respect their expectations and life needs.

This thematic dossier aims to bring together articles that mobilize critical perspectives in the study of trafficking and anti-trafficking. In particular, research contributions are requested inside and outside Europe, from different disciplinary approaches, related to the following questions:

(i) Representations of trafficking and its protagonists (from the “victims” and their “traffickers”) by anti-trafficking agents and their impact on policies and practices of “prevention”, “protection” and “punishment”;
(ii) Governmental and non-governmental organizations, their national and transnational networks, and the roles played (and not played) in the field of combating trafficking;
(iii) Academics, organizations of sex workers, migrant organizations, trade unions and other agents and their potentialities and limitations in the production of knowledge about human trafficking and the development of intervention policies and practices;
(iv) Criminal policies for the pursuit and fight against trafficking, its agents, deployment and effects.

The proposals must be addressed to the Journal's Management, via the e-mail configuraçõ People interested in submitting proposals are recommended to read the publication rules, available here.

Deadline for article submission: 31 december 2022

A discussão acerca da regionalização está de volta. Uma das questões mais polémicas e controversas da sociedade portuguesa, pelas implicações que pode ter ao nível da reorganização político-administrativa do território, a regionalização surge novamente como possibilidade. Depois da publicação, em 2019, de um relatório produzido pela Comissão Independente para a Descentralização, que lançava algumas pistas para a sua concretização num horizonte de curto prazo, o governo comprometeu-se a criar condições para a realização de um novo referendo já em 2024. Importa, pois, refletir sobre aquilo que pode estar em causa, tendo em conta a passagem do tempo e as transformações sociais, económicas, políticas e culturais ocorridas na sociedade portuguesa desde a realização do anterior referendo em 1998. Este volume coletivo, provisoriamente intitulado “(Re)visitar a Regionalização, 25 anos depois”, pretende apresentar, do ponto de vista académico, diversas perspetivas acerca desta temática, promovendo a construção de novo conhecimento no domínio da organização político-administrativa do território português. Os destinatários desta publicação são os académicos - docentes, estudantes -, decisores públicos e outros interessados nesta problemática.

Normas para submissão:
Os autores deverão enviar os originais para um dos editores desta publicação, disponíveis neste documento, fazendo referência ao título da publicação.
Os originais não poderão exceder as 8000 (oito mil) palavras, incluindo título, resumo, notas, figuras, referências bibliográficas e anexos.
Os textos a submeter não deverão ser assinados, salvo em casos devidamente justificados, por mais de quatro autores.
Além do título do artigo, o texto deverá ser acompanhado por 2 resumos do artigo (um em português e outro em inglês) com um máximo de 800 caracteres cada. Os resumos serão seguidos, em português e em inglês, de palavras-chave, até ao limite de 5. Na publicação os gráficos, mapas, diagramas, etc. deverão ser designados por “figuras” e as tabelas por “quadros”.
As referências bibliográficas deverão seguir a norma APA (7a edição).

Os textos deverão seguir as normas de submissão definidas no sítio da Imprensa da Universidade de Évora: Além disso, os autores deverão atender às normas gráficas definidas no documento neste documento.

André Carmo (U.E |GEO & CICS.Nova | Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política)
Conceição Rego (U.E. | ECN & CEFAGE | Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política)
Manuel Branco (U.E. | ECN & CICP | Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política)
Saudade Baltazar (U.E. | SOC & CICS.Nova | Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política)

Revista Configurações n.º 31/2023 | Vírus, algoritmos e o Estado

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 31/2023), on "Viruses, Algorithms and the State", to be published in June 2023.

Deadline for paper submissions: 15 October 2023


Fernando Bessa Ribeiro (Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho e CICS.NOVA.UMinho) e Alípio de Sousa Filho (Instituto Humanitas de Estudos Integrados da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)


Apelo a contributos

No último dia de 2019, o escritório chinês da Organização Mundial de Saúde tomou conhecimento da existência de uma pneumonia de etiologia desconhecida que afetava residentes em Wuhan. Rapidamente se percebeu que estávamos perante um vírus que, alastrando à velocidade dos aviões que cruzam os céus do planeta, se transformou numa nova pandemia. Por causa de um agente patogénico, fomos confrontados com uma ameaça que se generalizou e vai ceifando vidas, agora de modo menos intenso. Aparentemente nada de novo… A história está tingida de pandemias, algumas das quais mataram em número bem maior à atual. Se a epidemia confronta as nossas sociedades hipertecnológicas com o facto, sistematicamente obnubilado, de não estarmos fora da natureza, pelo que as nossas vidas são condicionadas e até eliminadas por ela – logo, não podendo ser pensadas, ignorando-a –, as respostas dos governos suscitam interpelações que renovam a urgência do debate sobre o Estado. A bem dizer, a pandemia alertou-nos para a força dos dispositivos estatais, não só mostrando que nada há de fatalismo nas escolhas políticas que se faz, nomeadamente, no campo económico, como também que o Estado está equipado de recursos e instrumentos de controlo que convocam Giorgio Agamben e o seu conhecido conceito de estado de exceção, aliás, discutido por Walter Benjamin no seu Zur Kritik der Gewalt de 1921. Como hipótese provável, já não se trata de ver o estado de exceção no horizonte das nossas vidas, ele é já a forma do Estado. Ainda que não existindo uma coincidência perfeita de argumentos, Shoshana Zuboff considera que o atual Estado capitalista é dominado pelo excecionalismo de vigilância, quer dizer, aquilo que era exceção, só se aplicando a situações e indivíduos particulares, como a guerra e os terroristas, passou a aplicar-se de forma generalizada e permanente. Os sistemas de vigilância, incluindo os que vigiam as nossas comunicações, como nos mostraram Edward Snowden e Julian Assange – este, objeto de uma ação de lawfare – são parte fundamental do estado de exceção, suscitando interpelações sobre o modo como se exerce o controlo legal, ideológico e sanitário das populações. Como esta configuração do Estado capitalista tem de ser compreendida considerando também as duas mudanças decisivas em curso – a da quarta revolução tecnocientífica e industrial (indústria 4.0) e a da riqueza, conhecimento e poder para o Oriente –, serão bem acolhidas propostas de artigos que, alicerçados em diferentes enfoques disciplinares, teóricos e metodológicos, contribuam para o debate crítico sobre o Estado e seus dispositivos de controlo e vigilância, facultando ao/à leitor/a o aprofundamento do seu conhecimento, em particular, acerca dos seguintes tópicos:

  1. Teoria e perspetivas sobre as configurações do Estado;
  2. Ciência, técnica e tecnologias de controlo social e político;
  3. Algoritmos e dispositivos de vigilância e controlo social na pandemia;
  4. Redes sociais, fake news e vigilância através da Internet.

As propostas devem ser endereçadas à Direção da Revista, através do e-mail, até ao dia 15 de outubro de 2022. Recomenda-se aos/ às autores/as a leitura das normas de publicação, disponíveis em e aqui.

6th International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR 2023)

6th International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR 2023) will take place in Norther Ireland (United Kingdom), on the 20th and 21st of april 2023.

Deadline for proposal submissions: 28 september 2022

Destacamos o Mini Track “Gender in Times of Crisis”, organizado pelas investigadoras do CICS.NOVA Emília Fernandes e Regina Leite.

Mais informações sobre este Mini Track em específico disponíveis aqui.

Mais informações sobre a conferência aqui.

Desenvolvimento e Sociedade | Territórios de Baixa Densidade

The journal Desenvolvimento e Sociedade: Revista Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais, edited by CICS.NOVA.UÉvora, is looking for articles to be published in the thematic issue which is expected to be published in December 2022, under the theme: Low Density Territories.

Deadline for submission of articles: 15 September 2022 (2nd call)

The journal aims to value and disseminate scientific papers from different areas of the social sciences, broadening the debate on diverse themes, including: cross-border cooperation, development in low-density territories (to which this issue is dedicated), problems of social networks and public policies, dilemmas and controversies about social and technological change, social and organizational dynamics in the field of health. Papers may be published in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. The journal is Indexed in the Latindex Directory and Catalogue with Folio n. 26777, and will be preferably published online, in open access.

Proposals can be submitted online or sent directly to the Editorial Board and Coordination of the journal, through the e-mail:

Further information.


Image: Desenvolvimento e Sociedade

Living |in| Mobilities 2022

The 3rd edition of the Living (in) Mobilities 2022 will take place from October 27 to 28, 2022, at Universidade da Beira Interior.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 1 September 2022

Further information

IX Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas

Asociación Científica Icono 14 announces the IX Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas to be held on December 1 and 2, 2022 in online format.

Deadline for submission of articles: 10 August 2022

Further information

XXXIV Conferência SIPS e X Conferência MIIS

O XXXIV Congresso Internacional da SIPS (Sociedade IberoAmericana de Pedagogia Social) e a 10.ª Conferência de Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social terão lugar nos dias 20 e 21 de outubro de 2022, na ESECS.IPleiria, em formato presencial e a distância. Este evento é organizado conjuntamente com o CICS.NOVA.IPleiria, SIPS e ESECS.IPLeiria.

Prazo para submissão de resumos: 31 de Julho de 2022 (prazo alargado)

Os resumos das comunicações devem centrar-se num dos eixos temáticos do congresso:

1 | Teoria e Prática em:
- Comunidades ("reais" ou "imaginadas")
- Contextos Familiares
- Territórios Educativos em espaços públicos e privados: escolas, associações, municípios, instituições

2 | Concepções epistemológicas sobre Pedagogia Social e Mediação Intercultural

Mais informação no site do evento.

Revista Comunicação Pública | Number 33

The call for papers for the next issue of the journal Comunicação Pública, dedicated to the theme Media Literacy: Strategies to Intensify Citizenship and Democracy, to be published in December 2022.

Deadline for submitting articles: 7 July 2022

Editors: Ricardo Morais (IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia, Universidade da Beira Interior/LabCom) and Patrícia Silveira (IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia, CECS – Universidade do Minho)

Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish


In recent years, we have seen a violent attack on the values of democracy. The growth of populism and authoritarian governments has contributed to a democratic backlash. In this context of threat to liberal democracy, citizenship and civic participation are also at risk. It is therefore urgent to reflect upon the growth of these trends, but above all it is necessary to understand that in a scenario dominated by media and digital communication, as well as by disinformation, it is essential to
develop literacy for citizenship, participation and democracy.

Description and Framework

In recent years there have been several phenomena put democratic values to the test, to the point that we now can speak of a regression of liberal democracies around the world (V-Dem 2020; Democracy Index, 2019). The political transformations that have taken place in countries such as Hungary, Turkey or Brazil, with the election of populist leaders and the constitution of anti-democratic governments, are just some of the visible faces of a larger problem, which reaches its maximum expression with the increase in the number of autocracies, which is now higher than that of democracies, something that has not occurred since 2001 (V-Dem, 2020, p. 6).

Researchers have explained most of these transformations based on the idea that citizens no longer trust “the political system and democratic institutions” (Belchior, 2015). This mistrust would be at the origin of citizens' discontent and at the base of their adherence to populist politicians, who defend nationalist or protectionist measures, as well as restrictions to individual freedoms and rights.
The media have been used, in this process, as the main channel to transmit populist ideas. When the media are not available, digital platforms are the privileged vehicles to attack traditional media, convey disinformation and encourage the polarization of discourses. In this context, the question that arises is whether citizens are prepared to understand and critically assess the diversity of messages to which they are exposed in contemporary society.
The fast pace at which information circulates, especially in the digital world, combined with the transformations that have taken place in the production of content (Bruns, 2007; Anderson, Bell & Shirky, 2014), have reinforced the importance of promoting media and digital literacy as a democratic development strategy. Critical understanding and active participation are thus the basis of all democracies, as the absence of these competences prevents certain sectors of society from making informed choices, exposing them to false content and affecting the nature and quality of public debate.
In this context we understand that it is necessary to consolidate scientific knowledge and the perception that citizens have about the democratic process, civic participation and citizenship. It is not simply a matter of analyzing what the public knows about politicians or political institutions. Thinking about literacy for citizenship and democracy is to enter the broader field of identifying a set of competencies without which citizens would not be able to act critically, in a democratic context. In this sense, this call for papers aims to collect theoretical and empirical contributions that can help to reflect on the importance of this kind of literacy for citizenship and democracy, and more specifically what skills should be developed and what tools can be used to help combat democratic backlash. Among others, it seeks to obtain answers to the following questions: How to prepare citizens to participate critically in the democratic process? What kind of knowledge, attitudes and skills are essential for the exercise of citizenship in the digital age? To whom should media literacy actions be addressed? What strategies can help foster young people's interest in democracy?

Objectives and approaches
Considering that literacy for citizenship and democracy is the central axis of this call for papers, we seek contributions that take into account the following topics, (although not limited to them):

  • Media literacy, citizenship and democracy
  • Misinformation and information literacy
  • Populisms, polarization and digital literacy
  • Digital divide, teaching and media literacy
  • Political literacy and civic participation
  • Public policies and media literacy
  • Technology, literacy and digital citizenship

1st Call for Papers: 1 March 2022
Deadline for Submissions: 7 July 2022
Deadline for Notification of Acceptance: 15 October 2022
Deadline for submitting the final version of accepted paper: 1 November 2022
Publication date: 15 December 2022

Submission guidelines:
Articles must be submitted online via Authors are required to register in the system before submitting an article; if you have already registered, simply log into the system and start the 5-step submission process. Articles must be submitted using the pre-formatted template of Comunicação Pública. For more information on submission, please read Information for Authors and Guidelines for Authors.

VI Congresso Português de Demografia

The VI Portuguese Congress on Demography, under the theme Demographic (In)sustainability, will be held in partnership with the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP/ULisboa) and Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas (CAPP), in Lisbon, on the 13th and 14th of October 2022, at ISCSP/ULisboa.

Extended Deadline for submission of proposals: 3 July 2022

Further information here

Thinking Citizen Science – Challenges and opportunities for the Social Sciences

The conference Thinking Citizen Science – Challenges and opportunities for the Social Sciences will take place on 29 september 2022, at the Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto | FLUP.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 June 2022 (5pm, Lisbon time)

Further information here

Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal | Dossier Temático "Brasil: 200 anos de independência (1822-2022)”

Está aberta a chamada para artigos para o Dossier Temático "Brasil: 200 anos de independência (1822-2022)”, no qual se pretende publicar textos sobre os antecedentes e consequências da independência do Brasil nas suas diversas dimensões (política, social, económica ou cultural) identificando permanências e ruturas. Os artigos, sujeitos a arbitragem científica, serão publicados no número 19 (janeiro de 2023).

Deadline for submission of articles: 30 June 2022

A revista Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal divulga trabalhos inéditos no âmbito das Ciências Sociais e Humanas (História, História de Arte, Sociologia, Antropologia, Geografia, Arquitetura, Urbanismo, entre outras) e aceita, em permanência, a submissão de artigos e de recensões críticas.

A submissão é feita para o endereço

Instruções para os autores  |  Outras informações

Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies Nº 31/2022

The call for articles is open for issue no. 31 of the Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, which will be dedicated to the memory of its founder, our dearly missed Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa

Deadline for submission of articles: 30 June 2022

Articles, written either in Portuguese or English in accordance with the MLA Style Manual and accompanied by the respective abstract (about one hundred words in English including the title), six keywords maximum and bio note (about fifty words in English) should be submitted, in word format, before 30th June, to the following e-mail address: The Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies is published annually, it is subject to double-blind peer reviewing and indexed by SCOPUS. The journal is devoted to the publication of original work which contributes towards a better understanding of Anglo (British and North-American)-Portuguese relations over different periods, and covers a wide range of academic disciplines, including History, Sociology, Philosophy, Science, Economics, Politics, Literature, Journalism, Translation, or the Visual Arts. Irrespective of its publication in printed form, the Journal is released in digital form at

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 30/2023), on "Conflict, Negotiation and Mediation", to be published in December 2022.

Extended deadline for paper submission: 30 June 2022


Pedro Cunha (Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Fernando Pessoa) e Ana Paula Monteiro (Departamento de Educação e Psicologia da Escola de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro).

Apelo a contributos

O conflito é um fenómeno transversal a todas as dimensões da vida humana. Preocupações com a guerra e a paz estão, assim, na obra de psicólogos/as e sociólogos/as desde o início das suas ciências. Entendido paradoxalmente quer como acionador de desenvolvimento pessoal e societal (e.g., promove mudanças sociais, estimula novos pensamentos, ajuda a formar o sentido de identidade pessoal e social), quer como propulsor do rompimento das relações interpessoais a todos os níveis (e.g., horrores da guerra, violência entre países, inimizades em famílias), o conceito de conflito tem vindo a ser cada vez mais abrangente e considerado estruturante no sentido de incluir toda a diversidade de processos que integra o ser humano (sentir, pensar e agir). As noções teóricas sobre o conflito e as perspetivas de análise do mesmo evoluíram progressivamente de um conceito circunscrito a meras ações adversas com base na inevitável perceção de escassez de recursos para abordagens mais integradoras, da Psicologia, da Sociologia e de outras Ciências Sociais, que incluem, além da análise de estados psicológicos antagónicos dos/as protagonistas, os processos comportamentais, cognitivos e emocionais que ocorrem, simultaneamente, em situações conflituais. O facto de existir algum consenso sobre os conflitos funcionarem com base na escalada irracional tem alavancado, científica e tecnicamente, grandes avanços no sentido de o foco não estar apenas na sua resolução, mas também na sua gestão construtiva aos mais diferentes níveis da realidade (e. g., escola, família, organizações, política, justiça e saúde, entre outras). Nesse sentido, entendemos que será útil debater, neste vasto campo, questões relacionadas com as diferentes metodologias de gestão construtiva de conflitos, a importância da negociação como pilar essencial das democracias, a utilidade da mediação em diferentes âmbitos de aplicação, a relevância da arbitragem e da conciliação como meios alternativos de justiça e a construção de uma cultura de paz.

Para este número/ dossiê temático, são bem-vindos manuscritos que versem, entre outros, sobre:

  • Conflitos em diferentes contextos (escolar, familiar, justiça, comunitário, organizacional, saúde, entre outros) e seus impactos;
  • Processos de negociação, mediação, arbitragem e conciliação em diferentes âmbitos (familiar, ambiental, escolar, comunitária, justiça, entre outros);
  • Desafios da construção de uma cultura de paz e justiça social.

Dando-se especial destaque a artigos assentes em investigação empírica, serão consideradas, igualmente, revisões da literatura relativa a assuntos de manifesto interesse para o desenvolvimento desta área temática, artigos com descrição e análise de projetos no âmbito da gestão construtiva de conflitos, reflexões com base em relatos de experiências profissionais em contexto de negociação e/ou mediação e recensões críticas de obras relevantes para a análise psicossocial das áreas do conflito, negociação e mediação.

As propostas devem ser endereçadas à Direção da Revista, através do e-mail, até ao dia 15 de junho de 2022. Recomenda-se aos/ às autores/as a leitura das normas de publicação, disponíveis em


Seminário (in)Justiça Espacial

O Seminário (in)Justiça Espacial irá realizar-se de a 21, 24 e 25 de outubro de 2022 no Fórum Cultural de Alcochete, organizado pelo Spatial Justice Lab, linha temática de investigação do CiTUA – Centro para a inovação em Território, Urbanismo e Arquitetura, do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa.

Prazo para a submissão de propostas: 20 de Junho de 2022 (prazo alargado)

O Seminário “(in)Justiça Espacial” reúne seis painéis dedicados ao tema:

  1. Governança;
  2. Urbanismo e Espaço Público;
  3. Serviço, Equipamento e Infraestrutura;
  4. Mobilidade e Transportes;
  5. Habitação;
  6. Arquitetura Inclusiva e Resiliência

São bem-vindas diferentes escalas e abordagens de análise, bem como todos os campos disciplinares e formas de saber que permitam alargar e aprofundar o nosso conhecimento em torno da (in)Justiça Espacial.

A participação é gratuita, mas carece de inscrição prévia. A submissão da proposta de comunicação poderá ser feita até 20 de junho de 2022 através da plataforma do evento, com a indicação do painel a que se destina, sendo posteriormente sujeita a um processo de avaliação científica (resposta de aceitação – 15 de julho 2022).

Após aceitação e apresentação dos trabalhos, será publicado um livro de resumos com ISBN, abrindo-se a alguns dos/das participantes a possibilidade de desenvolver, com base no seu trabalho, um artigo a integrar um número temático de uma revista científica a definir.

Mais informação.

1º encontro de Projeto e Ciências Sociais

The 1st Meeting of Project and Social Sciences will be held on the 20th and 21st of October at FA.ULisboa.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 June 2022

As propostas podem ser enquadradas em 2 formatos: Poster ou Comunicação.

Os autores dos trabalhos selecionados deverão enviar um resumo (abstract) e um título em inglês e em português, independentemente do idioma do artigo ou poster, para o livro de atas. Posteriormente, uma seleção de artigos será considerada para publicação num volume temático. Os autores com resumos aceites para qualquer modalidade são convidados a submeter um artigo completo (em português ou inglês e até 7000 palavras, atendendo ao sistema de referenciação APA) até 20 de novembro de 2022.

Mais informações aqui

ICNS.LX3 | International Conference on Night Studies

The 3rd edition of the International Conference on Night Studies will take place from October 5 to 7, 2022, at Colégio Almada Negreiros (NOVA FCSH).

Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 June 2022 (Extended deadline)

Night Studies is a transdisciplinary field with works from different social and human sciences. Research covers a wide range of topics related to the so-called ‘Nocturnal World(s)’, including a good number of geographical, cultural, and social contexts; formal and informal practices; and normative and non-normative behaviours. In recent years the study of the night, either as object of study or as context, has grown exponentially. It would not be risky to affirm that, we are witnessing the emergence of a ‘Golden Age’ for Night Studies.  

Over the past year, the interplay between economic, social, and (bio)political forces have produced (are producing, and will produce) profound changes in the Nocturnal City.  Many businesses have closed their doors during these last months of confinement, and new businesses have taken their places, taking advantage of the gaps left by their predecessors. The streets at night have a different flavour, a strange atmosphere, other music, physical and emotional voids interpellate us while we are forced to move forward towards new, biopolitically controlled ways of socializing. However, not all of these places have been occupied, leaving behind the range of collective and individual memories of what they once were.

The reopening with new businesses brings a renewal of the cultural, gastronomic, sports and leisure offer, underlining the night’s cultural, economic, and social value. New formulas and new products are offered to the public, reinventing the night or updating to new times. New restaurants, new groups of runners, new boxing matches, or new stand-up bars pop up all over, both in the Great North and in the Great South. A new gentrification of the night seems to break through the ruins of the previous city. But in turn, all of this also poses new challenges for the governmentality of the nocturnal city under the current pandemic and climate emergency scenario. 

At the same time that the nocturnal city awakens, social inequalities, patriarchal, homo- and transphobic violence seem to arise in both public and private nocturnal spaces, and the occupation of the city seems to be unevenly divided. Meanwhile, new leisure areas seem to consolidate, putting the question back on the center/ periphery debate. Youngsters, migrants, and minorities gather at new public spaces at night, redrawing the map of nocturnal informal leisure.

Cultural festivals, such as light festivals or street theater events, are timidly coming back, although occupying new spaces such as gardens or zoos. Other cultural forms are, once again, receiving viewers, although with strict controls. Innovative proposals such as the possibility of reserving an entire movie theatre for relatively affordable prices come to play as a possibility. Music festivals, meanwhile, reappear with greater controls than ever. In parallel, raves and other non-licensed parties at night emerge elsewhere across our geographies as visible expression of the necessity of social interaction among peers as well as of the wish of evasion amidst an everyday life highly featured by repression, oppression, and criminalization of ‘the otherness’.

The (night) governance of the city faces a constant uncertainty as  new variants of COVID-19 may spread at any time. It has to reinvent itself and find new effective ways of management. New bridges between local communities, private sector and authorities seems to come up. But realistic, reliable data and good indicators are still on the agenda.

ICNS.LX3 invites all researchers to submit genuine and unpublished works that take the nocturnal city as object or as study context. On the other hand, papers that reflect on night studies, their possible future research agenda, new methodologies and methods, and reflections on ethical issues related to fieldwork in challenging times are more than welcome.

Proposal types:

Oral Communications:

Traditional academic communications. We encourage Non traditional formats too.
Each communication will have 15 minutes time.
Only one submission as first author, maximum of two as co-author.

Organised closed sessions:

If you would like to contribute by organising a closed session focused on a particular topic, please submit a proposal including a description of that topic, abstracts, and short bios of the speakers.


Tutorials and other workshops will take place along the conference. If you are interested in offering a workshop, please submit a proposal including a description of the content and target audience. 

Documentaries and Audiovisual:

ICNS welcomes submissions of documentaries and audiovisual content. Selected material will join the conference on a dedicated
There are many different ways to approach the night and many issues that could be addressed in this conference. We invite all researchers, professionals, and artists to participate with their outstanding work.

The 3rd International Conference on Night Studies is an international event that aims to echo frontier research, artistic works and professional practices related to the study of the urban night in multiple contexts worldwide.

This event aims to be a platform for sharing ongoing or recent research, open a critical and interdisciplinary debate, and boost e-networking, bringing together academia and society.

Click for more info

Submit your proposals thru the form on the conference site.

The topics include, but are not limited to:

SPECIAL THEME: An agenda for Night Studies?


  • Methods and Methodologies for Night Studies
  • The urban night in the past in the Global South, East, and North
  • Night, Religion, and Myths
  • Experiences in night management: Retrospective and Prospective Approaches
  • Public policies and night
  • Work and night workers
  • Urban regeneration practices associated with night and nightlife
  • Night transportation and urban mobility
  • Nightlife and tourism
  • Festivals and events
  • Live music, culture and arts in the Nocturnal City
  • Lighting in urban space: artistic, functional and environmental practices
  • Past, present, and future of safety and surveillance in the night
  • Informality, (in/ex)clusion and/or marginality in the nocturnal city
  • Nocturnal soundscapes, atmospheres, and ambiences (digital and physical)
  • Night and Media

ICNS is a collaborative effort of the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), the Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences at NOVA University Lisbon (CICS.NOVA), the Institute of Sociology – University of Porto (ISUP), the International Night Studies Network (INSN) and the LXNIGHTS Research Group.

SMUS Conference Brazil 2022

The 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability, event promoted by the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability in partnership with the University of São Paulo, will take place online from September 8 to 10, 2022. Registration is free.

Deadline for submission of abstracts. 13 June 2022

If you are interested in presenting a paper in at maximum two of the SMUS Brazil 2022 sessions (including joint papers), please submit an English-language abstract containing the following information to SMUS Brazil 2022 via

  • Title of (at maximum two) preferred session(s)
  • Paper title
  • Author(s) (=name(s), gender(s), institutional affiliation(s), position(s), country(ies), email address(es))
  • 300- to 500-Word Abstract (=short description of the proposed paper. The abstract should make explicit (i) the methodological problem addressed, (ii) why this is relevant, (iii) how the paper relates to the session, and (iv) what the general line of argument will be.)

Further information here

Territorial asymmetries: socio-environmental issues and inequality factors

The International Conference "Territorial asymmetries: socio-environmental issues and inequality factors" will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of June, at Évora University.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 7 May 2022 (Extended Deadline)

Nearly a quarter of a century after holding its XV Congress in the city of Évora, Alentejo, AISLF will again gather sociologists at the University of Évora, to reflect on the major social, environmental, and territorial transformations that influence our collective future. Évora, a city classified by UNESCO in 1986, is at the confluence of multiple cultures, temporalities, and "civilizations". The traces of a well-preserved patrimonial and environmental richness can be seen in the architecture and in the immaterial culture of the city; they are acquiring a growing power of attraction not only for tourism, but also for being a dynamic pole of the region. However, these characteristics contrast with other areas of the Alentejo region, which have been severely affected by decades of depopulation, demographic ageing, and economic recession.

Calling for the participation of specialists in humanities and social sciences, including sociology and geography, this conference aims to be a moment of dissemination, sharing and scientific creation, expressing the strong connection of Portuguese sociology to the Francophone world. The proposed theme, territorial asymmetries, may concern, among others, the following analytical axes, which are then thought through:
- Heritage and culture
- Tourism, attractiveness and sustainability of the territories
- Territories and digital transformation
- Mobility and social integration
- Sustainable cities, rural areas and communities
- Environment and lifestyles
- Vulnerabilities, inequalities and social networks
- Citizenship and social participation
- New forms of work organization
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Families, childhood and education
- Ageing and social policies
- Territories and conditions of access to health services
- Quality of life, well-being and happiness

Communication proposals, in the form of an abstract of approximately 250 words, in French or Portuguese, should be registered until April 25th 2022 in the Conference Platform:

Guide for submissions in the conference platform

Participants will be invited, after the conference, to submit an article for publication in special issues of French and Portuguese journals.

Click here to see more information.

ESA RN37 V Midterm Conference | Seeing Like a City / Seeing the City Through

The ESA RN37 V Midterm Conference "Seeing Like a City / Seeing the City Through" will take place from October 5 to 7, 2022, at the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Research of the Humboldt University Berlin. 

Deadline for submission of proposals: 6 May 2022

More info here

Conference EGPA 2022

From the 6th to the 9th of September 2022, Lisbon will host the EGPA International Conference which will have as its theme “The role of Public Administration for the sustainable future of our societies”.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 April 2022

To actively participate in the working groups and panels of this event, co-organized by INA, I.P., and the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), a proposal for a communication or study on Public Administration must be submitted by April 30 public. There are more than 20 categories with open applications, such as e-Government, regional and local governance, citizen participation, public policy and State sociology: reforms and resilience -

In parallel with the call for papers, there is a category for PhD students or junior researchers that allows participants to improve their research skills, test ideas and approaches and even win the 2022 EGPA Award for Best PhD Work.

REMHU | Special issue «Migrant women and domestic work»

The No. 65 of the Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Urbana will include a special issue on "Migrant women and domestic work".

Deadline for article submission: 10 April 2022

This proposal is based on the recognition of the importance of studies on migration, domestic work (paid or unpaid) and gender in contemporary societies, especially in a context characterised by growing hostility towards migrant populations. In other words, a context of increasing vulnerability and health emergencies where organised struggle has shifted to digital media in order to reach more workers, but where the digital divide widens and further increases isolation and lack of access to labour rights. 

The proposal is to bring together articles that analyse the relationship between migrant women and domestic work with various possibilities for reflection, for example, labour exploitation, violence, abuse, the commodification of affection, caretaking, isolation, loss of privacy, forms of resistance, struggle and organisation, among others. We also accept contributions that analyse the situations of vulnerability and lack of protection of migrant domestic workers, which are aggravated in the context of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, as well as their capacity for agency and the strategies of struggle and resistance they employ to transform these situations.

This special issue seeks to broaden analytical perspectives on the issue in the various contexts in which domestic work has historically been carried out by migrant women.

We suggest some topics that can be further explored in the articles:

  • Intersectionality and domestic work
  • Sexual division of labour and migration
  • Exploitation of female labour power
  • Immobility, confinement and paid work in private homes
  • Emotional work and the commodification of affection
  • Motherhood, migration and work
  • Caregiver-caregiver relations
  • Domestic workers and their rights
  • Migration and labour policies
  • Migrant women's rights and the action of international organizations and organized civil society
  • Forms of resistance, struggle and organization
  • Institutional racism, domestic work and migration - gender violence
  • Feminisation of poverty

Further information.


Image: REMHU

Congresso Internacional “Inteligência Artificial e Direito”

O Congresso Internacional “Inteligência Artificial e Direito” irá decorrer na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto (Portugal) a 12 e 13 de maio de 2022.

Prazo para a submissão de resumos: 31 de Março de 2022

Os trabalhos deverão versar sobre os desafios jurídicos colocados pela utilização de inteligência artificial.

Os resumos das comunicações devem incluir: 

  • identificação e instituição de origem;
  • afiliação profissional do autor;
  • título, palavras-chave e resumo em português ou castelhano e inglês;
  • resumo até 150 palavras;
  • máximo de 6  palavras chave

As línguas de trabalho são o português, o espanhol e o inglês.

Os candidatos deverão enviar uma breve nota curricular para além do resumo da intervenção que pretendam apresentar.

O resumo da comunicação e a breve nota curricular devem ser enviados para o seguinte mail:

Clique aqui para mais informações.

Colóquio Internacional Trabalho (no) Feminino: percursos e geografias

O Colóquio Internacional Trabalho (no) Feminino: percursos e geografias, irá realizar-se a 20, 21 e 22 de junho de 2022 em Ponta Delgada (São Miguel, Açores), em modelo misto (online e presencial), com uma grande diversidade de painéis.

Prazo para a submissão de propostas: 31 de Março de 2022 (prazo alargado)

Integrado no âmbito do Projeto de Investigação intitulado Trabalho (no) Feminino (1850-1926) - Histórias dos Açores (Ref.ª M1.1.C/C.S./022/2019/01), financiado pelo programa PRO-SCIENTIA, do Governo Regional dos Açores, o evento científico Trabalho (no) feminino: percursos e geografias, de caráter multidisciplinar, tem por objetivo principal debater e analisar o papel da mulher no mundo profissional, em contexto urbano, desde o século XIX até meados do século XX. Destacar figuras, identificar profissões e contributos económico-sociais femininos, bem como os seus ecos na cultura e nas mentalidades, é o foco central deste encontro que se associa aos Estudos de Género e pretende ser um contributo para a sensibilização para as questões de desigualdade de género e de oportunidades, transversais a diferentes geografias e épocas.

Irá realizar-se nos dias 20, 21 e 22 de junho de 2022 em Ponta Delgada (São Miguel, Açores), em modelo misto (online e presencial), com uma grande diversidade de painéis: Mulheres nas Letras e nas ArtesMulheres na Saúde e no EnsinoEmpreendedoras, Empresárias e CientistasOperárias e ArtesãsTrabalho e Empoderamento FemininoEducação, Emancipação e FeminismoPercursos Femininos Singulares 

Encontra-se aberto o call for papers, sendo que as propostas deverão ser entregues até o dia 31 de Março e enviadas para o e-mail Devem incluir: o título, nome do autor e filiação institucional, resumo (até 350 palavras), palavras (máximo 6), indicação do painel em que pretende participar e CV abreviado do proponente.

Mais informações sobre o Colóquio e o projeto podem ser encontradas no site

Sustainability | Special issue «The Quest for Sustainable Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): The Triple Bottom Line Approach»

The journal Sustainability is accepting contributions for a special issue, dedicated to the theme "The Quest for Sustainable Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): The Triple Bottom Line Approach".

Deadline for article submission: 31 March 2022

With this Special Issue, we wish to contribute to a better understanding of the sources of sustainability in NGOs. Thus, the main objective of this Special Issue is to approach the involved topics with new perspectives and methods in order to provide clear evidence from NGOs’ realities. Empirical studies reporting unique, systematic, innovative, and integrative research are targeted in this Special Issue. Bibliometric, systematic, and content literature review analyses are also requested. Both theoretical and empirical approaches are accepted. Submissions of empirical studies using either quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods analyses are most welcome. Obviously, there is a lot to research on and an immensity of opportunities to focus on, yet we would like to propose, among other possible ones, the following research questions:

  • What are the contextual pressures that influence NGOs’ sustainability?
  • What are the internal contingencies that influence the implementation of the triple bottom line approach in NGOs?
  • How do NGOs provide a space for reconciling individual and social objectives?
  • What are the contributions of economic, social, and environmental dimensions for NGO innovation performance?
  • What is the appropriate balance among the economic, social, and environmental dimensions for an optimal innovation performance in NGOs?
  • What are the governance mechanisms to ensure an effective use of the triple bottom line approach in NGOs?
  • What are the most adequate strategic control systems to motorize the triple bottom line use in NGOs?
  • What are the most sustainable social entrepreneurship models for NGOs?

Further information.


Image: Sustainability

Sustainability | Special issue «Sustainable Approaches for Industrial Sector»

Sustainability is accepting contributions for a special issue on "Sustainable Approaches for Industrial Sector".

Deadline for article submission: 31 March 2022

Topics of interest include but not are limited to the following:

  • Sustainable development approaches in industry;
  • Green product development in open innovation;
  • Green technologies;
  • Green industrial processes;
  • Industrial symbiosis;
  • Quality 4.0;
  • Predictive maintenance;
  • Clean production;
  • Sustainable life cycle assessment;
  • Decision-making in quality management;
  • Sustainable industrial energy systems;
  • Synergies between Industry 4.0 and circular economy;
  • Risk management in open innovation projects;
  • Simulation;
  • Carbon taxes;
  • Cases studies.

More information.


Image: Sustainability

I Jornadas da Secção Temática Sociologia do Turismo da APS

The I Conferences of the Thematic Section Sociology Tourism of Portuguese Association of Sociology will take place on the 7th, 8th and 9th of April 2022, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Algarve.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 27 March 2022 (extended deadline)

Nos últimos dois anos, a pandemia originada pela COVID-19 desferiu um golpe sem precedentes nas viagens internacionais e nacionais, com escalas e amplitudes diferentes, e, consequentemente, na configuração mais recente dos processos turísticos globais. Mas se, por um lado, constatamos o quão este fenómeno contribuiu para uma significativa e acelerada alteração dos fluxos turísticos, por outro lado, visualizamos o quão necessária é a reflexão científica acerca do turismo e, no caso, dos efeitos que acontecimentos globais podem ter nas experiências turísticas. À semelhança do que aconteceu no pós-11 de setembro de 2001, o turismo internacional e nacional reconfigurou-se, colocando-se questões como a articulação entre turismo sustentável e novas alterações climáticas; as novas formas de turismo como o turismo digital e o detox tourism; o papel central do turismo interno ou, entre muitas outras possíveis, a indispensável razoabilidade entre as economias de turismo e os processos de desenvolvimento integrado dos territórios e comunidades.

Deste modo, a coordenação da Secção Temática de Sociologia do Turismo (ST) da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS) e o Centro de Investigação em Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Bem Estar (CinTurs) convidam todos os investigadores nesta área – sócios ou não sócios da APS – a participarem nas I Jornadas de Sociologia do Turismo que terão lugar na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve nos dias 7, 8 e 9 de abril de 2022.

 Tratando-se de uma Secção Temática cuja criação no seio da APS foi relativamente recente e de um campo científico bastante fragmentado e disperso pelo território nacional, afigura-se-nos importante e desafiador esta partilha e reflexão em torno dos múltiplos objetos de estudo que temos vindo a trabalhar e dos que pretendemos concretizar. Neste contexto, estas I Jornadas não se organizam em torno de um tema principal, mas constituem-se como um momento de conhecimento interpessoal e temático por forma a criar uma comunidade constituída por aqueles que se dedicam à sociologia do turismo em Portugal.

 O desenho das Jornadas assenta na participação de cada um através de uma pequena comunicação do seu trabalho (15 minutos) na área e num debate alargado em todas as sessões por forma a darmos visibilidade ao corpus científico da abordagem sociológica aos fenómenos turísticos.

 Está ainda prevista a publicação dos trabalhos destas I Jornadas num número especial dedicado à Sociologia do Turismo em Portugal da Revista Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos.

 São aceites, entre outros temas, comunicações sobre:

  • O lugar do turismo nas ciências sociais

  • Novos rumos para a sociologia do turismo

  • Turismo, Artes e Cultura

  • Turismo Criativo e experiências de co-criação

  • Autenticidade e as suas declinações

  • Turismo, lifestyle mobilities e novos nomadismos

  • Turismo, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento

  • Gentrificação turística e overtourism

  • Hosts & guests: estereótipos, representações e atitudes

  • O papel transformacional do turismo

  • O turismo e as redes sociais digitais

  • Efeitos da pandemia no turismo

  • O turismo pós-COVID-19

 As propostas (resumo com o máximo de 400 palavras) devem ser submetidas on line, no formulário:

 A participação, com comunicação ou para assistir, é gratuita mediante inscrição online, no formulário:



Call for Papers - VII Congresso APA | 8th APA Congress: Painel

Convidam-se todos os interessados a apresentar propostas para o painel "Das certezas às incertezas da pesquisa etnográfica em contextos de saúde", coordenado por Catarina Delaunay (CICS.NOVA) e Ana Patrício Hilário (ICS). O VIII Congresso APA realiza-se na Universidade de Évora de 6 a 9 de Setembro de 2022.

Prazo para submissão de comunicações: 18 de março de 2022.

Envio de propostas para e/ou

Tendo como pano de fundo a pesquisa etnográfica em contextos de saúde, pretende-se neste painel discutir vários aspetos éticos e metodológicos que demarcam a etnografia nestes contextos: desde o acesso ao campo e permanência no mesmo até à saída dos investigadores. Para além dos desafios, singularidades e limitações associadas ao desenvolvimento da etnografia em contextos de saúde, pretende-se dar conta da vivência emocional dos investigadores decorrente da sua imersão nestes contextos e do contacto com situações de doença. Procurar-se-á também refletir sobre as dúvidas e as incertezas decorrentes da situação pandémica ao nível da pesquisa etnográfica em contextos de saúde. Pretende-se, igualmente, a partilha de caminhos alternativos no desenvolvimento da etnografia em contextos de saúde face aos constrangimentos provocados pela pandemia de Covid-19. Quais as soluções que foram identificadas pelos investigadores para a continuidade da pesquisa etnográfica? Que estratégias metodológicas foram introduzidas na pesquisa de forma a assegurar essa continuidade? Quais os novos riscos associados ao desenvolvido da etnografia em contextos de saúde? São algumas das questões que se pretende também dar resposta neste painel. Convida-se à submissão de propostas tanto empíricas como teóricas que visem o aprofundamento da reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento da etnografia em contextos de saúde.

Mais informação sobre o painel no link:

Mais informação sobre a chamada:

IV Colóquio Internacional de Ciências Sociais da Educação: «A educação como um bem público: Políticas, tendências e controvérsias»

The IV Colóquio Internacional de Ciências Sociais da Educação, dedicated to the theme "A educação como um bem público: Políticas, tendências e controvérsias", will take place between 12th and 14th May 2022 in Braga and in online format.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 28 February 2022 (extended deadline)

More information, here.

16ª Conferência Internacional Littoral 22

A 16ª Conferência Internacional Littoral 22, irá realizar-se entre 12 a 16 de Setembro na Costa da Caparica, Portugal. 

Prazo para submissão de resumos: 28 de Fevereiro de 2022

A Littoral22 é uma Conferência Internacional, multidisciplinar que pretende reunir participantes de todo o mundo para partilhar e discutir os trabalhos e resultados mais recentes (orais e poster) nos domínios da zona costeira e domar. 

O Littoral 22 será organizado pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa , pelo MARE e pela The Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC)

Tópicos em discussão:

1. Literacia, educação e governança.

2. Planeamento, ordenamento e gestão.

3. Economia azul circular

4. Vulnerabilidade, Riscos, Proteção Civil e Alterações Climáticas

5. Monitorização, mapeamento e modelação. SIG e deteção Remota.

6. Ecossistemas e biodiversidade, serviços de ecossistema, infraestruturas verdes e soluções com base na natureza.

7. Ecologia marinha e costeira.

 Para além da publicação nas atas da conferencia, os participantes podem publicar seus trabalhos no Journal of Coastal Conservation

 Aceita o desafio. Mais informações em:

I International Congress School, Identity and Democracy

There is an open call for papers within the scope of the I International Congress School, Identity and Democracy, to be held at the Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto from the 7th to the 9th of July 2022.

Deadline for submission of works: 18 February 2022

More information, here.

Porto ICRE’22 - Porto International Conference on Research in Education 2022

The event Porto International Conference on Research in Education 2022 (Porto ICRE'22) will take place in hybrid format (in person, in Porto and online), between 20 and 22 July 2022.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 17 February 2022

Proposals must fall under one of the following themes:

  • Educators and Teachers' Education
  • Special Education and Inclusion
  • Culture, Art and Education
  • Society Challenges and Education

Further information.


Image: Porto ICRE’22

Revista Configurações n.º 30/2022 | Conflito, Negociação e Mediação

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 29/2021), on "Pierre Bourdieu: vinte anos depois, legado e usos de uma prática de investigação sociológica", to be published in June 2022.

Extended deadline for paper submission: 15 February 2022

Coordenação: Virgílio Borges Pereira (Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras e Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto) e Edison Bertoncelo (Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo – Brasil)


Apelo a contributos

A prática sociológica de Pierre Bourdieu foi, durante a vida do professor e investigador francês, muito influente tanto dentro como fora do seu país, contribuindo, activamente e em vários domínios, para a construção do campo académico disciplinar e para a definição de prioridades de investigação específicas com impactos que se foram materializando, com inevitáveis cambiantes e cronologias, ao longo de quarenta anos de intensa produção científica. Seja pela definição, aperfeiçoamento e renovação conceptuais, seja pela vinculação desse trabalho conceptual a um afincado esforço de construção de objetos em esferas muito distintas das práticas sociais e simbólicas, seja ainda por um constante convite ao equacionamento da dimensão reflexiva da prática sociológica tanto nos planos epistemológico, teórico e metodológico, como nos relativos à respetiva dimensão mais orientadamente política, Bourdieu animou colectivos de investigação e desenvolveu uma produção científica sui generis muito densa e variada, materializada em cerca de 40 livros originais e em várias centenas de artigos e de intervenções de âmbito muito alargado. Com a sua morte, repentina, em Janeiro de 2002, a sociologia perdeu uma das suas vozes mais influentes e mais originais. Contudo, não obstante a morte do autor, e por força, desde logo, dos colectivos que Bourdieu animou, foi possível, nos anos posteriores ao seu desaparecimento, continuar a conhecer vários textos sociológicos - documentos inéditos, intervenções transcritas, textos reeditados - que têm vindo a alargar a sua obra publicada (entre outros, ver Bourdieu, 2015, 2016). A um tal trabalho acresce o continuado interesse que vários colectivos de investigação, em diferentes contextos mundiais, têm colocado na dinamização de projectos editoriais dedicados à discussão do legado sociológico de Bourdieu e à respetiva mobilização para o desenvolvimento de investigação sociológica e científico-social sobre aspetos distintos das práticas sociais e simbólicas (Medvetz & Sallaz, 2018; Coulangeon & Duval, 2013). Cerca de 20 anos depois da morte de Bourdieu continua, por isso, a ser pertinente equacionar o legado da sua obra e sistematizar conhecimentos em torno do modo como esta tem vindo a ser recebida na prática de investigação à luz de análises estabilizadas sobre tais processos (Ortiz, 2013; Machado, 2020) e de interrogações novas que se possam gerar a seu propósito. Sabendo-se que o trabalho sociológico de Bourdieu tocou, em modalidades diferenciadas, domínios alternativos de investigação, procura-se, com o presente número da Configurações: Revista de Ciências Sociais, contribuir para o aprofundamento do conhecimento sociológico sobre a prática analítica de P. Bourdieu, sem perder de vista a necessidade da sua difusão; documentar a recepção do trabalho sociológico de Bourdieu em diferentes contextos nacionais, com especial enfoque no mundo de língua portuguesa; registar e discutir criticamente usos da teoria e prática sociológicas de Bourdieu, dando especial enfoque a trabalhos que permitam documentar inovações em matéria de construção de objecto e de cruzamentos disciplinares. Para esse efeito, serão aceites propostas de artigos que procurem responder a pelo menos um destes grandes objetivos.


As propostas devem ser endereçadas à Direcção da Revista, através do e-mail CC. para, até ao dia 15 de Fevereiro de 2022. Todas as propostas submetidas devem conformar-se às normas constantes na seguinte hiperligação:

Festivity | Congresso Internacional Festas, culturas e comunidades: Património e Sustentabilidade

Está aberta, até 15 de fevereiro, a chamada de resumos para o Congresso Internacional “Festas, Culturas e Comunidades: Património e Sustentabilidade” que terá lugar em Braga entre 4 e 6 de maio de 2022.

Prazo para a submissão de propostas: 15 de Fevereiro de 2022

Está aberta, até 15 de fevereiro, a chamada de resumos para o Congresso Internacional “Festas, Culturas e Comunidades: Património e Sustentabilidade” que terá lugar em Braga entre 4 e 6 de maio de 2022.

Prazo para a submissão de propostas: 15 de Fevereiro de 2022

Mais informações aqui.

Forum Sociológico | Ageing, life cycles and societal challenges

Deadline for article submission: 31 december 2022


Prof. Dra. Iva Miranda Pires
NOVA University Lisbon, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Portugal.
CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, Portugal.
CiênciaVitae :

Prof. Dr. Karl Bruckmeier
Gothenburg University - School of Global Studies, Sweden.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia.
CiênciaVitae :


The Gulbenkian Commission had in its 1996 report “Opening the Social Sciences” discussed the present situation in the social sciences, but not given clear answers for their future development, as has been criticised in the sociological discourse (Wearne 1998 in “The American Sociologist”). What opening towards the future meant remained unclear : it was not a clear plea for an opening towards inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge creation and integration, that was already on the way at that time. Moreover, the report did not answer, how the social sciences can, after the two liberations from the church and the state in the course of modernisation, liberate from the third dependence that is dominant today, that from economic power, business and marketing control, as Wearne writes.

The thematic issue planned has the aim to assess and reflect the experience with the interdisciplinary opening of the social sciences since the Gulbenkian report, that happened in paradigmatic forms with the concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity, describing new forms of knowledge production. Both terms include a variety of knowledge practices that show similarities. In this issue we want to collect about 15-20 articles that analyse the interdisciplinary trends in human ecology and the environmental sciences, where sociological and ecological knowledge is required and needs to be integrated. The oldest interdisciplinary subject in this sense, the core theme of the special issue, is human ecology ; newer subjects originating from that in the course of the 20th century include cultural-, social-, and political ecology. Recent developments include sustainability science and transformation research, that show the connections to the interdisciplinary discourses about sustainable development in science and politics.

The new interdisciplinary knowledge practices were since the end of the 20th century intensively discussed in epistemological debates about “new knowledge production” (mode 2, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, post-normal science). Also the European Union has in its funding of research supported the interdisciplinary opening of social scientific research, as the calls and reports from recent years show. The joint feature of the new approaches in interdisciplinary science is their distancing from the conventional forms of academic science and research based on disciplinary and sub-disciplinary specialisation (mode 1). Knowledge integration between disciplines and cooperation between scientists from different disciplines, practitioners and citizen are main features of the new approaches, that spread quickly in some fields, especially in environmental research, where the integration of social-and natural-scientific knowledge became necessary.

The importance of the new inter- and transdisciplinary approaches is justified with two arguments :

  • the limited perspectives of specialized academic research (mode 1), that does not deal adequately with such complex social and environmental problems as climate change, biodiversity loss, land use change, urbanisation, population growth and its management, exponential economic growth, globalisation and its social and environmental consequences, social inequality and the digital divide, or problems of sharing resources more fairly between countries, as discussed in the sustainability discourse;

  • specialized academic knowledge does not address sufficiently problems that come with the transfer and application of scientific knowledge in social practices of resource use and other fields of action.

In the issue should be included examples from the practice of interdisciplinary research (how is it done), and of the application of such research in resource use practices, policy and governance processes.


This special issue will be published on June 2023.


In will be accepted proposals written in Portuguese and English.

Full manuscripts of no more than 40,000 characters including spaces (abstract, footnotes/endnotes, figures, tables, and references included) should be sent by e-mail, in Word (.docx) format, to journal Forum Sociológico ( with the title of the special issue in the subject field of the e-mail and no later than 28 February 2023.

Authors should follow the Guidelines for Authors (available here) and the Statement of Ethics and Good Practice of Forum Sociológico (available here).

More information here.

II International Congress on Art, Design and Development of Videogames in the Creative Industry

The II International Congress on Art, Design and Development of Videogames in the Creative Industry will be held in Madrid between 21 and 22 April 2022.

Deadline for abstract submission: 2 February 2022

The event aims to bring together the industry professionals, researchers and students in order to explore the influence, scope and impact of video games in different areas of the information society with the aim of exploring the benefits, downsides, dangers and virtues of social networking. 

Submissions in Spanish or English will be accepted.

Further information.


Image: Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madri science journal | Systemic violence and gender science journal is accepting papers for a new monograph issue on "Systemic violence and gender", coordinated by Ana M. Martínez-Pérez and Marta Cabezas, to be published in May 2022.

Deadline for proposals: 1 February 2022

Violence is a complex, structural and incessant phenomenon, which is often understood as a sum of isolated cases. With this special issue, the intention is to interpret this violence as a means of cohesion typical of the patriarchal societies of late capitalism that generates a multiplicity of resistances and negotiations.

This special issue hopes to bring together a plurality of investigations, originating from diverse locations, disciplines, theoretical traditions and methodological approaches, in order to broaden the debate around the thematic areas:

1. (Re) conceptualization: Theorizing of systemic violence from diverse feminist perspectives, accounting for new approaches, tensions and problems.

2. Citizenship, rights and public policies: Critical knowledge of public policies and regulations - international, national or local - on violence against women, girls, adolescents and other subjects subordinated by their sex-gender, ethnic and functional diversity.

3. Movements and alliances against violence: Struggles of feminist movements, women and sex-gender diversity, among others, that face systemic violence from different angles.

Interested researchers may submit their work in the form of articles, research notes and book reviews.


The journal's publication guidelines and other relevant information, as well as previous issues, are available on the journal's website.


Image: science journal

Symposium | ICOHTEC - International Committee for the History of Technology

A call for papers is open in the framework of the Symposium of ICOHTEC - International Committee for the History of Technology dedicated to the theme "Technology-Based & Technology-Generated Decisions".

Deadline for paper submission: January 30, 2022

More information, here.

Revista Comunicação Pública | Advertising: New Formats New Content

The call for papers for the next issue of the journal Comunicação Pública, dedicated to the theme Advertising: New Formats New Content, is now open.

Deadline for submitting articles: 20 January 2022

Taking into account the technological revolution, which has started at the end of the last century, and the emergence of the internet and digital media, which has created a new means of organization and dissemination of content, also reaching advertising, this issue aims to gather a collection of articles referring to the following topics:

  • The production of advertising content and creativity in advertising;
  • Adequacy of advertising content to new formats;
  • The contribution of consumers to advertising effectiveness;
  • Consumers: profile and expectations;
  • Transmedia narratives in advertising;
  • Advertising effectiveness and “entertainment” advertising;
  • Dialectic between traditional media and new media;
  • Models of advertising agencies in the face of the new paradigm;
  • Training of future advertising professionals;
  • Emerging content and advertising in the social sphere;

Further information.


Image: Comunicação Pública

26th Conference of JUnior REsearchers (JURE) 2022 «Unpredictable challenges: Education in a rapidly changing world»

The 26th Conference of JUnior REsearchers (JURE) of EARLI will be held at Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação of Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), between 18th and 22th July 2022.

Deadline for paper submission: 20th Januray 2022

More information, here.

Conferência Internacional | III COMbART: Arte, ativismo e cidadania

Está aberta a chamada para trabalhos da Conferência Internacional III COMbART: Arte, ativismo e cidadania, a realizar nos dias 30 e 31 de maio de 2022 no Porto, naFaculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Submissão de propostas de resumos: até 15 de janeiro de 2021.

Mais informações, aqui.

HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology | Call for thematic dossier

HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology has an open call for thematic dossiers to be published in 2023.

Deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2022

HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo. HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective.
Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication or the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for one thematic dossier to be published in 2023 (HoST volume 17, issue 2). The thematic dossier should be prepared by the guest editor(s) and include four research papers along with an introduction.
Proposals should include the following items:

  • An abstract describing the topic for the thematic dossier and its significance (500 words);
  • A list of the contributors along with the titles and abstracts (300 words) of the four research papers;
  • Brief CVs (300 words) of the guest editor(s) and authors.

The guest editor(s) and the contributors must be prepared to meet HoST's publication schedule:

  • Abstract and titles submission: 15 January 2022
  • Submission of complete research papers: 30 December 2022
  • Publication: December 2023

Proposals will be subject to approval by the Editorial Board and the outcome will be announced to the authors by February 2022.  

Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment (preferably in one single .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt file), to the chief-editor:

More information, here.

REMHU | Special issue «Human (I)mobility in the face of walls and borders»

The No. 64 of the Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Urbana will include a special issue on "Human (I)mobility in the face of walls and borders".

Deadline for article submission: 10 Janeiro 2022

The objective of the dossier is to deepen the growth of material and immaterial barriers, their impacts and the responses of migrants and refugees. In addition, it aims to analyse cases of border encounters and solidarity exchange, where the logic of the separation of walls is replaced by the logic of encounter.

Further information.


Image: REMHU

Grant MOPGA - Make Our Planet Great Again

The period for applications for MOPA - Make Our Planet Great Again grants for young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France is already open.

Deadline for applications: 10 January 2022

More information, here.

Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | COVID-19: Novas sociabilidades, configurações sociopolíticas, dilemas e respostas

The journal Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais has an open call for the issue "COVID-19: New sociabilities, sociopolitical configurations, dilemmas and responses".

Deadline for article submission: 9 January 2022

Recognizing the role of the pandemic as an agent promoting new social, political and subjective configurations, a critical reflection that articulates, illustrates and problematizes the tensions and complexities of this emerging era becomes urgent. In this sense, this thematic issue of RCCS seeks contributions from the social sciences and humanities that promote a reflection on the socio-political dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including some of the following themes:

  • Pandemic COVID-19 and biopolitics;
  • Pandemic, global capitalism, social inequalities, North/South inequalities;
  • Health crisis, democracy and human rights;
  • Pandemic, (un)information and fragmentation of public space;
  • Pandemic COVID-19 and social theory;
  • Health crisis and the role of science and technology;
  • Literary and artistic representations of the pandemic;
  • The COVID-19 pandemic in the context of past pandemics;
  • COVID-19 and ethics of care.

Further information.


Image: Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 

Climate Change, World Consequences, and the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030

The submission period for chapter proposals for the book Challenges and Emerging Strategies for Global Networking Post-COVID-19, coordinated by Ana Cristina Pego and edited by IGI Global, is now open.

Deadline for chapter submission: 1 January 2022

Book presentation:

Climate change and its impact in society are considered one of the most important factors in understanding of social and economic variables. The changing patterns in ecosystems, populations, and economic sectors form perfect system for 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

This book provides an analysis of the consequences of climate change as well as the Sustainle Development Goals to 2023. It conducts the analysis of climate change within society and as a tool to understand how society coping with climate change and its impact on economic sectors.

Please visit Call for Chapters: for more details regarding this publication and to submit your chapter proposal. A full chapter submission will not be expected until your proposal has been formally accepted.


Qualquer questão adicional poderá ser dirigida a


Imagem: IGI Global

Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars - Call for chapters

Book presentation:

7 January 2015 was a watershed for political cartooning across the world. The terrorist attack on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo killed 12 and injured 11, and prompted the worldwide Je suis Charlie campaign, focused on issues of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The attack had deep roots, stretching back to the 2005 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, the resurgence of terrorism from 2001, and beyond, to Charlie Hebdo’s long history of challenging cartoon commentary.

While the fallout from that event is still being felt, the twenty-first century has seen a number of other significant conflicts over the nature and significance of cartoons, as well as many in which cartoons have been used as weapons in ideological, ethnic, religious, gendered, class, and cultural contests. Previous eras have also seen their fair share of cartoon-based controversy.

Cartoon Conflicts and Caricature Wars aims to bring analysis of these controversies various together for the first time, and to go further – exploring the significant cartoon conflicts that have animated the art and practice of cartooning over the centuries.

The editors invite proposals for chapters concentrated on significant cartoon conflicts, or caricature wars, from any and all global contexts, and time periods. Joint authorship is encouraged, as this volume is intended to showcase the collaborative and cross-disciplinary scholarship that is so characteristic of cartoon studies. Contributions may take historical, literary, art-historical, legal, linguistic, media studies, or other approaches.

Further information.


Image: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra sob licença CC BY 2.0

Encontros 40 anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal

The event Encontros 40 anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal, to take place between 27 and 28 May 2022, is accepting proposals for papers, activities, interventions or performances.

Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2021

In 2022 we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Portugal, with the publication of the Penal Code of 1982. This historical milestone gave rise to a long march of visibility and achievements, but also struggles that still continue. The discrimination and stigmatization of LGBTI+ people does not cease with the many legal and political changes that have succeeded each other in these four decades. Not everything is done, in our country, to break homo/les/bi/trans/interphobia, towards visibility, inclusion, and equality. The 40 years of Decriminalization of Homosexuality: LGBTI+ History in Portugal meeting aims to report on how much has been done, but also on what remains to be done.

Further information.


Imagem: Encontros 40 Anos

Sustainability | Special issue «Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships for Future-Proof Efficient Assets»

The journal Sustainability is accepting contributions for a special issue, dedicated to the theme "Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships for Future-Proof Efficient Assets".

Deadline for submission of articles: 31 December 2021

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been adopted worldwide as a procurement model able to leverage private capital and private expertise, to deliver and manage public infrastructure and public services. The focus on PPPs has been primarily financial, given the numerous financial and fiscal benefits provided by the model (although these potential benefits have turned negatively in some countries). Therefore, the evaluation of such projects has been primarily done in terms of their financial impact, comparing the (potential) gains with the alternative public management model. The results have been mixed across different sectors and distinct countries.

Traditional PPP models now have over 20–30 years’ experience, and a growing number of researchers has been questioning the absence of social, environmental, and larger economic KPIs able to provide a comprehensive evaluation of PPPs. Even from a strictly financial point of view, the lack of a life cycle perspective over expenditure, has led, in many countries (e.g., Greece, Portugal, Italy) to unsustainable financial burdens. Simultaneously, the challenge of climate change will require increased resilience of existing and new infrastructure, requiring a new perspective on how do we evaluate investments.

The debate and literature on PPP have grown significantly in the last decade. This Special Issue intends to bring sustainability to the center of debate on PPPs, providing a set of papers that can pave the way towards a more holistic evaluation, development, and implementation of PPPs. The following areas are most welcome (not exclusive):

  • Sustainability assessment in PPPs;
  • Monitoring sustainability in PPP projects;
  • Financial sustainability of PPPs;
  • PPPs for environmental projects;
  • PPPs and resilient projects.

Further information.


Image: Sustainability

Conference | 40 anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal

The conference «40 anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal» will tale place on 27 and 28 May 2022 at Iscte-IUL.

Deadline for paper submission: 31 December 2021

More in formation, here.

Heritage, journal of History, Heritage and Culture | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Experiment in Museology and Museum Design

Heritage, journal of History, Heritage and Culture is accepting contributions for a special issue dedicated to the theme "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Experiment in Museology and Museum Design".

Deadline for abstract submission: 13 December 2021

Guest edited by Dr Gabriele Salciute Civiliene and Dr Kristen Schuster, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, this special issue of Herança-History, Heritage and Culture Journal invites proposals for work that engages with interdisciplinary and critical perspectives and explorations of the emerging notions, theories, and practices of designing and implementing experiment in and for museums. It encourages proposals that focus on the role, worth, and extent of experiment as a product and process in the ongoing transformation of museums as virtual only, hybrid, distributed, networked, or post-digital spaces of social and cultural engagement understood in the broadest sense.  Proposals that, rather than tell success stories, problematize the areas of conceptualizing, designing, and conducting experiments in the digital transformation of museums are particularly welcome.

Further information.


Image: Heritage, journal of History, Heritage and Culture

ICCA 2022 - International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

The 6th International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence will take place between January 26 and 28, 2022 in Porto and online.

Deadline for abstract submission: 12 December 2021

The conference has the main goal of promote a discussion on the social issues of childhood, introducing innovative discussion formats which are more open to the active participation of the audience. Besides, the International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence intends to put on an open dialogue researchers, students and technicians from different areas, like Sociology, Psychology, Social Paediatrics, Education Sciences, Social Service, Nutrition Sciences, Sports Science, among others. The multidisciplinary approach is one the great advantages of this conference, which allows the participants to establish contact with other perspectives and points of view, as well as share experiences and knowledge.

Further information.


Image: ICCA 2022

Rivar | «Agri-food valorization strategies: governance, collective action and territorial development»

The journal Rivar is accepting contributions for an issue dedicated to the theme "Agri-food valorization strategies: governance, collective action and territorial  development".

Deadline for article submission: 12 December 2021

The objective of the Issue is to gather original contributions that reflect on the governance processes and institutional mechanisms that, in a multiscale way (local, national, regional or global), have given way to the formation of strategies of valorisation for territorially embedded agri-food. As it follows, this Issue seeks to further the knowledge about the effects, happened, potential or perceived, that these valorisation strategies have had on the development of territories, highlighting the way in which different institutional and organizational mechanisms, from which strategies emerge, promote or restrict the inclusion or exclusion of local actors. The Issue will include articles that present consolidated research results from any region of the world and from any related discipline.

Contributions will be received in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French.

Further information.


Image: RIVAR

Global Meeting on Law and Society.

Lisbon will host, between 13 and 16 July 2022, the Global Meeting on Law and Society, dedicated to the theme "Rage, Reckoning & Remedy".

Deadline for submission of proposals: 22 November 2021

This congress will be the seventh in a series of events that have been held every five years since 1991, bringing together on average about 2000 participants from around the world. It is promoted by the Law and Society Association (USA), in collaboration with the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association and the Thematic Section on the Sociology of Law and Justice of the Portuguese Sociological Association, in addition to sister associations from Africa, Asia, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil.

The general theme of the event will be: Rage, Reckoning & Remedy. It responds to the need for a critical examination of values such as equality, freedom and human dignity in the face of pressing social changes and global challenges. It also challenges us to focus our attention on colonialism, racial issues and the legacies of slavery. Even after the formal abolition of slavery, the dynamics of human subjugation and subordination continued through the predatory exploitation of natural resources, the destruction of habitats and the forced displacement of populations.

Further information.


Image: Law and Society Association

Intercultural Diversity in the 21st Century: Education, Inclusion, and Labor Opportunities

The international conference Intercultural Diversity in the 21st Century: Education, Inclusion, and Labor Opportunities will be held 3-4 December at Centro Studi Koinè, Lecce, Italy.

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 November 2021

The present conference organized by Centro Studi Koinè, Lecce, Italy, in partnership with international academic institutions, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, policy making bodies, gender studies centers welcomes papers that engage with the intersections from topics related but not limited to: diversity, human rights, gender equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, societal developments, equal opportunities, access to education, specific migration, labor policies, caring responsibilities, professional consultancy and so on.

Further information.


Image: Centro Studi Koinè

I Congreso Internacional sobre Universidad, Empleo, Innovación y Emprendimiento

The 1st International Congress on Universities, Employment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, organised by the Asociación Científica Icono, will take place between 17 and 18 March 2022

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 November 2021

This I International Congress on University, Employment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship opens its participation to research groups, professionals and researchers specialised in subjects related to the four areas of analysis, companies, public administrations, organisations and institutions, teachers in general and university students.

Further information.

INTED2022 | 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

The international conference INTED2022 (16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference) will be held in Valencia, March 7-9, 2022.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 November 2022

INTED is one of the largest international education conferences for teachers, researchers, technologists and professionals in the education sector. After 15 years, it has become a flagship event where more than 700 experts from 80 countries will gather to present their projects and share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and innovations in educational technology.

Examples of topics to be covered:

  • COVID19: Distance Learning in Times of Crisis
  • Experiences in Education
  • New Trends in the Higher Education Area
  • International Projects
  • Pedagogical & Didactical Innovations
  • Research in Education
  • Virtual Universities
  • Technological Issues in Education
  • Computer Supported Collaborative Work
  • Educational Software and Serious Games
  • Curriculum Design and Innovation
  • Quality assurance in Education
  • University-Industry Collaboration
  • E-content Management and Development

Further information.

Image: IATED

Social Sciences Special Issue «Social Intra/entrepreneurship in Fighting Poverty Context»

The journal Social Sciences is accepting contributions for the special issue "Social Intra/entrepreneurship in Fighting Poverty Context", edited by João Manuel da Silva Carvalho.

Deadline for article submissions: 15 November 2021

This call for papers aims to answer the following general questions:

  • In each country, what is the real impact of social intra/entrepreneurship on the mitigation and/or eradication of societal problems?
  • What are the most recent social innovations implemented by social intra/entrepreneurship?
  • Which business models have been more successful in social intra/entrepreneurship, both in their societal impact and their ability to raise funds?
  • Which domains of societal life (economic, social, ecological, and psychological) have been most targeted by social intra/entrepreneurs?
  • What new types of corporate social responsibility have been more successful in for-profit organizations?

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact João M. S. Carvalho, guest editor, at

Further information.


Image: Social Sciences

Cadernos EBAPE.BR: Debatendo a escravidão negra nos Estudos em Gestão e Organização a partir de perspectivas decoloniais e afrodiaspóricas

The Journal Cadernos EBAPE.BR has an open call for papers dedicated to the theme "Debatendo a escravidão negra nos Estudos em Gestão e Organização a partir de perspectivas decoloniais e afrodiaspóricas".

Deadline for submitting articles: November 3, 2021

This call for papers aims to promote dialogues with other movements, within and outside Management and Organisation Studies, engaged with transformations decolonial and Afro-diasporic perspectives in and for a pluriversal world in which diverse worlds coexist. The participation of academics, practitioners and the 'general public' is expected for the recovery and co-construction of possibilities that continue to be denied and appropriated-contained by systems that reaffirm coloniality via Black slavery.

Keywords: Decoloniality. Afrodiasporic perspective in Management and Organizational Studies. Remnants of black slavery in management practices and organizational environments. Contemporary slavery.

Further information.


Image: Cadernos EBAPE.BR

Research, Society and Development | Education and Social Justice

The Journal Research, Society and Development is accepting contributions for a special number entitled "Education and Social Justice".

Deadline for submissions: 31 October 2021

More information, here.

Sustainability | Special Issue Four Decades of Cradle-to-Cradle: The Contribution to Sustainable Supply Chains

The call for papers of the journal Sustainability (with an impact factor of 2,576) is now open for the special issue entitled Four Decades of Cradle-to-Cradle: The Contribution to Sustainable Supply Chains.

Deadline for article submission: 31 October 2021

This Special Issue, is looking for papers that further our understanding of the supply chain consequences of the “cradle-to-cradle” concept. More specifically, how innovation can address the challenges of cradle-to-cradle in supply chains. We refer to different types of innovation, including product and service innovation, technological innovations, process innovations, administrative, and business model innovations.

We have identified the following domains but are open to other related areas.

  • Implementation of closed-loop supply chains increasing effectiveness of the return supply chains, such as the creation and participation in systems to collect and recover the value of materials following their use.
  • Emerging technologies supporting the transition from linear model to circular model, such as the ones under the umbrella of Industry 4.0.
  • Development of new tools for the industry that assist in the implementation of C2C framework.
  • Transformation of supply chains based on replacement of non-renewable resources, for instance, maximizing the use of clean and renewable energy – such as solar, wind, geothermal, gravitational energy, and other energy systems being developed today.
  • Design of products and materials with life cycles that are safe for human health and the environment and that can be reused through biological and technical metabolisms, maintaining quality of materials.
  • Design of supply chains showing concerns of social responsibility promoting healthy ecosystems and respecting local impacts on social systems.
  • Implementation of quality management across the supply based on a holistic understanding of quality, by integrating material health, environmental, and social criteria5, and its relationship with innovation.
  • Business model innovation for circular supply chains, such as product as a service model.
  • Digital business models that facilitated supply chain circularity, and implementation of sustainability practices across the supply chain that moves organizations towards cradle-to-cradle practices.
  • Develop innovation capabilities engaging supply chain actors such as open innovation capabilities aimed at advancing sustainable supply chains.

More information.


Image: Sustainability

Guaju Journal | Transforming territories for sustainability: a look at the Portuguese reality

The period for the submission of articles for the thematic issue "Transforming territories for sustainability: a look at the Portuguese reality" to be published in the Guaju Journal is now open.

Deadline for submission of articles: 30 October 2021

The central focus of this Special Issue of the journal is the discussion of territorial issues that fall within the intersection between society and nature, and that explore the most diverse challenges of sustainability, in a multidimensional and comprehensive vision.

The challenges - social, environmental, economic, cultural, governance - of the last decades, as well as those generated by the recent Covid-19 pandemic, have reinforced the need to develop new policies, strategies and practices that bring innovative dynamics to the territories and their agents and that strengthen an integrated, fair and sustainable development.

Promoting development (territorially based), quality of life and well-being (in an inclusive way) are aims of most public policies and planning instruments, designed and implemented at different scales. The purpose of this Special Issue is to bring contributions from the Portuguese reality in these domains, and the main topics in focus are the following:

  • Territorial cohesion and public policies
  • Territorial innovation with networks and communities
  • Environmental (Un)sustainability of the territories
  • Tourism in low density territories
  • Cities and grassroots democracy
  • University, territory and innovation strategies
  • Healthy and sustainable food systems

Further information.

Image: Guaju

Civitas – Revista de Ciências Sociais | Dossier Urban childhood in Social Sciences: Problems and methodological challenges

The call for contributions for the special issue "Urban childhood in Social Sciences: Problems and methodological challenges", to be published in Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais, will be open from 1 July 2021.

Deadline for contributions: 30 October 2021

This special number aims to give visibility to contemporary debates on urban childhood in the social sciences. It is intended to bring together productions that reveal how the analysis of the relationship of children with the city - split, unequal and excluding, can be carried out at various levels, enabling both the understanding of structural elements about childhood in a given urban territory, and the analysis of ways in which children from different social groups participate, circulate and interact with the city, taking into account, gender, class or ethnic-racial crossings. On the one hand, the effects of the neo liberal model on Latin American cities present transformations that are different from European cities, with emphasis on the privatization of public spaces, segregation and socio-racial differentiation, impoverishment, urban violence and precarious public transport. On the other hand, the analyis of children through the focus of human dignity and their right to the city is even more necessary in contexts of crises and disasters such as the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, the health crisis has generated changes in urban sociability, visible for example in the increase in the occurrence of social conflicts, and the stigmatization of marginalized social groups. In this sense, we are interested in works that investigate childhood by contextualizing it within the dynamics of power that structrure socio-spatial, intra and inter-generational relations and urbanity itself, in themes such as: Right to the city and children's rights; Childhood and city in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic; Urban resilience and child resilience; Children’s participation and urban planning; Presence and social action of the child in the public space; School and city relations; Child mobility in the city; Socio-spatial interventions with / for children; Architecture, Education and Childhood; Childhood and New Urbanism; Children in urban collectives and social movements; Urban policies and social protection, among others.

Further information.


Image: Civitas

20th National Ecology Meeting

The 20th National Ecology Meeting, organized by SPECO, will take place from 1 to 4 December 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2021

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format, in Ponte de Lima and online, and seeks papers in all areas of ecology.

Further information.


Image: SPECO

Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy and the SDGs (AIPES)

The Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the SDGs, organised by AIPES (Association for Research and Promotion of the Social Economy) invites the submission of communications.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 October 2021

Proposals on these topica are particularly welcome:

  1. Social and Solidarity Economy in the Strategy for the Eradication of Poverty and Reduction of Inequalities
  2. Social and Solidarity-based Economy: Decent Work, Economic Growth and Health and Well-being
  3. Social and Solidarity Economy: Quality Education and Gender Equality
  4. Social and Solidarity-based Economy: Sustainable Development at Local and Global Scales
  5. Social and Solidarity-based Economy: Partnerships for Sustainable Development
  6. The contribution of Social and Solidarity Economy in achieving the SDGs
  7. Measuring SSE impacts on the achievement of SDGs

Further information.


Image: AIPES

9th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention | Experiences, Coexistence and Survival in a Pandemic Context: reports and experiences

The 9th Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention, under the theme "Experiences, Coexistence and Survival in a Pandemic Context: reports and experiences", will take place between 26 and 27 November 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11 October 2021

The School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic of Leiria and the CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria invite intercultural mediators, teachers, health professionals, educators, researchers, social scientists from education, health and sports, social educators, social workers, animators and other social intervinors, to discuss Experiences, Coexistence and Survival in a Pandemic Context: reports and experiences.

Although technological advances and new technologies allow new and rapid forms of communication, they do not allow us to recover the touch, the hug, the kiss, the human warmth. Technologically advanced forms of communication, but which do not avoid affectively more distant societies. It is necessary to reinvent forms of work, interaction and intervention. New mediations are urgently needed for a world in permanent change. New tools are indispensable for an understanding at personal, community, social and political level, where the transforming and humanizing role of mediation can take the central place of a new more humanizing culture (Torremorell, 2008).

In the end, the pandemic context changes experience(s) that translate into new forms of coexistence(s) that, in the limit and many times, also imply survival strategies, as we want to listen (listen with the heart), understand, discuss, deepen, debate, share and systematize in the 9th conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention.

Further information.

Methaodo Social Sciences Journal | New Issue

The social sciences journal Methaodo is accepting proposals for Vol. 9, No. 2 (to be published in November 2021).

Deadline for article submission: 1 October 2021

Methaodos is an independent international scientific publication published every six months (May-November) in digital format created by the research group, linked to the Sociology Area of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid and co-edited by the Institute of Computational Social Sciences.

More information.

IX National Congress and XXVIII Conference of the Portuguese Alcohology Society

The IX National Congress and XXVIII Conference of the Portuguese Alcohology Society will take place between 28 and 29 October 2021, at the Auditorium Biblioteca Almeida Garrett, Palácio Cristal, Porto.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 September 2021

The central theme of this Congress will be - Alcohol, Comorbidities and Other Problematics. New Therapies and New Approaches, allowing the debate of current and fundamental issues in our clinical practice. 

The Congress has a multidisciplinary approach, allowing the essential exchange of experiences between the multiple areas and specialties that work in the field of Alcoholology.

Further information.


Image: Portuguese Society of Alcoholology

Desenvolvimento e Sociedade, Revista Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais 2022

The journal Desenvolvimento e Sociedade invites submissions to be part of the new issue, with publication date expected for July 2022.

Deadline for article submission: 30 September 2021

The journal D&S invites interested authors to submit articles in the field of social sciences for publication in the 2022 edition, under the following themes: Citizenship, work and technology; Cities, environment and development; Social inequalities and public action; Education, knowledge and culture; Health, population and well-being; Modelling and planning systems; other themes that fit in the editorial policy of the journal.

Article proposals should result from work carried out within the scope of research projects, advanced training programmes, critical reviews, conferences, seminars and other workshops, preferably of international scope.

Further information.


Image: Development and Society

Sustainability | Special Issue Social Marketing and Social Entrepreneurship Education

The call for contributions from the Journal Sustainability (impact factor 2,576) for a special issue entitled Social Marketing and Social Entrepreneurship Education is currently open.

Deadline for article submission: 30 September 2021

This Special Issue aims to contribute to clarifying the role that education can play in helping to surpass the existing challenges. Among the possible topics and questions that can be covered, we highlight the following:

  • Recent advancements in social marketing and social entrepreneurship education;
  • Perspectives on the evolution of social marketing and social entrepreneurship;
  • Skills that social marketing professionals and social entrepreneurs need to be successful;
  • Best practices in the identification and development of the needed skills through education;
  • Evidence on the relationship between education and social marketing and social entrepreneurship, including, for example, the relationship between prior education and the propensity to engage in social entrepreneurship and/or its impact.

Find more information here.


Image: Sustainability

3rd International Human Resources Management Conference

The 3rd International Human Resources Management Conference, dedicated to the theme "Contribution of Human Resource Management to Sustainability", will be held between 18 and 19 November 2021.

Deadline for paper submission: 20 September 2021

Human resource management can promote a “sustainability mindset” and contribute to meeting sustainability challenges.

This conference invites researchers to explore the importance of:

  • Green Human Resource Management practices and how Human Resource Management contributes to Sustainability Oriented Performance; 
  • The well-being and inclusion of employees in realities that address human resource policies and practices that are sensitive to various stakeholders and inclusive in nature. Human resource practices contribute to the sustainable careers of employees, so it is particularly interesting to study how to reshape jobs and improve sustainable employability, while respecting local cultures; 
  • The role of e-leadership and sustainability, considering the technological basis of the “home-office” situation, questioning the future reality after the Covid-19 pandemic about the emergence of a new logic for Human Resources Management that redesigns the HRM practices to maintain commitment after the pandemic. 

Further information.


Image: ISEG

2º Congresso Internacional de Segurança Integrada (CISI)

The 2º Congresso Internacional de Segurança Integrada (CISI), to be held between 16 and 18 November 2021, is accepting proposals for papers.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 15 September 2021

More information, here.

Forum Sociológico | Dossier «Sociologia e Serviço Social: O contributo do modelo de análise marxista na prática profissional dos assistentes sociais»

The Editorial Board of the journal Forum Sociológico invites everyone to submit articles in the scope of the thematic dossier “Sociologia e Serviço Social: O contributo do modelo de análise marxista na prática profissional dos assistentes sociai”.

Deadline for article submission: 15 September 2021

Find more information here.

Journal Desenvolvimento e Sociedade | Momentos COVID 19 - II: Antecedentes, Vivências atuais e Perspetivas futuras

Journal Desenvolvimento e Sociedade, a journal of CICS.NOVA.UÉvora, is accepting contributions for a special issue, dedicated to the theme "Momentos COVID 19 - II: Antecedentes, Vivências atuais e Perspetivas futuras".

Deadline for submission of articles: 15 September 2021

This call is intended to encourage the transmission of knowledge about the phenomenon of pandemic(s) by publishing articles that focus on the following topics: 

  • What have previous pandemics taught us that we have ignored, or, what has been taken into consideration? 
  • What are the similarities and differences between this and previous pandemics?
  • What have we learned from the current pandemic, and what questions remain to be answered? 
  • What repercussions will we be faced with and what magnitude will they be? 
  • What awaits us in the next 2 to 3 years (or more) in the various sectors of social life (Education, Tourism, Economy, Social Inequalities, Health, and others)? 

This thematic issue will be coordinated by Marcos Olímpio dos Santos and Maria Saudade Baltazar, researchers of CICS.NOVA.UÉvora.

Further information.

Ecology Day 2021 - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia

The Ecology Day will be celebrated on 14 September and the Portuguese Ecological Society is collecting proposals of activities to be carried out.

The construction of the Ecology Day programme is the responsibility of partners who share this motivation and join in the celebration: from research centres to non-governmental environmental organisations, as well as companies and municipalities. This network, so diverse in entities, has allowed us to get closer and closer to the various sectors of society. Be part of this network of partners that together bring Ecology closer to Society.

Further information.


Image: SPECO

9th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention | Living, Coexistence and Survival in a Pandemic Context: accounts and experiencies

The 9th International Conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention will take place between 26 and 27 November 2021.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 6 September 2021

The Higher School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic of Leiria and CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria invite intercultural mediators, teachers, health professionals, educators, researchers, social, education and sport scientists, social educators, social workers, animators and other social intervenors, to discuss Experiences, Coexistence and Survival in a Pandemic Context: accounts and experiencies.

Although technological advances and new technologies allow new and rapid forms of communication, they do not allow us to recover the touch, the hug, the kiss, the human warmth. Technologically advanced forms of communication, but which do not avoid affectively more distant societies. It is necessary to reinvent forms of work, interaction and intervention. New mediations are urgently needed for a world in permanent change. New tools are indispensable for an understanding at personal, community, social and political level, where the transforming and humanizing role of mediation can take the central place of a new more humanizing culture (Torremorell, 2008).

In the end, the pandemic context changes experience(s) that translate into new forms of coexistence(s) that, in the limit and many times, also imply survival strategies, as we want to listen (listen with the heart), understand, discuss, deepen, debate, share and systematize in the 9th conference on Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention.

Further information.


Image: IPLeiria

Espaces et sociétés | Production et appropriations locales de l’urbanisme globalisé

The journal Espaces et Sociétiés is accepting contributions for the thematic issue "Production et appropriations locales de l'urbanisme globalisé".

Deadline for article submission: 31 August 2021

This issue aims to examine the reasons behind the alleged global standardisation of urban planning practices by analysing this 'globalised urban planning' in its articulation at the local level.

Further information.


Image: Revue Espaces et Sociétés

Call for Papers 2021 | Journal SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE

Encontra-se a decorrer chamada para artigos na Revista SOCIOLOGIA ONLINE.

Os artigos poderão ser escritos em Português, Espanhol, Francês, Inglês ou Italiano e todos serão sujeitos a avaliação independente de pelo menos dois especialistas, sob condições de duplo anonimato.

Data limite para a submissão de artigos: 31 de August de 2021.

Guide for authors is available on the following link: Submission Guidelines.

SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE further accepts proposals for special issues. Guide for special issues is available on the following link: Guidelines for Special Issues.

Timeline for Submissions in 2021

This Call for Papers is continuously open. Publications aiming to be considered for 2021 should follow the schedule:

1st Issue: January 31st 2021
2nd Issue: April 30th 2021
3rd Issue: August 31st 2021

Papers should be sent to the following email:

Journal Cocar | Jovens, direitos humanos e inclusão socioeducativa à prova de pandemia

The journal Cocar is accepting contributions for a special number entitled "Jovens, direitos humanos e inclusão socioeducativa à prova de pandemia".

Deadline for submissions: 27 August 2021

More information, here.

Challenges and Emerging Strategies for Global Networking Post-COVID-19

The submission period for chapter proposals for the book Challenges and Emerging Strategies for Global Networking Post-COVID-19, coordinated by Ana Cristina Pego and published by IGI Global, is now open.

Deadline for submission of chapters: 10 August 2021

Management methodology and its applicability in society changed after COVID-19. Organizations have had to adopt new forms of resilience based on the needs of a different consumer; this means that an overview should be applied in a different market. The COVID-19 market is a challenge for both producers and consumers because it meets new needs and a new capacity of merchandising. This book fully unleashes the broad potential of entrepreneurial activity by exploring and highlighting new businesses and, as a result, the well-being of millions of people virtually everywhere after COVID-19. This book explores the impact of COVID-19 on the market and the various sectors of the global economy. It also holds a specific focus on businesses and networking post-COVID-19.

Further information.

For more information please contact

Noite Europeia de Investigadores (NEI) 2021

European Researchers' Night 2021 is accepting proposals for online and in-person activities for the next edition.

Deadline for submitting proposals: 6 August 2021

The European Researchers' Night 2021 edition will take place next September 24th, under the theme "Science for Climate".

CICS.NOVA is available to support the proposals of its researchers, which should be sent to the e-mail until July 26, 2021.

Further information.


Image: NEI

ICONST Conferences (International Conferences on Science and Technology)

The ICONST (International Conferences on Science and Technology) Conference, to be held between 8-10 September 2021, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for paper submission: 30 July 2021

You can publish your selected qualified articles in partner journals (SCI, SCI-Expanded, International Indexes) and International Book Chapters indexed WEB OF SCIENCE.

ICONST organization offers three different thematic symposiums;

  • International Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology (EST)
  • International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (LST)
  • International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technology (NST)

Further information.



Call for Papers – Sustainability. special issue Smart Spatial Planning

The call for papers of the journal Sustainability (Environmental Sustainability and Applications section, with an impact factor of 2,576) is now open for the special issue entitled Smart Spatial Planning.

Deadline for article submission: 31 July 2021

The special issue Smart Spacial Planning is coordinated by Raquel Faria de Deus, José António Tenedório, Carlos Antunes and Rui Pedro Julião. 

This call is looking for articles dedicated to the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Theories, praxis and key concepts for smart spatial planning;
  • Urban sustainability challenges and innovative planning practices and solutions;
  • Emerging technologies and geospatial approaches;
  • Participatory planning approaches and scenario building;
  • Smart spatial planning.

Find more information here.

ICONSR (International Conference on Social Science Research)

The ICONSR (International Conference on Social Science Research), to be held between 8 and 10 September 2021, is accepting proposals for papers.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 30 July 2021

ICONSR will be organized in hybrid way, which will allow attendees both physical and online participation opportunities. 

Further information

Image: ICONSR.

International Congress in Ageing Communities and Development

The 2nd Edition of the International Congress in Ageing Communities and Development, dedicated to the theme "Longevity and Development", will be held between 11 and 12 November 2021 in online format.

Deadline for submission of articles: 25 July 2021

More information, here.

Education, Society and Cultures | Education and Climate Activism: Youth democratic practices and imaginations towards a common world

The journal Education, Society and Cultures is accepting contributions for a special number entitled "Education and Climate Activism: Youth democratic practices and imaginations towards a common world", to be published in 2022.

Deadline for submissions: 23 July 2021

This special issue welcomes interdisciplinary contributions addressing education and climate activism, using qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods approaches; cross-country comparisons are encouraged. We invite contributors toexplore broad topics of interest that include but are not limited to:

  • Critical assessments of the role of education in addressing climate change issues;
  • Meanings of climate mobilisation and activism, from the viewpoints of different actors: activists, young people, teachers, parents, policy-makers and school authorities;
  • Processes and factors motivating or challenging young people’s involvement with climate issues and activism, which may configure new learning models;
  • Practices of civic and political participation in formal and non-formal educational contexts, including youth-led or initiated participatory projects and grass-roots movements, aimed at tackling climate challenges;
  • Innovative educational intervention programmes for promoting climate activism and environmental action;
  • Interplay between the offline and the online in fostering and sustaining climate activism, including the visual dimensions of climate-related claims, expressions and performances.

The Guest Editors are Carla Malafaia, from CIIE/University of Porto, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, from the University of Sussex, UK, and Eeva Luhtakallio, from the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Potential contributors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 700 words (excluding references) by email to until July 23, 2021. Authors will be informed whether their proposals were accepted or not by the end of September. Manuscripts (of up to 8000 words) should be sent no later than January 5, 2022.

Further information.


Image: ESC

8th Edition of the VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciudades Creativas

The VIII Edition of the Congreso Internacional de Ciudades Creativas, to be held between 1 and 2 December 2021 in Madrid, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 22 July 2021

The Congress proposes to address innovative actions carried out by different public and private actors, governmental and non-governmental organisations, national and international companies and universities, individuals and groups, in short, all parties involved in providing innovative solutions to problems and difficulties, as well as taking advantage of the resources and possibilities of the world's small and large cities.

Further information.

ICERI 2021 | Transforming Education, Transforming Life

ICERI 2021 (14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation), to be held between 8 and 10 November, has an open call for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 July 2021

ICERI is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector. After 14 years, it has become a reference event where more than 800 experts from 80 countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and educational innovations.

ICERI is more than a conference. It is an ideal platform for international strategic networking, the best place to present your innovations and projects about education and technology.

Further information.


Image: ICERI

Comunicação Pública, thematic dossier Os Novos Territórios do Podcast

Revista Comunicação Pública is accepting contributions for the thematic dossier entitled "Os Novos Territórios do Podcast", with publication date scheduled for December 2021.

Deadline for article submission: 15 July 2021

Podcast studies have been generic and focused mainly on its connection with radio. This issue of Comunicação Pública does not intend to uncover the influence of the pandemic context on the emergence of Podcast. It intends, essentially, to examine the new sociability relations that Podcasts have tested, formats and funding models, to measure the growing interest of the media in promoting their own Podcasts, extending to less usual territories such as organizational communication, political or civic activity. In this sense, this dossier aims to contribute to the scientific knowledge about the Podcast in media studies and other areas in which it has been developing as well as its audiences. The articles may have as reference the following topics:

  • Podcast and journalism 
  • Podcast in organizational communication 
  • Podcast and political communication 
  • Podcast and radio 
  • Podcast and audiences 
  • Podcast and teaching 
  • Podcast and funding models
  • Podcast production strategies 
  • Podcast and activism 
  • Podcast and entertainment 

Further information.


Image: Public Communication

Euro-American Conference on Human Rights Development

The 3rd edition of the Euro-American Conference on Human Rights Development that will be held in mixed format (in person and virtual), on 6, 7 and 8 October 2021, in Coimbra, Portugal, invites the submission of symposium proposals.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 July 2021

This year's event will be dedicated to the theme - "Human Rights Dimensions in the Response to COVID-19" - the proposal is to reflect on the impact of the response to the pandemic on Human Rights and analyse the possible damage generated by the imposition of these unprecedented measures in such different approaches around the world likely to place greater demands on Human Rights.

Further information.


Image: CEDH2021

II International Congress Cine e Imagen Científico

The II International Congress Cine e Imagen Científico, to be held in Madrid between 15 and 16 December 2021, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 July 2021

The congress will approach the following thematic areas:

  • Theory and Espistemology
  • Methodological principles
  • Scientific dissemination
  • Media and communication
  • Relations and interdisciplinarity
  • Scientific approach
  • New interactive media
  • Infographics
  • Big data

Further information.


Image: Cine e Imagen Científico

5th International Conference on 'Urban e-Planning'

The 5th International Conference "Urban e-Planning", taking place online between 7 and 10 December 2021, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 June 2021

The 5th International Conference on 'Urban e-Planning' aims to explore the governance and planning of smart cities, as well as the new developments in the field of citizen e-participation in local and urban governance, and in urban e-planning more specifically.

We invite theoretical and empirical contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following themes:

Track 1: Governance and Planning of Smart Cities

Track 2: Citizens e-Participation in Urban Planning / Urban Governance

Track 3: Covid-19 Pandemic: City and Urban e-Planning


Further information.


Image: IJEPR

III International Conference RESMI 2021 | Intercultural Mediation: Communication, Citizenship and Development

The III International Conference RESMI 2021 (Higher Education Network for Intercultural Mediation) on the subject “Intercultural Mediation: Communication, Citizenship and Development” will be held totally online on 21 and 22 October 2021. 

Deadline for abstract submission: 14 June 2021

The Conference will accept the submission of three types of proposal:

Papers – (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A).

Round Tables – (90 minutes). Round Tables should include 4 to 6 papers. The person responsible for the organisation of the Round Table should: 1) collect the abstracts of each participant; 2) produce a summary abstract of the Round Table; 3) submit the proposal for the Round Table. The final 30 minutes should be reserved for an open discussion. 

Workshops – (90 minutes). Workshops should be practical and interactive. The following information should be included in the abstract: 1) justification of the workshop; 2) main objectives; 3) specific objectives; 4) methodology; 5) contents.

Further information.


Image: RESMI

The period for abstract submission for the 45th ANPOCS Meeting, which will take place online from 19 to 27 October 2021, is now open.

Deadline for abstract submission: 7 June 2021

We highlight the symposium "The conflicts and their transits in the ways of inhabiting the space", coordinated by Vera Ribeiro de Almeida dos Santos Faria (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora) and José Manuel Resende (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora)

This symposium seeks empirical research that discusses, from a pragmatic perspective, the conflicts and their trajectories in the various forms of inhabiting spaces in their social and territorial dimensions. The purpose is to broaden the scales of observation and their temporalities, receiving studies, reflections and analyses that base their objects or their centres of interest on issues that debate the possibilities or impossibilities of thinking inspiring, creative, enchanting and comfortable spaces from public conceptions of space increasingly harnessed in plans and projects where the guarantee is the main concern, since without this safeguard the beings who inhabit them are deprived of the security entrusted in modes of governance presided over by duly standardised and calibrated norms. In the face of worlds of discontinuities and mobilities, it is then a question of giving an account of the apprehensions of these spaces, in the more or less turbulent tensions, in the faintness of the borders between conflicts and states of violence, in the meanings of institutions, both in their instituting and instituted forms.

Further information.



5th REFMUR International Congress

The V International REFMUR Congress, taking place online between 19 and 20 July 2021, is accepting contributions.

Deadline for contributions: 30 May 2021

The 5th REFMUR International Congress, on the subject "Families and social processes in Iberoamerica, 16th - 21st centuries. Actuality and research challenges" of the Red de Estudios de Familia de Murcia (REFMUR) will take place online on the 19th and 20th of July 2021. This event is the result of a collaboration between the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, the University of Murcia, the Odivelas City Hall, the University of Extremadura, the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the University of León, the University of the Basque Country, and the Historical Demography Association (ADEH).

More information.



Issue No 6 of Mundo Crítico - Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação

The call for contributions for the issue No 6 of Mundo Crítico - Revista de Desenvolvimento e Cooperação is now open.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 May 2021

How is civic space defined in different societies? What mechanisms and practices have been carried out to claim a more open civic space in different contexts? Has the pandemic crisis exacerbated the restrictions on civil society on a global scale? What impact will these restrictions have in the future? How do NGOs, civil society organisations and informal civic movements operate in the public sphere? What new expressions is the participation of informal groups in the public sphere taking on?

The articles proposed for Issue No. 6, on the theme "Civic Space, Civil Society Organisations and Development" should seek to answer these questions.

Further information.


Image: Mundo Crítico

Revista Configurações n.º 28/2021 | O ensino e a divulgação da Sociologia em Portugal

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 28/2021), on "O ensino e a divulgação da Sociologia em Portugal", to be published on December 2021.

Extended deadline for paper submission: 31 May 2021






Coordenação: Ana Maria Brandão (CICS.NOVA.UMinho, Departamento de Sociologia do Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho), Benedita Portugal e Melo (UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa),  João Teixeira Lopes (Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto, Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto).

Longe vão os tempos em que Adérito Sedas Nunes redigiu uma breve reflexão sobre os “Problemas da Sociologia em Portugal”. Desde 1963, data em que esta foi publicada na revista Análise Social, o panorama alterou-se significativamente no que respeita aos contornos da oferta formativa neste campo disciplinar. A Sociologia está, hoje, claramente firmada enquanto área de formação especializada do Ensino Superior e enquanto área pericial, mas está também presente nos planos de estudos de outras áreas disciplinares e níveis de ensino, incluindo o básico e o secundário. A reflexão dos próprios sociólogos sobre esse percurso, no caso português, é já assinalável. Menos comum, no entanto, tem sido o seu enfoque nos aspetos pedagógicos. Como se ensina e se promove a Sociologia em Portugal? Em que moldes se dá a conhecer o conhecimento sociológico a públicos não familiarizados com esta ciência? Com que questões pedagógicas se confrontam os seus professores quer ao nível dos ensinos básico e secundário, quer da oferta graduada e pós-graduada, especializada ou não? Quais as suas preocupações e que instrumentos e estratégias pedagógicos mobilizam? Que experiências pedagógicas concretas têm desenvolvido e quais os seus resultados? Como se relacionam essas preocupações, instrumentos, estratégias e experiências com as características diversificadas dos públicos com que trabalham?

Não excluindo questões ligadas aos processos de afirmação, consolidação e institucionalização da Sociologia como área disciplinar, são especialmente bem-vindas propostas originais, sob a forma de reflexões, investigações empíricas ou relatos de experiências concretas, que contribuam para a compreensão dos aspetos especificamente pedagógicos do ensino e/ou da divulgação da Sociologia em Portugal.


As propostas devem ser endereçadas à Direcção da Revista, até ao dia 31 de Maio de 2021. Os artigos submetidos deverão ser enviados para, em conformidade com as normas para apresentação de artigos.



Data limite para a submissão de artigos: 31 de Maio de 2021

Envio da decisão para os autores: 1 de Novembro de 2021

Publicação: 31 Dezembro de 2021


Mais informações.

Forum Sociológico | COVID-19: access to rights, social inequalities and institucional (re)arrangements in Portugal and Brazil

The Revista Forum Sociológico announces the opening of the selection of scientific articles for the thematic dossier "COVID-19: Access to rights, social inequalities and institutional (re)arrangements in Portugal and Brazil, with publication scheduled for the second half of 2021.

Extended deadline for article submission: 30 May 2021

The proposal intends to bring together qualified research and empirical and interdisciplinary investments that deal with the social, economic and political effects of Covid-19 in Brazil and Portugal. 


The invisible threat of the virus and its rapid expansion immediately put the paradigm of planetary mobility in check. The developments that followed the declaration of the pandemic served to highlight, on a planetary scale, the political and human implications associated with an integrated world, whose “parts” are articulated through the establishment of a division of planetary work and free movement of goods, “freedom” as well as other values ​​that constitute the “global”, are not only unevenly distributed, but reveal a deep sense of injustice in their distribution. Thus, works must consider and demonstrate how the so-called formal and informal control institutions are (re)organized to contain (or not) the expansion of the pandemic, so as to reproduce the reproduction of inequalities, either through discourses on the reach of the lethality of the virus, either by the intensification of the practices of control and production of deaths, via state action or omission. The reference that supports the call is focused on relationships that permeate social inequalities, therefore relevant to consider the processes of citizenship production and access to rights in a local context.


The dossier will gather from 6 (six) to 8 (eight) articles dealing with the proposed theme. Original articles in Portuguese, French, English and Spanish will be received. The magazine's publication rules and other relevant information, as well as the previous numbers, are available at the Sociological Forum.


The deadline for submitting articles ends on May 30, 2021. Proposals to be considered should be sent to the email address: with the subject of the dossier in the subject field.


2nd International Conference on Night Studies

The 2nd International Conference on Night Studies, to be held online between 6-8 October 2021, is now accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 May 2021

The 2nd International Conference on Night Studies is an international event that aims to echo frontier research, artistic works and professional practices related to the study of the urban night in multiple contexts worldwide.

This event aims to be a platform for sharing ongoing or recent research, open a critical and interdisciplinary debate, and boost e-networking, bringing together academia and society.

Further information.


Image: ICNS.LX

Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia (CUICIID)

The Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia (CUICIID), to be held on 6-7 October, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 17 May 2021

Proposals are accepted in the official languages of the event: English, Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Further information.



QUALIS 2021 | Creativity And Methodological Innovation for Unusual Objects and Problems

The Working Group "Creativity And Methodological Innovation for Unusual Objects and Problems", which integrates the I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021), to be held between 7 and 9 July 2021, invites the submission of abstracts or full papers.

Deadline for submission of contributions: 14 May 2021

The Work Group "Creativity And Methodological Innovation for Unusual Objects and Problems" is coordinated by José Manuel Resende, Luís Gouveia and David Beirante, CICS.NOVA integrated researchers.

The I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021) is open to all and different disciplinary latitudes on methodology among the scientific community, with a special focus on this first edition on the current Methodological Challenges that are placed in a developmental and multidisciplinary construction of the methodology. It receives, therefore, proposals that consubstantive theoretical studies, literature review or others with special emphasis on research/research supported in mixed and/or innovative methodological approaches.

Further information.

QUALIS 2021 | Investigação qualitativa aplicada: processos de intervenção social e de desenvolvimento local

The Working Group "Investigação qualitativa aplicada: processos de intervenção social e de desenvolvimento local", which integrates the I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021), to be held between 7 and 9 July 2021, invites the submission of abstracts or full papers.

Deadline for submission of contributions: 7 May 2021

The Work Group "Investigação qualitativa aplicada: processos de intervenção social e de desenvolvimento local" is coordinated by Saudade Baltazar, Marcos Olímpio dos Santos and Sandra Saúde.

The I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021) is open to all and different disciplinary latitudes on methodology among the scientific community, with a special focus on this first edition on the current Methodological Challenges that are placed in a developmental and multidisciplinary construction of the methodology. It receives, therefore, proposals that consubstantive theoretical studies, literature review or others with special emphasis on research/research supported in mixed and/or innovative methodological approaches.

Further information.

I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021)

The I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021), to be held between 7 and 9 July 2021, is accepting proposals for papers.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 7 May 2021

The I International Congress on Methodology (Qualis2021) is open to all and different disciplinary latitudes on methodology among the scientific community, with a special focus on this first edition on the current Methodological Challenges that are placed in a developmental and multidisciplinary construction of the methodology. It receives, therefore, proposals that consubstantive theoretical studies, literature review or others with special emphasis on research/research supported in mixed and/or innovative methodological approaches.

Further information.



The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity in Sports (ICMPEDS) 2021

The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity in Sports (ICMPEDS) organized by GESPORT with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, will take place online from the 14th to the 16th of July 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April 2021

Sport and its management continues to be a field where men and masculinity strongly prevail. This conference aims to investigate the complexities attached to the following questions: What does gender openness mean in the context of sport in the 21st century? What persists as gender closure in the same context? What are the gender cultures that signify sport continuing to be defined by regimes that resort to a dominant masculinity embodied in a strong and athletic male body?


Further information.


Image: GeoSport

7th International Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing

The 7th International Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing, to be held 29-30 October 2021, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for submission of papers: 30 April 2021

The main theme of this workshop will be on long-term and informal care. As populations age, the demand for long-term care services (such as nursing services, personal care, and domestic tasks) is expected to continue rising. It is recognised that such services are essential to the welfare of many older people. Most long-term care for the elderly is currently provided by informal carers, often family members. Such caregivers face many challenges, including balancing family and employment with their caregiving responsibilities. Long-term care is also delivered by formal services, including residential care homes and home-based care such as community nursing and home-help services. In many countries, there are concerns about how much long-term care expenditure will need to rise to meet the needs of an increasing older population, mirroring the similar concerns about future expenditure on pensions and health care.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss topics such as: 

  • Changes in the demand for long-term care
  • Healthcare expenditures associated with long-term care
  • Funding systems (including international comparisons)
  • The consequences of informal care on caregivers (e.g., health and employment)
  • Policies to cope with the increasing demand for long-term care
  • Supply of long-term care and the role of migration
  • Effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on long-term and informal care

Although the workshop will have a main track on long-term and informal care, we also invite papers on any topic in the field of the economics of ageing.

Further information.


Image: ISEG

1st Meeting European Journal of Management Studies (EJMS)

The European Journal of Management Studies (EJMS) is accepting contributions for its 1st Annual Meeting that will take place on the 8th July 2021 at ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management.

Deadline for article submission: 30 April 2021

Papers in the following areas related to the management of organisations are welcomed:

  • Strategy,
  • Marketing,
  • Human resources,
  • Organisational behaviour,
  • Operations and Logistics,
  • Economic Sociology,
  • Finance,
  • Accounting,
  • Management Control,
  • Taxation,
  • Information Management Systems
  • Entrepreneurship,
  • International Management,
  • Others.

Further information.



Desenvolvimento e Sociedade, Revista Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais 2021

The journal Desenvolvimento e Sociedade invites submissions to be part of the new issue, with publication date expected for December 2021.

Deadline for article submission: 30 April 2021

The journal D&S invites interested authors to submit articles in the field of social sciences for publication in the 2021 edition, under the following themes: Citizenship, work and technology; Cities, environment and development; Social inequalities and public action; Education, knowledge and culture; Health, population and well-being; Modelling and planning systems; other themes that fit in the editorial policy of the journal.

Article proposals should result from work carried out within the scope of research projects, advanced training programmes, critical reviews, conferences, seminars and other workshops, preferably of international scope.

Further information.


Image: Development and Society

9th Annual Congress on Science Communication SciComPt

The 9th Annual SciComPt Science Communication Congress, to be held online from 23-25 June 2021, is now accepting proposals for contributions and demonstrations.

Deadline for proposals: 29 April 2021

This meeting aims to promote the exchange of research or more practical work, related to the challenges faced by Science Communication: what went well, what went less well, what results and conclusions were reached or the possibilities of replication in different contexts. It encourages mutual learning within the community based on the difficulties and strategies developed by the community over this last year, whether in the area of uncertainty and misinformation, or in other areas relevant to science communicators.

Further information.


Image: SciCom

Call for papers – RAE: Human resource management contribution to sustainability

The Journal of Business Management is accepting contributions for a special issue dedicated to the subject "Bodies and Organizations: Disrupting Hegemonies".

Deadline for article submission: 30 April 2021

This special issue aims to identify the contribution of Human Resource Management to Sustainabilitywithin the framework of the implementation of the 2030 UN’s Agenda for sustainable development.

Researcher are welcome to provide studies on the topics (but not limited to):

  • Practices regarding employee well-being and inclusiveness;
  • The role that different Green Human Resource Management practices have on sustainability;
  • Human Resource Management contribution to innovation;
  • Reshaping jobs for sustainability;
  • Digital transformation as a key feature towards a more sustainable organization;
  • After the “home-office” and towards the future post Covid-19 crisis - is there room for a “new human resources management”?.

Find more information here.

I Congress on International Law (I CDI)

The I Congress of International Law (I CDI), to be held in person or virtually on 19 and 20 July 2021, at NOVA School of Law, has opened a call for papers.

Deadline for proposal submission: 16 April 2021

The first International Law Congress is a transnational event with the main objective of establishing a space for debate, reflection and exchange of ideas on the most significant current topics for the legal sciences, with a particular interest in developing a critical and multidisciplinary academic debate. Proposals for abstracts or symposia may be submitted.

More information.


Image: CDI

A-Place – Video Production Open Call 2021

As a member of the international collaboration A-Place, LOOP is organizing the second open call to commission a video production to investigate the process of creating a sense of place in one of the six cities participating in the project. (Barcelona, Bologna, Brussels, Lisbon, Ljubljana and Nicosia).

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 15 April 2021

The purpose of this call is to invite multidisciplinary artists to explore and widen the meaning of place in our multicultural, interconnected societies. The aim is to produce a video that presents, documents, deconstructs, expands, speculates, challenges, fictionalizes, etc. the experience of creating places. The production of the video is an activity that is carried out within the social dynamics of urban space with the aim of developing a sense of place that overcomes any existing physical, social or cultural inertia.

Further information.


Image: LOOP

Call for Papers – Sustainability, special issue Social Innovation and Sustainability

The call for contributions from the journal Sustainability (Human Geography and Social Sustainability section, with an impact factor of 2,592) for the special issue "Social Innovation and Sustainability" is open.

Deadline for submission of articles: March 31, 2021

Authors from management, economics, finance, sociology, and other related disciplines are invited to submit their papers. Multidisciplinary research that embraces the diversity of the sustainability and social innovation perspectives is particularly appreciated. Submissions for publication in this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Social Innovation and sustainable development;
  • Corporate practices of sustainable development in emerging versus developed markets;
  • Social enterprises and sustainability;
  • Social innovation as a way of achieving strong sustainability;
  • Ethical issues in social Innovation;
  • The future of sustainability in social innovation: A holistic approach;
  • Cases studies in different industries and/or countries;
  • Sustainable and innovative approaches on environmental and social issues.

Find more information here.


Image: MDPI/Sustainibility

Urban tourism in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic

The call for chapters for the book Urban tourism in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, edited by Jorge Sequera (UNED) and Jordi Nofre (CICS.NOVA), is currently open

Deadline for abstract submission: 26 March 2021

The development and distribution of an effective and safe vaccine against COVID-19 show us a light at the end of the tunnel. Since the outbreak of coronavirus until the current encouraging situation, the public powers have responded to the pandemic by deploying a battery of measures such as severe mobility restrictions, isolation, quarantines, social distancing, and night-time curfews in most countries of the Global South, the Global East, and the Global North. As a result of COVID-related restrictions, urban tourism has dropped sharply in many cities worldwide. An increasing number of voices across the world have expressed their concerns regarding the profound consequences that the current situation may have for the urban tourism and related activities.  An example of the consequences driven by the current circumstances of the pandemic include the progressive destruction of thousands of jobs, and the consequent growing financial imbalance of many businesses. On the other hand, we should also mention the wide range of impacts on the urban fabric, such as new forms of segregation (including biopolitical forms of segregation); the extreme tertiarisation of housing; the homogenisation of urban space and its monofunctionalisation strongly oriented towards tourism; the evictions; the disappearance of traditional local retail stores. However, other tourism-related problems that exert pressure on central areas of our cities (e.g., worsening of community livability, conflicts in the public space during nighttime hours, etc.) have abruptly ceased during the pandemic. Undoubtedly, all of this introduces a higher level of complexity when it comes to conducting research into the range of potential spatial, social, economic and cultural changes that the current pandemic has produced in global cities, and those that it may continue to produce in the short- and mid-term future.


“Urban tourism in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic” therefore aims to explore the number of multifaceted spatial, social, economic and cultural changes that urban tourism in the Global South, Global East and Global North has experienced (and will face) as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This call for chapters therefore wishes to encourage contributions relating to one or more of the following research topics:


1. The fragility of urban tourism in socio-(bio)environmental crises (natural disasters, pandemics, climate change, etc.) and social crises (wars, revolts, social mobilisation, armed conflicts, etc.)

2. Constructed tourist imagery and its deconstruction in times of pandemic

3. The rise and fall of urban tourism. What’s next?

4. The new movements of transnational tourism corporations and the links between financial capital, hotel companies and platform economies (Uber, Deliveroo, etc.)

5. Transformations of tourist consumption, public space and the (de)airbnbisation of cities

6. Urban segregation, labour precarity and new social geographies in tourist cities

7. New urban conflicts in tourist cities and regulatory responses to the pandemic

8. The chronotopias of tourism and the ‘aseptic’ city


Editors of a book series published with a reputable international academic publisher have already expressed an interest in this edited book project. For this reason, our edited book “Urban tourism in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic” will take into account, as a priority, empirical research chapters that have made a significant effort to update and adapt their fieldwork to the current situation. Please send your abstract (500 words max.) to Jorge (, with Jordi ( in cc, by no later than 26 March, 2020.


Submission timeline:

Submission of chapter abstracts: 26 March, 2021

Communication of acceptance or rejection: 9 April, 2021

Submission of full manuscripts (around 6,000 words) to Editors: 4 October, 2021

International Seminar «Education, Territories and Human Development»

The IV International Seminar "Education, Territories and Human Development", organised by the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Portuguese Catholic University will be held in Porto between 22 and 24 July 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 22 March 2021

The International Seminar aims to reunite researchers, academics, students and professionals of the area of education and provide a privileged opportunity for the dissemination of research and studies, for the exchange of experiences, the debate of ideas and the reflection in the field of formal and non-formal education.

Further information.


Image: Portuguese Catholic University

13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies

The 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on the 5th, 6th and 7th of July, 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 March 2021

The main topics for this edition are: 

  • COVID19: Distance Learning in Times of Crisis
  • Experiences in Education
  • Pedagogical Innovations in Education
  • Career Development and Training
  • Experiences in Research
  • Collaboration Projects and Networks
  • Trends and Issues in Education
  • e-Learning
  • Computer Supported Collaboration
  • Emerging Technologies in Education
  • Educational Software & Serious Games
  • E-content Management and Development

Further information.


Image: IATED

Europe as a Global Actor Conference

The International Conference EGA2021: Europe as the Global Player, taking place between 10 and 11 May 2021, is accepting contributions.

Deadline for proposal submission: 17 March 2021

The fifth edition of the international conference “Europe as a Global Actor” seeks to discuss the EU’s current and envisioned role in the world (and Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Asia in particular) in the context of UK’s departure from the EU, the re-configuring of EU-US relations, and the increasing challenge to the EU’s role as a global actor posed by China, Russia, and Turkey’s growing assertiveness.

We aim to debate the EU’s capacity to act, its physical and ontological security, and its resilience, in light of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU and the priorities of the current Trio of Presidencies (Germany, Portugal, Slovenia). Furthermore, we are interested in addressing how the EU has and can respond to key threats to its security, maintain internal cohesion, and act as a leader in tackling the global climate crisis. As in previous editions, the EU’s relationship with other major players and with local actors in shared neighbourhoods will also be discussed.

The Conference Program includes thematic panels, round tables with keynote speakers, as well as plenary sessions on the challenges of European security and defence, diplomacy, climate change, and other relevant subjects. As such, in addition to the presence of several invited scholars and practitioners, the program also includes the presentation of communications by international researchers and practitioners. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s conference is planned to take place in a mixed format (both physical and digital).

More information.

Call for papers – Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research «Police, Courts, and Incarceration: The Justice System and the Family»

The annual series Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research (CPFR) is currently accepting papers for the special issue "Police, Courts, and Incarceration: The Justice System and the Family".

Deadline for paper submission: 15 March 2021

This volume will focus on the justice system and the family, aiming to better comprehend how involvement at any level of the justice system affects families. Therefore, CPFR is seeking articles that cover a wide array of topics including: how policing, arrest, jail and court processes impact family members and their support networks; how prolonged incarceration impacts children and parenting processes and family comping; how intimate relationships are impacted during and after incarceration including marriage and divorce and partner violence; and, whether system involvement leads to unintended consequences among family members such as heightened fear of crime and victimizations including extrajudicial killings and fears of the police, among others.

Find more information here.


Image: CPFR

Call for papers – Revista Iluminuras

The call for articles for issue 57 of Revista Iluminuras is now open. The issue will be dedicated to the theme "Art, Image and Urban Resistance".

Deadline for article submission: 15 March 2021

The visual practices of resistance are the theme of issue 57 of Revista Iluminuras, dealing with protests, revolutions, activism in the city, its event, its stage and main scenario. This dossier takes this meeting between art, image and policies of resistance in the city as a starting point.

The submissions should focus on some or all of the following themes:

  • Activism and its disruptive artistic and communication strategies;
  • Decolonizing aesthetic approaches and methodologies;
  • Image and urban resistance;
  • Visual, city and socio-cultural practices activists;
  • Languages and technologies: dissent and resistances;
  • Cyberactivism and articulation between the street and the internet;
  • Post-image and the technologies of visuality;
  • Urban networks and artistic collectives of visual activism;
  • Productive, critical, curatorial and artistic experiments of resistance;
  • The design of activist narratives;
  • Crises and reconfigurations of the visual dissemination system in contemporary democracy.

Find more information here.

Small Cities and Health: From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era | Healthcare, sanitary institutions, and urban hygiene policies

The Meeting Small Cities and Health: From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Er on "Healthcare, sanitary institutions, and urban hygiene policies", to be held between 6 and 8 May 2021, is accepting contributions.

Deadline for proposals: 10 March 2021

This meeting aims to evaluate how and to what degree societies and authorities (both central and local), managed or failed to promote, in small cities: (i) the concern for collective health, through the recruitment of medical personnel; (ii) the foundation or continued investment in hospital establishments and assistance institutions; (iii) hygiene or protection regulations against epidemics, as well as attempt to answer the following question: is there, in this matter as in others, a specific response for small towns?

More information.


Image: In_Scit

Societies | Special Issue "Socio-technical Dimensions of Automation of Work - Future Visions Matter"

Societies is accepting contributions for a special issue on "Socio-technical Dimensions of Automation of Work - Future Visions Matter".

Deadline for article submission: 10 March 2021

This Special Issue of the journal “Societies” will discuss the concept of the (technical) automation of working environments from an interdisciplinary perspective. Hereby, the socio-technical trends of automation, the “normal” routines of continuous automatization and the impact of automation on working conditions will be determined theoretically and empirically.

Find more information here.


Image: Societies

Covid-19 and ‘the night’ in the Tourist City: Present and Future

The session Covid-19 and 'the night' in the Tourist City: Present and Future, of the RGS-IBG ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2021, is now accepting proposals for contributions. 

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2021

This double session aims to debate about the range of impacts, challenges and opportunities at spatial, social, behavioral, economical, and governance level that current Covid-19 pandemic is having and will have for tourism, hospitality, and evening and nighttime leisure industry. This double session strongly welcome policy-oriented papers contributing for a new generation of tourism policy recommendations towards safer, healthier, more inclusive, and ‘green’ urban tourism in (post-)Covid-19 world.

Further information.


Image: International Night Studies Network

8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers

The 8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers will be held between 23 and 25 June 2021 at Universidade Lusófona, in Lisbon.

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2021

The main goal of this international congress is to develop an understanding of the paradigm shift set in motion by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of Digital Contents.

For the 2021 edition, the theme will be “Audiovisual and Creative Industries - Present and Future”. Alongside recognizing the importance of thinking and debating the challenges the audiovisual industry is facing today, mainly in the broader context of the creative industries, we also aim to promote the construction and consolidation of links between different sectors in the creative industries.

Since 1997, this congress has brought together researchers, academics, professionals and students of Audiovisual Communication, aiming to reflect on and discuss the audiovisual sector from a holistic standpoint.  Past editions took place in Salamanca (1997, 1998), Madrid (1999, 2015, 2017), Huesca (2011) and Santander (2019).

More information.


Image: CIIA

FNSBS | Call for Papers First Years Count!

The foundation FNBS launches, as part of the European Campaign for Child Development, the First Years Count! call for papers.

Deadline for article submission: 28 February 2021

This call aims to compile published articles on research, policies and practices associated with Child Development in the 0-6 age group, preferably in the first 1,000 days of life, as well as the dissemination of articles admitted under the European campaign to promote Early Child Development. 

This call aims at to widely disseminate the admitted articles, with the purpose of promoting the awareness of society in general, including policymakers, in order to recognize and value the importance of the first years of life as central to the sustainability of any society.

Find more information on this initiative here.


Image: FNSBS

ESA Conference 2021

The 15th ESA Conference, to be held online between 31 August and 3 September 2021, is accepting proposals for contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2021

More information.


Image: ESA

15th Conference of the European Sociological Association – RS1 After Weber: Making Alternative Ethical Rationalities Knowable

The RS1 of the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, to be held between 31 August and 3 September 2021, with the topic "After Weber: Making Alternative Ethical Rationalities Knowable" is accepting contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2021

With his relentless work in defining the patterns of sociological analysis, both in conceptual and methodological terms, Weber has been one of the authors who has contributed the most to the objectivity of sociological knowledge, especially with regard to alternatives to positivism in social sciences. The aim of this RS is to bring together empirical or theoretical proposals, of different sensitivities and backgrounds, which reflect on alternative ethical rationalities (ecological, cosmopolitan, etc.), their significance, and the way their meaning can be accessed.

More information.

Journal Comunicação Pública n.º 30 | Thematic issue Advertising in times of pandemics: new challenges and approaches

The journal Comunicação Pública is accepting contributions to Issue 30 for a thematic dossier on "Advertising in times of pandemic: New challenges and approaches".

Deadline for article submission: 1 February 2021

The following topics are suggested (as an example):

  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on creative advertising strategies;
  • Ways of adapting advertising to the challenges posed by the pandemic;
  • Impact of the pandemic on the choice of advertising media;
  • The role of advertising in disseminating messages on public health issues and social behaviour;
  • Impact of the pandemic on advertising as an economic sector;
  • Ways of adapting advertising to changes in the situation;
  • Perceptions regarding the positioning of advertising during the pandemic.

Find more information here.


Image: Public Communication Magazine

Call for papers – Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research «Facing Death: Familial Responses to Illness and Death»

The annual series Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research (CPFR) is currently accepting papers for the special issue "Facing Death: Familial Responses to Illness and Death".

Deadline for paper submission: 31 January 2021

This special issue aims to gain a better understanding of how families around the world respond to illness and death. Therefore, this multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address such topics as: how parents cope with the loss of a child, employment and caregiving, caregiving across national boundaries, the sandwich generation, gender differences in caregiving and the death process, the death ritual in times of quarantine, individual versus familial bereavement, and child/adolescent development following the death of a parent, among others.

Find more information here.


Image: CPFR

Call for papers – RAE: Bodies and organizations: Disrupting hegemonies

The Journal for Business Management is accepting contributions for a special issue dedicated to the subject "Bodies and Organizations: Disrupting Hegemonies".

Deadline for article submission: 31 January 2021

This special issue invites researchers to provide theoretical, theoretical-empirical or methodological studies in the following streams, which are not intended to be exhaustive:

  • Bodies, genders and sexualities;
  • Differences and bodily experiences
  • Technologies and bodies
  • Spatialities, territorialities and corporealities
  • Embodied works
  • Hierarchical bodies and peripheries
  • Colonization, decolonization and embodiment
  • Bodies, resistances and cities.

Find more information here.

Living with Tourism: Paradoxes, Empowerment e Direcções Futuras

The volume Living with Tourism: Paradoxes, Empowerment e Direcções Futuras is accepting chapter contributions.

Deadline for manuscript submission: 30 January 2021

The edited volume Living with Tourism: Paradoxes, Empowerment and Future Directions seeks chapter proposals exploring tourism impacts, involvement, resilience, tensions and paradoxes on local communities and their hosting, production and consumption relationship practices revealed in the particularities of each touristic destination. It also invites proposals concerning broader discussions on future directions of tourism as a result of the unprecedented worldwide changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information.


Image: Vernon Press

Institute for Research on Portuguese-Speaking Countries | 2020-2021 Third International Annual Symposium

The Third Annual International Symposium (2020-2021) of the Institute for Research on Portuguese-Speaking Countries is accepting paper proposals. This event will be held on 5 July 2021 at the University of Macau. 

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 January 2021

The international symposium is open to young and experienced researchers, post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D. students, and professionals from business, government and nongovernmental institutions. Papers from all the following fields, in their broad meaning, may be submitted:

  • Social, political and economic development processes since their independence;
  • Their international relations, regional relevance and integration;
  • Their political systems and economic structures;
  • Their social achievements;
  • Their geopolitics and geo-economics;
  • Their challenges and development opportunities;
  • Comparative analysis between the two or three countries;
  • The relationship of these states with PRChina.

Find more information here.


Image: City University of Macau

EURAM 2021 | Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world

The EURAM 2021 conference at the University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada, from 16 to 18 June 2021, has an open call for abstracts on the theme "Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world".

Deadline for abstract submission: 12 January 2021

The conference aims to find new ways to stimulate sustainable economic growth by creating new jobs and economic opportunities for all, serving society, protecting the environment and strengthen the global response to climate change.  At the same time, we must learn to adjust to the pandemic’s ‘new normal’ and to cope with new threats that may arise in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as economic, financial and health crises, cyber threats, and large-scale humanitarian crises. 

The goal is to blur the boundaries between research and practice and find solutions for reshaping capitalism, in a context of pluralism of ideas, multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion.

Find more information here.


Image: EURAM 2021

REMHU | Dossier Especial «COVID-19, State of Emergency and Migration»

The No. 61 of the Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Urbana will include a dossier on "COVID-19, State of Emergency and Migration".

Deadline for article submission: 10 January 2021

The issue aims to analyse the situation shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic in its impact on migrants and refugees, with all its implications in terms of human rights and (i)mobility, also highlighting resistance practices by those directly involved or solidarity organisations.

Some of the issues that can be addressed:

  • Migrant subjects (irregular migration, women and LGBT) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Strategies for resistance and resilience in the face of the pandemic;
  • (I)mobility strategies in the context of the pandemic;
  • Solidarity practices of organised society towards migrants and refugees in the context of the pandemic;
  • State of emergency/exception, migration policies and suspension/reduction of migrants' and refugees' rights.

Find more information here.

Call for contributions - VII Iberian Meeting on Aesthetics

The VII Iberian Meeting on Aesthetics has been postponed and will be held in Granada under the name "The Art and the Human".

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until 7 January 2021.

This meeting has the main purpose of promoting reflection on the artistic practice, the meanings of art and the artistic language. The following main themes are presented as a general reference for the submission of contributions:

• Aesthetic notions of human;
• Technologies of the self, art, technique and nature;
• Evolutionary and neuroesthetic aesthetics;
• The languages of the human;
• Human treatment with different arts.

Find more information here.

Sustainability | Special issue "Knowledge Management and Human Resources Management for Organizational Sustainability”

The call for papers of the journal Sustainability is now open for the special issue entitled "Knowledge Management and Human Resources Management for Organizational Sustainability”.

Deadline for article submission: 31 December 2020

This Special Issue invites submissions focusing on knowledge management and human resources management as a means to reach organizational sustainability, especially from an interdisciplinary perspective. The main objective of this Special Issue is to approach the involved topics with new perspectives and methods and to provide evidence from studies developed in original settings. Empirical papers reporting unique, systematic, innovative, and integrative research are targeted for this Special Issue. Bibliometric, systematic, and content literature review analyses are also requested. Both theoretical and empirical approaches are accepted. Submissions of empirical studies using either quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods analyses are the most welcome.

Find more information here.


Image: Sustainability

XXI International Congress of Francophone Sociologists | The Moral Society

The XXI International Congress of Francophone Sociologists, to be held between 12 and 16 July 2021, is open to proposals for presentation on the topic "The Moral Society".

Deadline for proposals: 31 December 2020

The emergence of a moral actor who constantly judges the state of the world presented to him is undoubtedly a remarkable and unprecedented historical fact. It describes an individual who is driven by the misery of women and men, outraged by so many forms of injustice, inequality, discrimination and human suffering.

The aim of this congress is to reflect on the metamorphoses of the moral issue and the way in which sociologists are grasping it at the heart of contemporary societies. Three themes will animate the plenary debates and structure the reflection of all the AISLF research committees and working groups. Sociological analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic may give rise to special sessions or enrich the work of the thematic sessions. Above all, work is sought on the following axes:

1. Inequalities, moral feelings and social actor

2. Disputes, collective action and moral commitments

3. Institutions and mechanisms

Find more information here.


Image: AISLF

Call for papers – CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios «People Have the Power: Songs of Resistance in Late Modernity»

The call for papers for the special issue "People Have the Power: Songs of Resistance in Late Modernity" of the CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios is currently open.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2020

Deadline for article submission: 31 December 2020

This issue will be published in 2021, edited by Paula Guerra (Universidade do Porto - Portugal), Elizabeth Turner (Auckland University of Technology - New Zealand) and Carles Feixa (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain).

The aim of this proposed special issue is to examine the unique force of popular music in response to recent and contemporary social problems, and the changing concepts of resistance and protest in popular music.

Abstract proposals should be sent by e-mail to the organizers:

Find more information here.


Image: CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios

Call for papers - Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal N.º 16

The scientific journal Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal is accepting contributions for the next issue (no. 16), under the theme "The materials of historical interest that make the built heritage: correlations, uses, landscapes".

Deadline for article submission: 31 December 2020

In this thematic dossier of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, the focus is on the relation between built heritage, knowledge and society. It is proposed a multidisciplinary, wide and diversified approach of the various aspects that influence the patrimonial existence of cities. It aims to explore diversified aspects of mediation between these materials and cultural heritage. 

Find more information here.


Image: Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa

V CHAM International Conference | Frontiers of Humanity and Beyond: towards new critical understandings of borders

The V CHAM International Conference, dedicated to "Frontiers of Humanity and Beyond: towards new critical understandings of borders" is accepting proposals for panels.

Deadline for proposal submission: 20 December 2020

Scholars from all humanities and social sciences, as well as from related natural and environmental sciences, are invited to submit panel proposals on the following themes:

  • Boundaries of knowledge and disciplinary work: frontiers between the humanities, the social and the natural sciences.

  • Urban frontiers: inclusion and segregation in contemporary cities.

  • Ecologies of identity. Fluid boundaries: Renegotiating gender identity.

  • Mestizo mindscapes and the new frontiers of racial constructs in the 21st century.

  • Earth unbound: indigenous leaderships and ecocultures.

  • Humans vs non-humans and other forms of specist boundaries.

  • Temporalities, chronologies and the organization of time.

  • Expansion, Resistance and Negotiation: agency at the edges of the European Empires.

  • Nationalisms and the definition of frontiers.

  • Overcoming frontiers: migrations and forced displacements.

  • A world of trade: hubs, economic zones and global routes.

  • Science at the Frontier: exploration, plunder and restoration.

  • Confinement and self-isolation in pandemic times.

  • Climatic change and citizenship.

  • Beyond natural borders: land and sea heritage.

Panels proposals should include a title, an abstract of the topic and a short academic biography of the proponent(s).

More information.


Image: CHAM

Call for papers – II International Conference on Culture and Society

The II International Conference on Culture & Society is accepting paper submissions, under the theme "Which kind of Literacy(s) for an Economic and Social Justice?". The second edition of the conference is to be held at Zambezi University, in Mozambique, on 27 and 28 May 2021.

Deadline for article submission: 15 December 2020

This conference aims to explore knowledge from the most diverse areas, namely in the field of language and literature, social sciences, as well as in the legal and economic sciences.

Contributions that look to address the central question are welcome, namely from perspectives suggested:

  • Literacy, culture and knowledge;
  • Anthropological reflection on nomadic peoples;
  • Traveling and cultural imagery;
  • Understanding identities;
  • Recovery of the memory and its preservation;
  • Identity belonging and conceptions of language;
  • Identities, Values and Ways of Life;
  • Migration, Ethnicity and Racism;
  • Globalization, Modernity, Uncertainty / Risk;
  • Man as a driving factor for contradictions and consensus.

Find more information here.


Image: CHAM

Call for proposals of thematic dossiers – Comunicação Pública Journal

The journal Comunicação Pública is currently accepting proposals for thematic dossiers, to be published between 2021 and 2023.

Deadline for proposals: 20 November 2020

The journal Comunicação Pública is a multidisciplinary editorial project with the aim of publishing research work, theoretical essays and critical notes that, regardless of the diversity of perspectives, languages, contexts and objectives that characterize them, have human communication as their subject for reflection.

Find more information here.


Image: Revista de Comunicação Pública

Revista Configurações n.º 27/ 2021

Revista Configurações: Journal of Social Sciences, edited by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences - Pole of University of Minho, is accepting papers for a new issue (no. 27/2021), to be published on 30 June 2021.

Deadline paper submission: 13 November 2020 (extended deadline)

The journal is seeking inpublished academic works, in the form of articles or reviews of published works, which contribute to enrich scientific knowledge in relevant themes in the area of Social Sciences and, in particular, Sociology. The texts may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English and will be submitted to independent expert evaluation, on a double anonymity basis. Papers submitted should be sent to, in accordance with the following rules.


Find more information here.


Image: Revista Configurações

3rd WCCES Symposium | Teachers, Teaching Profession, and Comparative Education: Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom amidst Emerging Issues related to COVID-19

The 3rd WCCES Symposium on the theme "Teachers, Teaching Profession, and Comparative Education: Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom amidst Emerging Issues related to COVID-19" to be held online between 25 and 27 November 2020 is accepting proposals for presentations.

Deadline for abstract submission: 10 November 2020 (extended deadline)

Questions for Consideration
A number of questions, including (but not limited to) the following are raised as the guiding threads for this symposium:
• How can the teaching profession rise to the call in the SDGs towards the promotion of the idea and requirements to nurture shared values caring for our local and global, social and physical environment in recognition of our common humanity?  
• How can the teaching profession and teachers in the framework of comparative education promote and uphold common values recognising our mutual dependence? 
• What processes are taking place and/or can be envisioned to leverage the constructive impact of the education systems in different parts of the world during and post the Covid-19 pandemic?
• How can technology be conceived as an effective tool that can help achieve humanistic values and goals? 
• What role can comparative education/educators/researchers play in protecting and fostering teachers’ freedoms when these are threatened?
• How can autonomous and critical thinking be applied in teaching and research to promote and sustain academic freedom?
• What cross-national comparisons of values education be conducted from the lower to higher levels of education systems?
• What are the implications for gender equity and values education as in many national contexts there is a gendered structure of the teaching profession characterised by a feminisation of the lower levels while the upper levels, especially in the universities, are dominated by the male teachers and researchers?

Find more information here.


Image: WCCES

Call for contributions | V Meeting of the Disability and Human Rights Observatory

The 5th Meeting of the Disability and Human Rights Observatory will be held online on 11 December 2020. The event is accepting contributions of oral presentations (between 10 and 15 minutes).

Deadline for abstract submission: 5 November 2020

This edition, which takes place in the context of a pandemic affecting the daily lives of many people with disabilities and their families, aims to promote a broad reflection on the multiple crises that the pandemic has accentuated and the challenges it poses to the fulfilment of the human rights of people with disabilities in Portugal. It will also seek to discuss good practices that are emerging to respond to the emerging challenges, and the lessons that can be learned for the future from these crises. This meeting aims to promote a scientific meeting in the area of Disability Studies in Portugal and to disseminate innovative intervention projects in this field, encouraging the exchange and availability of new knowledge.

The proposals should focus on disability issues and may consider, among others, the following thematic axes:
Independent living and self-representation;

  • The right to self-determination;
  • Education and distance learning;
  • Work and employment;
  • Crisis in carers and support for people with disabilities;
  • Accessibility.

Find more information here.


Image: ODDH

Call for contributions – IMISCOE Research Series

The European research network IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) is accepting book proposals that fit into the broad theme of Migration Studies, in its various interdisciplinary approaches.

Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2020

Established to promote research emanating from the IMISCOE Research Network, the IMISCOE publication series has since become one of the main migration related publication series in Europe and beyond, with over 100 titles published since its launch in 2006. It presents empirical and theoretical scholarship addressing issues of migration management and migrant integration in Europe, from different disciplinary perspectives, and with a special interest in new and innovative topics and methods of research. Authored by experts in the field, the works provide a rich reference source for scholars, students, and stakeholders.

Find more information on this call here.



Online Conference | Education: What’s next? Formal education & training and the transition from school to work in rural areas

The conference "Education: What’s next? Formal education & training and the transition from school to work in rural areas", to be held online between 27 and 28 January 2021, is accepting proposals for presentations.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 October 2020 (extended deadline)

The conference is organised as part of an ongoing COST Action (2019-2023) involving some 30 European countries and aims to establish a European multidisciplinary - Rural NEETs' Youth Network (RNYN) and an open access online observatory for data sharing and research, methodological tools and good practice on young people in rural settings.

The conference aims to be a space for sharing and discussing the importance of formal education and training in the transition to the labour market for young people in rural settings and is aimed at researchers, youth workers, social intervention technicians, teachers and other education and youth professionals.

Find more information here.


Imagem: RNY Observatory

Call for papers – 19th National Ecology Meeting

The 19th National Ecology Meeting is accepting contributions dedicated to the theme "Challenges of the New Decade". This meeting will be held online between 9 and 12 December 2020.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 October 2020

This meeting will focus on Ecology as a cross-cutting science, and thus ecologists in particular are called upon to intervene and highlight their role as relevant professionals in a changing society. What are the challenges to be faced? How can we protect what we still have? How can we reverse what we have lost? How can we act?

The event seeks work in all fields of ecology. The event will be structured in order to highlight 3 major themes: restoration and ecological management, biodiversity and ecosystems, and marine resources and oceans.

Learn more about this call here.


Image: SPECO

Call for papers - XI Congresso Português de Sociologia “Identidades ao rubro: diferenças, pertenças e populismos num mundo efervescente”

The call for papers for the XI Congresso Português de Sociologia “Identidades ao rubro: diferenças, pertenças e populismos num mundo efervescente” is currently open. The event will take place from 29 to 31 March 2021 (new dates), at Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas do ISCTE – IUL and Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, in Lisbon.

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 October 2020 (extension of deadline)

Find more information here.


Image: APS

Call for papers – Third International Workshop on Gerontechnology

The Third International Workshop on Gerontechnology is accepting proposals for papers and/or extended abstracts. This event is part of the 1st Comprehensive Health Research Center Summit - CHRC and will take place between 16 and 20 November 2020.

Deadline for paper submissions: 16 October 2020

The event seeks papers that address the following topics:

  • Health promotion, population health and lifestyles;
  • High burden diseases and high mortality;
  • Health policies and research in health services;
  • Innovation in health.


Find more information here.

Any further question may be addressed to Prof Doutor César Fonseca (


Image: 4ieplus

Call for papers - Youth Observatory of the Azores (OJA)

The Youth Observatory of the Azores is accepting article submissions that discuss the subject "Youth and Global Movements", for future book publication.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2020

The book Os Jovens e Movimentos Globais aims to reflect on civic participation and political intervention by young people in a transnational public sphere based on four major themes:

I. Activism and Associativism
II. Environment and Sustainability
III. Minorities and Equality
IV. Citizenship and Mobility

The abstracts should be sent to

Find more information here.


Image: Observatório da Juventude dos Açores (OJA)

Call for papers – Interacções Journal

The journal Interacções is accepting contributions for the No. 54 (Volume 16) 2020, dedicated to "Online education in times of pandemic - challenges and opportunities", to be published in November 2020.

Deadline for paper submission: 30 September 2020

In contrast to initially planned trials of online education, emergency remote teaching is a temporary shift to an alternative teaching format due to crisis circumstances. It involves the use of totally remote teaching approaches that would otherwise be taught in person and will return to that format as soon as the crisis or emergency passes. 

In this context, the journal is searching for papers that address online education in times of pandemic, answering questions such as the following: To what extent has a sudden shift to online education, such as the one we are experiencing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, taken into account its different dimensions? What strategies and methodologies have been adopted in the transition from the in-person classroom to the online classroom? What challenges and what opportunities did teachers and students have to face? Can we talk about an actual Online Education or just remote emergency teaching?

Find more information here.

Revista Ciudades | Dossier Monográfico “Entornos rurales activos: modelos innovadores de planificación, gestión, participación y gobernanza territorial”

The call for articles for the monographic dossier "Entornos rurales activos: modelos innovadores de planificación, gestión, participación y gobernanza territorial" of Ciudades journal.

Deadline for contribution submission: 30 September 2020

Find more information here.

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

The special call for papers of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information is currently open.

The special issue on "Measuring, Mapping, Modeling, and Visualization of Cities" already has four articles published and five in peer review. This issue will be coordinated by José António Tenedório, CICS.NOVA researcher.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 September 2020

Find more information here.

Call for contributions - CADMO Journal for Ancient History

The Journal for Ancient History is now accepting contributions for its next issue.

Deadline for article submissions: 30 September 2020

For more information and deadlines: visit this link.

Chamada para trabalhos - VI Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão | INCLUDiT

Se encontra aberta a chamada para trabalhos no âmbito da VI Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão | INCLUDiT.

O evento ocorrerá em formato online e tem por objetivo promover o diálogo, a partilha e a divulgação científica de pesquisas e boas práticas no âmbito da inclusão e da acessibilidade a partir de uma perspetiva multidisciplinar.

Prazo para submissão de resumos: 21 de setembro de 2020.

O INCLUDiT conta com o apoio do CICS.NOVA na sua realização e com a participação de investigadores CICS.NOVA na sua organização.

Para maiores informações sobre o evento visite o site da Conferência, aqui.

Grand Projects - Urban Legacies of the late 20th Century

The call for papers for the international conference Grand Projects - Urban Legacies of the late 20th Century is currently open. This conference is intended for researchers and academics working in all areas of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, sociology, geography, anthropology, cultural economy and other related areas.

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 September 2020

Deadline for article submission: 18 December 2020

The international conference Grand Projects - Urban Legacies of the late 20th Century will take place in Lisbon, between the 17th and 19th February 2021. The event aims to debate the transformations that have taken place in urban territories over the last two decades by considering the impacts of late 20th century policies and policy conjunctures.  

Find more information here.

Call for contributions - 4th Annual Political Economy Meeting

The call for contributions is currently open for the 4th Annual Political Economy Meeting, to be held between 28 and 30 January 2021 in Évora, under the theme "Development in its Labyrinth: Challenges of a Transformative Political Economy".

Proposals for papers, thematic panels composed of 3 or 4 papers and PhD thesis projects may be submitted.

Deadline for contribution submission: 20 September 2020

The event seeks communications that address, among others, the following topics: 

  • Environment and sustainable development 
  • Development and welfare indicators 
  • Growth versus degrowth
  • Economic crisis and public policies 
  • Globalisation, de-globalisation and pandemics 
  • Institutions and governance 
  • Inequalities and human rights 
  • Cultures, territories and development models 
  • Technologies, innovation and the future of work 

Communications can be held in Portuguese or in English.

Find more information here.

Call for papers - ESA Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology): Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures

The Urban Sociology conference, dedicated to the topic "Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures" has new dates. It will now be held online and on 27-29 January 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission: 6 September 2020

This conference encourages contributions looking at past, present and prospective processes of urban transformation, at how those shifts have affected urban social structures and livelihoods, and at how urban theories (and theorists) and urban practices (and practitioners) have (or could have) addressed such changes and acted towards the promotion of more just cities and societies. Analyses of the characteristics and effects of the current global health crisis for urban areas worldwide are especially welcome.

Find more information here.


Image: ESA RN 37

Call for papers – Partecipazione e conflitto

The journal Partecipazione e Conflitto is accepting contributions for a special issue to be published in 2021, under the subject "Bridging Social Movement Studies between Global North and South".

Deadline for extended abstract submission: 1 September 2020

This special issue aims to strengthen a truly global dialogue between conceptual perspectives, approaches and fields in the Global North and South around social movements, resistance, and alternative forms of participation. Theoretical proposals based on empirical cases and/or reflections, as well case studies are welcome, especially focusing on:

  • Global perspectives in social movement studies;
  • National and regional traditions in social movement research;
  • New theoretical and epistemological discussions on conflict, participation, and social movements, particularly from or dialoguing with ‘Southern perspectives’;
  • Southern challenges to established social movement studies;
  • Entanglements and bridges between Northern and Southern social movement epistemologies, experiences and social/political practices;
  • The spatial-temporal dimension of social movements and the differences between their Northern and Southern variants;
  • Transnational arenas, spaces of convergence and social networks connecting North and South;
  • Methodological concerns and potential innovations for social movement research between north and south.

Find more information here.

Call for papers – Caderno Espaço Feminino

The call for contributions for a thematic dossier entitled "Gender Studies and Emotions" in Caderno Espaço Feminino journal is currently open.

Deadline for article submission: 31 August 2020.

The thematic dossier "Gender Studies and Emotions" aims to gather publications that result from theoretical and/or empirical research and reflections that approach emotions as a category of analysis in articulation with the gender dimension. Studies on emotions have been characterized by their multidisciplinarity, and therefore works based on various theoretical models proposed for the analysis of emotions from the perspective of the most varied disciplinary fields will be accepted: history, social sciences (anthropology, political science, sociology), social psychology, visual arts, literature, music, among others.

Find more information here.

Call for contributions – EthicAI: Social and Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications

The Tenth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics (SOTICS 2020), to be held between 18 October and 22 October in Porto, is accepting contributions for the special track "EthicAI: Social and Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications".

Deadline for contribution submission: 24 August 2020

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • AI & Applications;
  • AI & social and ethical implications; 
  • AI & Security;
  • AI & Privacy;
  • AI & Democracy;
  • AI and Employment; 
  • AI, Autonomy & Human rights; 
  • AI & Conscience;
  • Neurotechnology; 
  • Explainable AI;
  • AI and Technological Assessment; 
  • Future of AI: Risks and opportunities.

Find more information here.

Call for abstracts - Frontiers in Sociology: The Role of Sociology in Evaluating the Impact of Scientific Production

This issue will be edited by CICS.NOVA researchers Sandro Serpa, António Brandão Moniz and Carlos Miguel Ferreira.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 April 2020
Deadline for article submission: 16 August 2020

Topic Editors: Sandro Serpa, António Brandão Moniz e Carlos Miguel Ferreira

Journal: Frontiers in Sociology

Research Topic: The Role of Sociology in Evaluating the Impact of Scientific Production

The formal research funding system is critical in the promotion of scientific research. Today, and ever more so in the future, predicting and measuring the impact of scientific production, particularly in its social, economic and technological dimensions, is an increasingly crucial factor for success in the research funding system. One example of this is the European Commission’s proposal for a framework program for funding scientific research in the European Union in the near future – “Horizon Europe.”

In general, traditional scholarly impact no longer suffices for research funding applications. Dimensions such as economic, social and technological innovation are now central to the success of such applications. The evaluation of research needs to consider its impact at different levels, which has implications for success in obtaining grants and funds from public and non-public entities.

Assessing the (potential) impact of research is crucial. However, both researchers themselves as well as those who assess funding applications attribute limited value to the strategic importance of sociology and the other social sciences. Little appeal is made to insights from these disciplines, which are considered to operate on the periphery of scientific investigation in general. Furthermore, this state of affairs has a negative impact on the professionalism, application processes, autonomy and capacity of social science professionals.

Considering that sociology and the other social sciences could play a significant role both in assessing and enhancing the (ultimate and ongoing) impact of research projects, this Research Topic aims to contribute to a better understanding of this potential role, in order to help change this situation and increase the relevance ascribed to sociology and the other social sciences. These are, after all, essential to the heuristic apprehension of any reality, since this is necessarily also a social reality.

This Research Topic on the role of sociology in evaluating the impact of scientific production welcomes the submission of original manuscripts (articles, reviews, conceptual papers, perspective papers, etc.), whichever sociological paradigm and methodology they employ, concerning the specific and unique contribution of sociology and the other social sciences in evaluating scientific impact.

We invite manuscripts about, but not limited to:

• The representation of sociology and the other social sciences in research funding systems

• The relevance attributed to sociology and other social sciences by professionals and academics in evaluating the impact of scientific research

• The role of sociology in interdisciplinary research projects

• The relationship between sociology and the other sciences in scientific research funding applications

• The potential contribution of sociology and the social sciences in evaluating research impact

• Comparisons of the importance attributed to sociology and the other social sciences in several national and international framework funding research programs


Find more information here.

Call for contributions – CEDU

The call for contributions for a thematic dossier entitled "The didactics in debate" in Cenas Educacionais (CEDU) journal is currently open.

Deadline for article submission: 15 August 2020

The term didactics has been vehemently debated in academia, especially in teacher training courses where it is a compulsory subject in the curricula, which aims to promote spaces for debate on teaching and learning processes. Considering the multiplicity of existing contexts, we propose that this publication receive contributions that deal pedagogically with the educational process while respecting the diversity of formative contexts: basic education, in groups considered as minorities (quilombola, riverside population, prisoners, landless people, schools with a high number of young immigrants, etc.), technical education, undergraduate, post-graduate crossed by different social markers of otherness.

Find more information here.

Call for contributions - ARTeFACTo 2020

The call for contributions for the ARTeFACTo 2020 (International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts and Communication) is open, which is to be held in Faro on 26 and 27 November 2020. 

Deadline for papers and exhibition proposals submission: 2 August 2020.

ARTeFACTo 2020 has the format of a conference with technical sessions, invited talks, discussion panels, and exhibition areas for artefacts and installations. Contributions can be in the form of full papers, short papers and proposals for artefact exhibitions / art installations. Authors are invited to submit papers and exhibition proposals from all areas related to digital media art. Topics of interest include:

  • Art and technology;
  • Digital art and communication;
  • Digital culture;
  • Digital poetry and electronic literature;
  • Generative art;
  • Information and data visualization;
  • VideoMapping.

Find more information here.

Image: ARTeFACTo 2020

Espacios Transnacionales – Revista Latinoamericana-Europea de Pensamiento y Acción Social

The call for papers of Espacios Transnacionales magazine - Revista Latinoamericana-Europea de Pensamiento y Acción Social is currently open.

The special issue has as its theme "Social Intervention in times of Planetary Emergency: glocal approaches and learning processes" and is coordinated by Eduardo Marques and Jose Luis Fernández-Pacheco.

Deadline for contributions submission: 31 July 2020

Find more information here.

Call for contributions - II Euro-American Conference for Human Rights' Development

The call for contributions to the II Euro-American Conference for Human Rights' Development is open. The conference is to be held next October in Coimbra.

Deadline for abstracts submission: 15 July 2020

The participation could take different formats: presential presentation, online presentation, paper submission without presentation and roundtable.

For more information and deadlines, visit this link.

Comunicar a saúde - fundamentos e práticas para uma melhor saúde

A revista Comunicação Pública é um projeto editorial de raíz multidisciplinar destinado à publicação de trabalhos de investigação, ensaios teóricos e notas críticas que, independentemente da diversidade de perspetivas, linguagens, contextos e objetivos que os caracterizem, façam das formas de comunicação humana o seu tema de reflexão.

Data limite para a submissão de artigos: 15 de julho de 2020.

A revista está neste momento a proceder a uma chamada de artigos no âmbito de um dossiê temático, coordenado pelas Professoras Célia Belim (ISCSP-Universidade de Lisboa, CAPP) e Cristina Vaz de Almeida (CAPP-ISCSP-Universidade de Lisboa; ISPA), subordinado ao tema «Comunicar a saúde - fundamentos e práticas para uma melhor saúde».

Mais informações, aqui.

Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal N.º 14

Está a decorrer a chamada para artigos para o número 14 dos Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal (de Lisboa), subordinada ao tema "A Revolução Liberal e a Monarquia Constitucional (1820-1910)" e com a Coordenadação Científica de José Manuel Louzada Lopes Subtil (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa).

Data limite para submissão de artigos: 30 de junho de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

I SemEAR - Seminário de Educação Anti-Racista

A Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) e o Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas da Universidade do Porto (CIIE) promovem, nos dias 29 e 30 de setembro de 2020, o I SemEAR - Seminário de Educação Anti-Racista. 

Data limite para a submissão de resumos: 30 de junho.

O I SemEAR abordará quatro eixos principais:

1) Racismo em contextos educativos e académicos;
2) Memória e descolonização da educação;
3) Intervenção anti-racista na escola e/ou comunidade;
4) Formação de professores e educação anti-racista.


Conjugando investigadores, artistas, profissionais e estudantes, este evento procurará reforçar o combate ao racismo e disseminar conhecimento sobre educação anti-racista que se vai produzindo nacional e internacionalmente. Assumindo um compromisso com a transformação da sociedade e com a necessidade de esta se fazer tendo em conta questões de desigualdade de poder e de injustiça social, o I SemEAR será um espaço para se promover o diálogo entre a comunidade universitária, docentes e discentes, movimentos sociais e coletivos de forma a criar novas possibilidades de se educar para uma sociedade anti-racista e mais consciente.

Este evento dirige-se a estudantes do ensino superior, investigadores, professores dos diferentes graus de ensino, outros educadores, ativistas e comunidade em geral.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - Mural Sonoro

The digital magazine Mural Sonoro is receiving articles that seek to respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and culture sectors or the housing rights. 

Deadline for article submission: 22 June 2020

Now what? What are the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and culture sectors? What are its effects on the housing rights?

The magazine is accepting articles that seek answers to these questions. Articles may be scientific, informative or cultural in nature and written in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. 

For more information, visit this link.

II Conferência Internacional sobre Cultura & Sociedade – Que Literacia(s) para uma Justiça Económica e Social?

Está abrerta a call for papers para a II Conferência Internacional sobre Cultura & Sociedade – "Que literacia(s) para uma Justiça Económica e Social?" que se realizará na Universidade Zambeze, Moçambique, nos dias 17 e 18 de setembro de 2020.

Data limite para a submissão de comunicações: 15 de junho de 2020.

Esta Conferência que visa homenagear a Heliodoro Baptista, Romualdo Johnam  – configura um espaço de diálogo e de construção de redes internacionais, abordando temas contemporâneos transversais a várias áreas do conhecimento, desde as políticas linguísticas, as políticas jurídico-económicas e sócio-culturais no espaço dos países de língua oficial portuguesa, passando pela problematização crítica do conceito de lusofonia, para chegar à imprensa, à história intelectual, do livro e da cultura, à edição, às artes e ao impacto da escrita feminina na compreensão do(s) pensamento(s) em língua portuguesa.

Data limite para a submissão de comunicações: 15 de junho de 2020

Call for papers

Revista CIDADES: Comunidades e territórios

Encontra-se a decorrer a call for papers no âmbito do dossiê temático: "Towards a necessary sustainable urban planning" da Revista CIDADES: Comunidade e territórios

Data limite para a submissão de propostas: 1 de junho de 2020.
Mais informações, aqui.

Projeto A-Place | A Confined Place

Encontra-se a decorrer a call "A Confined Place", uma iniciativa do Projeto A-Place, financiado pelo Programa "Europa Criativa". Esta iniciativa interdisciplinar debruça-se sobre o sentido de lugar durante o período de confinamento.

Data limite para submissões: 31 de maio de 2020.
Mais informações, aqui.

Call of short chapter for eBook: Time and Society in the Lounge

Encontra-se aberta a chamada de textos para integrar um e-book sobre o tema "Time and Society in the Lounge".

As propostas deverão ser submetidas até 20 de maio de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui

Call for Papers – Revista Percursos & Ideias

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos da Revista Percursos & Ideias. A revista é interdisciplinar e apresenta trabalhos em especial nas áreas do Turismo, Marketing e Publicidade, Solicitadoria, Comércio Internacional e Gestão de Empresas.

As propostas deverão incindir sobre a temática “Tendências do presente que anunciam o futuro, a curto, médio e longo prazo versus sinais do futuro no presente”.

As submissões devem ser realizadas até 31 de maio de 2020 (data abreviada) para

Mais informações, aqui

II Simpósio Internacional sobre Género e Cultura Prisional (SIGeP2020)

Nos próximos dias 16 e 17 de outubro de 2020 irá realizar-se o II Simpósio Internacional sobre Género e Cultura Prisional (SIGeP2020), na Casa Municipal da Cultura, em Coimbra, sob o tema “Será a prisão democrática?”.

No momento se encontra aberta a chamada para trabalhos cujos estudos poderão ser de natureza descritiva ou empírica.

Os resumos deverão ser submetidos até o dia 30 de junho de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui

1º Festival Ecovídeo de Lisboa | Lisboa Natura 2020

Encontram-se abertas as candidaturas para submissão de vídeos no âmbito do 1º Festival Ecovídeo de Lisboa, o Lisboa Natura.

As submissões poderão ser feitas até 31 de maio de 2020 e deverão incidir sobre temas relacionados com o ambiente e animais ligados à cidade de Lisboa.

Mais informações, aqui

XV Congreso Internacional de Teoría de la Educación

O XV Congresso Internacional de Teoria da Educação tem como tema “Democracia y tradición en la teoría y la práctica educativa del siglo XXI. En el 50 aniversario de la Ley General de Educación”. A conferência realizar-se-á em Madrid, Espanha, entre 26 e 28 de outubro de 2020.

Data limite para submissão de comunicação: 15 de maio de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

V Congresso Internacional REFMUR

Encontra-se a decorrer a call for papers para o V Congresso Internacional REFMUR, As famílias e os processos sociais na América Ibérica, séculos XVI-XXI. Atualidade e desafios de investigação, da Red de Estudios de Familia Murcia (REFMUR), que irá realizar-se na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e no Mosteiro de São Dinis de Odivelas entre os dias 8 e 10 de outubro de 2020.

Data limite para submissão de resumos: 1 de maio de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui,

6.º Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar PHI 2020: "Tradição e Inovação"

Está a decorrer a chamada para artigos no âmbito do Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar PHI 2020: "Tradição e Inovação", que se realizará nos dias 8 a 10 de outubro de 2020 na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto.

Submissões: até 30 de abril de 2020.

O evento será organizado pelo Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design (CIAUD), da Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa, em conjunto com o Centro de Humanidades (CHAM), da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e a Faculdade de Arquitectura – Universidade do Porto (FA-UP).

Áreas de trabalho:

- Arquitetura
- Artes
- Ciências Sociais e Naturais
- Design
- Engenharia
- Humanidades
- Planeamento Urbano
- Tecnologia

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - CIT2020 - International Conference on Tourism “Well-Being and Peace Through Tourism: Reality or Fiction?”

A conferência terá lugar no ISCET de 30 de setembro a 2 de outubro de 2020.

Submissões: até 30 de abril de 2020.

Call for papers

IV Midterm Conference ESA / RN 37 (Urban Sociology) “Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures”

Podem agora ser submetidos resumos às 24 Sessões que compõem a conferência cujo tema é “Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures".

Deadline: 15 de abril de 2020.

O CICS.NOVA está representado em duas dessas sessões: a n.º 22 “Debating Urban Ethnography: limits and potentialities”, proposta por Patrícia Pereira (CICS.NOVA), Lígia Ferro, Rita Cachado e Renata Gonçalves, membros e coordenadoras da rede; e a n.º 9 “The tourist city: opportunities, challenges and conflicts”, proposta por Alexandre Vaz (CICS.NOVA), Frédéric Vidal, Paolo Giaccaria, Maria Cristina Martinengo e Francesca Zanutto.

Mais informação:

Call for papers - Conferência Internacional Optimistic Suburbia II – Middle-class large housing complexes

Está aberta a call para submissão de propostas para a organização de sessões no âmbito da Conferência Internacional Optimistic Suburbia II – Middle-class large housing complexes, a realizar entre os dias 27 e 30 de janeiro de 2021 em Lisboa.

O prazo para submissão de propostas termina a 4 de abril de 2020.
A chamada para artigos decorrerá entre maio e agosto de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for abstracts - IV Midterm Conference da Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology): Session 9

A  IV Midterm Conference da Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology) da ESA tem como tema "Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures". A sessão 9 "The tourist city: opportunities, challenges and conflict" abriu call para comunicações. A conferência realizar-se-á em Bolonha, Itália, entre 2 e 4 de setembro de 2020.

Submissões de abstracts: até 15 de abril de 2020.

Call for papers

Call for papers - Workshop da European Association for Population Studies Working Group Health, Morbidity and Mortality

A Universidade de Évora, através do Departamento de Sociologia e do Centro de Investigação CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, pólo de Évora, organiza de 21 a 23 de Setembro de 2020 o Workshop da European Association for Population Studies Working Group Health, Morbidity and Mortality. Este workshop terá como tema "A broken promise. Advances and challenges in infant, child and young people’s morbidity and mortality."

Submissões de propostas de comunicação: 3 de abril de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

XI Congresso Ibero-Americano de Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia

O XI Congresso Ibero-Americano de Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia terá lugar em no ISCTE-IUL, em Lisboa, de 8 a 10 de setembro de 2020, subordinado ao tema “25 anos da RICYT: lições aprendidas e desafios futuros”.

Data limite para a submissão de resumos: 31 de março de 2020.

O Congresso visa debater as questões tradicionais relativas aos indicadores e ampliar o debate a áreas de trabalho que possam oferecer novas ferramentas para a análise da ciência, tecnologia, inovação e sua relação com a sociedade e o desenvolvimento.

O encontro é organizado conjuntamente pela Rede Ibero-Americana de Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia (RICYT), o Observatório Ibero-Americano de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade da Organização de Estados Ibero-americanos para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (OCTS/OEI), a Direção-Geral de Estatísticas de Educação e Ciência (DGEEC), o Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) e a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) de Portugal.

Informação sobre as temáticas para submissão de comunicações, aqui.

Data limite para a submissão de resumos: 31 de março de 2020.

Para mais informações consulte o website do evento, aqui.

II Encontro Internacional || Todas as Artes || Todos os Nomes.

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para resumos no âmbito do II Encontro Internacional || Todas as Artes || Todos os Nomes, que irá ter lugar nos dias 6 e 7 de julho de 2020 na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Mais informações, aqui.

Data limite para submissão de resumos: 15 de março de 2020.

Call for papers - Colóquio "Norma e Cidadania Linguística"

A Academia de Ciências de Lisboa promove este colóquio, a realizar-se no dia 5 de maio, para assinalar o Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa.

Submissões: até 12 de março de 2020.

Call for papers

Call for papers - "International Conference “Europe as a Global Actor” - EGA 2020

Este encontro científico é organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Internacionais do ISCTE e terá lugar entre 4 e 5 de maio.

Submissões: até 6 de março de 202

The fifth edition of the international conference “Europe as a Global Actor” seeks to debate the EU’s current and envisioned role in the world in the context of a new legislature, a new European Commission, and a new High Representative.

Mais informação

Mid-term conference and PhD workshop Health and Healthcare in Europe: between inequalities and new opportunities

Está aberta a call para a Mid-term conference and PhD workshop Health and Healthcare in Europe: between inequalities and new opportunities a realizer entre os dias 17 e 19 de junho de 2020 na Universidade Jagiellonian, em Cracóvia, Polónia.

Data limite para submissão de propostas: 28 de fevereiro de 2020.

Mais informação, aqui.

Call for papers - 11.º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos - Painel "Interethnic couples and multicultural families"

O Congresso realiza-se na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa nos dias 2 e 4 de julho de 2020.

Submissões: até 24 de fevereiro de 2020.

Mais informações

Call for papers - Colóquio “O Feminino nos Arquivos”

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para comunicações para o Colóquio “O Feminino nos Arquivos”, que irá decorrer entre os dias 16 e 18 de novembro de 2020 na Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada.

Submissões: entre 1 de dezembro de 2019 e 15 de fevereiro de 2020.

Todas as propostas deverão ser enviadas para

Call for papers

International Perspectives in Education 2020

Está aberta a call para submissão de resumos para a Conferência International Perspectives in Education 2020: Voices from the classroom – IpiE2020, subordinada ao tema  a realizar nos dias 2 e 3 de abril de 2020, na Universidade de Aegean em Mytilini, na ilha de Lesvos, Grécia.

Data limite para submissão de propostas: 14 de fevereiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - Revista Comunicação Pública, dossier temático “Notícias e públicos na era dos novos media: perceções e dinâmicas de consumo em rede”

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para artigos para um dossiê temático especial da Revista Comunicação Pública, subordinado ao tema “Notícias e públicos na era dos novos media: perceções e dinâmicas de consumo em rede”.

Submissões: até 10 de fevereiro de 2020

Call for papers em português
Call for papers em inglês

Call for papers – “Conferência Internacional: Sociology of Education in Southern Europe: a step forward”

O encontro terá lugar em Milão, na Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, nos dias 25 e 26 de maio de 2020, e resulta de uma parceria entre as Secções de Sociologia da Educação das Associações de Portugal, Espanha, França e Itália.

Submissões: até 9 de fevereiro de 2020

Call for papers

Mais informações

Call for papers - Conferência “Kant: Concepts, Imagination, and Aesthetic Appreciation”

Encontra-se aberta a call for papers para a conferência Kant: Concepts, Imagination, and Aesthetic Appreciation, a realizar na Universidade NOVA de Lisboa nos dias 16 e 17 de Abril de 2020.

Submissão de propostas: até 31 de janeiro de 2020.

Informação detalhada sobre a callaqui

Chamada de Artigos - Revista Configurações n.º 26/2020 (CICS.NOVA.UMinho)

A revista Configurações, editada pelo CICS.NOVA.UMinho, tem chamada aberta para artigos a publicar no seu número 26, subordinado ao dossier "Economia e Sociedade: políticas, práticas, agentes e instituições". Este número terá coordenação de Rodrigo da Costa Dominguez (CICS.NOVA.UMinho), Lisbeth Rodrigues (CSG/ISEG – Universidade de Lisboa), Jari Eloranta (Universidade de Helsínquia – Finlândia) e Jeremy Land (Georgia State University).

Submissões: até 31 de Janeiro de 2020 (prorrogação de prazo).

Chamada por artigos:   

A orientação económica ou o conceito de “ação económica” (Wirtschaften), trabalhado por Max Weber nos seus ensaios sobre sociologia económica, aborda a questão da satisfação do desejo por “utilidades” (Nutzleistungen), enquanto exercício de controle de um ator sobre um determinado recurso, o qual, em princípio, é impulsionado e direcionado para fins económicos. Por este motivo, “... a definição de ‘ação económica’ deve, mais ainda, ser manifestada de tal forma a incluir a operação de uma iniciativa empresarial moderna com fins lucrativos”, e todos os processos e objetos económicos são caracterizados pelo significado que possuem para a ação humana no desempenhar de tais papéis como os fins, meios, obstáculos e subprodutos. Ora, os conceitos básicos que a Economia e a História Económica empregam para analisar a sociedade – como, por exemplo, as ideias de crescimento, prosperidade, desenvolvimento e globalização e/ou expansão/interconexão - são essencialmente modernos, aperfeiçoados na fronteira entre os séculos XIV e XVI.

Procurando pensá-lo de um modo (inter)multidisciplinar, o objetivo deste volume é reunir estudos que permitam estabelecer um diálogo entre a História Económica, a Sociologia e a Economia, seguindo o conjunto teórico da obra clássica de Max Weber “Economia e Sociedade”. Este também foi o caminho seguido por muitos historiadores económicos nos últimos anos, seus temas e seus desafios atuais e futuros, e as visões de lugar das Ciências Sociais numa perspetiva do desenvolvimento do capitalismo ocidental. Em comum, observa-se o avanço científico-tecnológico e o progresso das ciências médicas, exatas e tecnológicas enquanto pilares, sendo inclusive foco da ação política que resulta na construção das políticas públicas de investimento em ciência, conhecimento e tecnologia. Sem perder de vista as questões atuais, como a guerra comercial em escala global, e a agenda do desenvolvimento sustentável e preservação dos recursos naturais, as ciências sociais aplicadas (Economia), assim como a Sociologia e História, sobretudo a vertente da História Económica, são fundamentais na perceção dos vários e diferentes contextos relacionadas às ações e agendas económicas dos Estados. Para além disso, desempenham um papel fundamental na compreensão das propostas de incentivo ao desenvolvimento e de proteção das instituições e dinâmicas económicas internas, tanto em âmbito nacional quanto em âmbito regional, dentro dos respetivos blocos e acordos comerciais que os unem. 

Serão acolhidos artigos que colaborem de maneira original para o debate científico sobre a economia, a história económica e as ciências sociais, fundamentados em múltiplos enfoques interdisciplinares, teóricos, metodológicos e empíricos, proporcionando ao leitor, por meio de visões inovadoras e enriquecedoras, a compreensão dos seguintes temas:

a)   Comércio como objeto histórico e sociológico;
b)   Formas de crescimento e desenvolvimento económicos, associados às ideias de rendimento e produtividade nos vários setores da atividade económica;
c)  Reflexões sobre formas de interconexão entre financiamento público e atividades económicas privadas;
d)    Organização de sistemas de crédito, fiscais e monetários enquanto base de um processo de racionalização cultural e institucional das sociedades;
e)     Divisão do trabalho, na sua vertente social e económica;
f)      Dinâmica dos mercados e diferentes níveis de interação entre os mesmos.

As contribuições devem ser enviadas para até 13 de Janeiro de 2020, em conformidade com as normas disponibilizadas no website.



Data limite para a submissão do artigo: 31 de Janeiro de 2020
Envio da decisão para os autores: 1 de Abril de 2020
Publicação da revista: 30 Dezembro de 2020

Mais informações

I Conferência de Integração de Cuidados de Saúde

Encontra-se aberta a call for papers para a I Conferência de Integração de Cuidados de Saúde|NOVAsaúde Integrated Care, organizada pela NOVAsaúde em parceria com a APAH – Associação Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares e a PAFIC - Portuguese Association for Integrated Care, a realizar na Reitoria da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, no dia 12 de março de 2020, entre as 09h00 e as 15h00.

Os autores interessados em apresentar os seus trabalhos deverão submeter os mesmos na Plataforma NOVAsaúde até 31 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Dossier Temático Especial “Trabalho sem fronteiras: perspetivas contemporâneas sobre os serviços domésticos pagos e o setor dos cuidados”

Está aberta call for papers para o Dossier Temático Especial “Trabalho sem fronteiras: perspetivas contemporâneas sobre os serviços domésticos pagos e o setor dos cuidados” da Revista Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, publicada pelo DINÂMIA'CET-IUL.

Submissão de propostas: até 31 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Conferência Internacional “II COMbART: Arte, ativismo e cidadania”

Está aberta a chamada para trabalhos da Conferência Internacional “II COMbART: Arte, ativismo e cidadania”, a realizar nos dias 25 e 26 de junho de 2020 em Lisboa, no Colégio Almada Negreiros, Campus de Campolide, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Submissão de propostas de resumos: até 30 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - 9.º Congresso Iberoamericano de Investigação Qualitativa – CIAIQ 2020

Está aberta a submissão de propostas para a dinamização de Workshops, assim como a submissão de artigos no 9.º Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa (CIAIQ2020), a realizar em A Coruña (Espanha), de 14 a 17 de julho de 2020.

Submissão de propostas de workshop: até 24 de janeiro de 2020.
Submissão de artigos: até 2 de março de 2020.

Mais informação, aqui.

Call for Papers - Festival International de Géographie 2020

O Festival realizar-se-á entre 4 e 6 de Outubro de 2020 em St. Dié des Vosges, Alsácia, França, e tem este ano Portugal como país convidado.

Submissão: até 23 de Janeiro de 2020

Call for papers

Mais informações

Call for papers - 5.ª Conferência P3DT – Políticas Públicas, Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Territorial – ‘Viver Bem nas Cidades’

A conferência decorrerá entre 12 e 14 de março de 2020, na Fábrica de Santo Thyrso, em Santo Tirso, sendo co-organizada pelo Centro de Estudos em Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT).

Submissões: até 20 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações

Call for papers - 16th EASA Biennial Conference

Está aberta a chamada para comunicações para a 16.ª Conferência Bianual da European Association of Social Anthropologists - 16th EASA Biennial Conference –, subordinada ao tema “New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe”, que terá lugar entre os dias 21 e 24 de julho de 2020, em Lisboa.

Submissões: até 20 de janeiro de 2020

Mais informações, aqui.

ECREA 8th European Communication Conference «Communication and trust: building safe, sustainable and promisingfutures»

Está aberta a call for papers para a 8th European Communication Conference a realizar em Braga entre os dias 2 e 5 de outubro de 2020, numa organização conjunta entre a ECREA e a Universidade do Minho.

Submissões: até 15 de janeiro de 2020

Todas as propostas devem ser submetidas através da plataforma disponibilizada para o efeito até ao dia 15 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações no site da conferência, aqui.

DARIAH Annual Event 2020: Scholarly Primitives

Encontra-se aberta a call para submissão de papers, posters e demos, e propostas de sessões de sinergia para o DARIAH Annual Event 2020: Scholarly Primitives, a realizar em Zagreb – Croácia – entre os dias 26 e 29 de maio de 2016.

Submissões: até 12 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for sessions - IV Midterm Conference da RN37 - European Sociological Association (ESA)

A  IV Midterm Conference da Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology) da ESA tem como tema "Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures" e abriu call para propostas de sessões. A conferência realizar-se-á em Bolonha, Itália, entre 2 e 4 de setembro de 2020.

Submissões: até 10 de janeiro de 2020.

Call for sessions

Call for papers - XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro – CONLAB | 3º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Ciências Sociais

Está aberta a call para a submissão de propostas de comunicação para o XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro (CONLAB) e 3.º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Ciências Sociais e Humanas de Língua Portuguesa, a realizar em Coimbra, de 2 a 4 de setembro de 2020.

Submissões: até 31 de dezembro de 2019.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - 5th International Conference on “Urban e-Planning”

Está aberta a call para submissão de resumos para a 5th International Conference on “Urban e-Planning” para as áreas temáticas “Governance and planning of Smart Cities” e “Citizens E-Participation in Urban Governance”.

Submissões: até 15 de dezembro de 2019.

A IJERP 2020 Conference terá lugar nos dias 6 e 7 de abril de 2020 no Instituto de Geografia e Planeamento Regional da Universidade de Lisboa.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - Seminário Internacional sobre ambiente e sociedade: Desafios atuais e trajetórias de mudança

Está aberta a call para submissão de resumos e propostas de painéis para o Seminário Internacional sobre ambiente e sociedade: Desafios atuais e trajetórias de mudança, que irá decorrer nos dias 2-3 de março de 2020 no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.

Submissões: 8 de Dezembro de 2019.

Mais informações, aqui.

Call for papers - Colóquio Internacional Ver/Rever a Escrita de Mulheres em Portugal (1926-1974)

O colóquio, coorganizado pelo IELT, CICS.NOVA (Faces de Eva) e CRILUS (Université Paris Nanterre), acontecerá no Colégio Almada Negreiros entre os dias 5 e 6 de Março de 2020. Este encontro científico decorre do projecto "Escritoras Portuguesas nos tempos da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo", subsidiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,

Submissões: até 15 de Novembro de 2019.

Os tópicos propostos para a apresentação de trabalhos são os seguintes:

• Cânone;

• Literatura de autoria feminina (escrita autobiográfica e epistolar, poesia, narrativa,


• Condições de produção literária em regimes autoritários;

• Processos de censura;

• Mecanismos de dissuasão da leitura e da escrita das mulheres;

• Receção das obras de autoria feminina nos jornais e revistas da época;

• Tradução e mediação cultural;

• Questões legais e sociais (legislação sobre direitos autorais,…).


Mais informações

Call for Papers - Education and Sciences: Special Issue "(Un)Professionalization of Academic Intervention in a Digital Society—Theories and Practices"

A revista Education Sciences convida à submissão de artigos para o seu número especial  "(Un)Professionalization of Academic Intervention in a Digital Society—Theories and Practices", cujos editores convidados são Carlos Miguel Ferreira (CICS.NOVA.FCSH), Sandro Serpa (CICS.NOVA.UAçores) e Maria José Sá (CIPES, Univ. Porto/Univ.Aveiro).

Submissões: até 31 de Outubro de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - "Teaching and Learning Practices that Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship"

Está aberta a call para propostas de capítulos para o livro «Teaching and Learning Practices that Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship», a publicar pela IGI Global em 2020, com coordenação da investigadora do CICS.NOVA Sandra Saúde, bem como de Maria Albertina Raposo (Instituto Politécnico de Beja e Mare), Nuno Pereira (Instituto Politécnico de Beja) e Ana Isabel Rodrigues (Instituto Politécnico de Beja).

Submissões: até 23 de Outubro de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for papers - II Seminário Internacional JEDI - Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação: Cruzando Fronteiras

O II Seminário Internacional Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação é um evento científico organizado pela equipa da comunidade prática de investigação JEDI – Jovens, Educação, Diversidade e Inovação do Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da FPCEUP, com a finalidade de partilhar investigação e intervenção no campo das juventudes e educação.

Submissões: até 1 de outubro de 2019

Mais informação

Congresso Internacional Weimar e o Ciclo Constitucional Post Grande Guerra

Este Congresso terá lugar na Sociedade Portuguesa de Geografia, entre os dias 28 e 29 de Novembro de 2019.

Sumbissões: 30 de Setembro de 2019

Call for papers

Call for Papers - Revista Desenvolvimento e Sociedade-Revista Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora)

A edição de 2019 será subordinada aos seguintes temas: Cidadania, trabalho e tecnologia; Cidades, ambiente e desenvolvimento; Desigualdades sociais e ação pública; Educação, conhecimento e cultura; Saúde, população e bem-estar; Sistemas de modelação e planeamento; outros temas que se enquadrem na política editorial da revista.

Submissões: 1.ª chamada - 31 de Maio de 2019; 2.ª chamada - 30 de Setembro de 2019.

A revista é editada pelo CICS.NOVA.UÉvora.

Call for papers

Mais informações

Call for papers - IV CICA: Congresso Internacional Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente "Diversidades"

O Congresso é organizado pelo NICA - Núcleo Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente da Universidade dos Açores e tem como tema "Diversidades". Realiza-se entre 17 e 19 de Outubro.

Submissões: até 23 de Setembro de 2019.

Temas sugeridos, podendo haver outros: 

- intervenção precoce;
- contextos educativos;
-  educação inclusiva;
-  psicologia;
- famílias; 
- expressões artísticas;
- filosofia para crianças; 
- ocupação de tempos livres.

Call for papers

Call for abstracts - VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Información Digital

Este Congresso tem como tema "Sabiduría digital para la comunicación inteligente" e é organizado pelo Grupo de Investigação em Comunicação Digital (GICID) da Universidade de Saragoça, pela Vice-reitoria da Política Científica e pelo Governo de Aragão e Fundo Social Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional.

Submissões: até 9 de Setembro de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for papers - Dossiê Especial “As práticas artísticas em coletivo e os seus potenciais sociopolíticos” - Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia

Este dossiê especial é coordenado por Alix Didier Sarrouy (CICS.NOVA, Portugal), Alina Cibea & Verónica Talellis (Research Group on Music and Inclusion, Argentina).

Submissões até: 31 de Agosto de 2019.






Sugestões de temas (não exclusivas):

- Práticas artísticas a partir das quais novas formas de entender o “coletivo” podem ser imaginadas;

- Experiências que levem a pensar propostas alternativas de interação social, de construção social e de participação política;

- Práticas artísticas envolvendo migrantes e/ou refugiados;

- A relação entre a “arte como um resultado”, “arte como processo” e “arte como ferramenta”;

- O uso operativo de “criatividade” (Hallam & Ingold 2007), especialmente nos casos que podem ser analisados em termos de “criatividade comum” (Willis 1990) e de “criatividade vernacular” (Burgess 2006);

- O papel e o poder simbólico de objetos (Hennion 2015; Latour & Woolgar 1986) nas interações acontecendo em ações artísticas coletivas (Ex: instrumentos quando se ensina música; camaras ao filmar ou fotografar, etc.);

- Tensões, contrastes, contradições e paradoxos em ações sociais coletivas quando a arte é usada como ferramenta no campo sociocultural;

- Perceções dos próprios atores sobre as suas experiências de participação em diversas práticas artísticas coletivas, especialmente na perspetiva do “gênero” (Segato 2003);

- O potencial disruptivo das práticas artísticas coletivas nos seus contextos locais, e como isso se manifesta;

- Os efeitos das práticas artísticas coletivas no autoconhecimento: o “eu” e o “coletivo”; direitos e deveres sociais; dificuldades e prazeres; sensibilidade estética e poesis.

- As práticas artísticas como formas de resistência e de persistência face ao aumento das várias inseguranças e do enfraquecimento dos laços sociais, incluindo a criação de redes de apoio.


Call for papers em português

Call for papers em inglês

Mais informação

Call for papers - Ebook “Alimentar Boas Práticas – Da Produção ao Consumo Sustentável”

A Rede “Alimentar Cidades Sustentáveis”, o CICS.NOVA e a Quercus solicitam contributos de Boas Práticas nacionais relacionadas com as temáticas da Alimentação, Produção e Consumo, que serão publicados num ebook financiado pelo Projecto Make Europe Sustainable for All - Projecto Europa no Mundo.

Submissões: até 31 de Agosto de 2019.

As práticas podem enquadrar-se numa ou várias etapas da cadeia de valor alimentar, nomeadamente: recursos (água, sementes, etc.); produção; processamento; logística; distribuição; consumo; desperdício; educação e sensibilização; marketing; outros.

A compilação das Boas Práticas nacionais tem como objectivos principais: 1) disseminar e dar visibilidade às iniciativas; 2) inspirar a sua replicação no território nacional; 3) sensibilizar os decisores políticos para a relevância do desenvolvimento de políticas alimentares locais numa perspetiva multi-actores e multissetorial.

O ebook, a intitular-se “Alimentar Boas Práticas – Da Produção ao Consumo Sustentável”, será de acesso gratuito online e o seu lançamento acontecerá no 1.º trimestre de 2020. Será também enviado a todas as autarquias portuguesas.

Call for papers

Template para envio do texto

Call for Papers - Revista SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE

A Revista Sociologia Online, editada pela Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, convida à submissão de propostas para os seus números de 2019.

Submissões: até 31 de Janeiro (1.º número), 30 de Abril (2.º número) e 31 de Agosto (3.º número).

Os artigos poderão ser escritos em Português, Espanhol, Francês, Inglês ou Italiano e todos serão sujeitos a avaliação independente de pelo menos dois especialistas, sob condições de duplo anonimato.

Normas para autores

Mais informação

Call for Activities - Ecology Day 2019 - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia

O Dia da Ecologia será celebrado no dia 14 de Setembro, e a Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia recebe propostas de actividades a desenvolver entre 12 e 16 de Setembro de 2019.

Submissões: até 31 de Julho de 2019.

“O Dia da Ecologia visa aproximar a Ecologia e os ecólogos da sociedade, rumo à construção de um desenvolvimento humano mais sustentável.”


Actividades possíveis:
Visitas guiadas, saídas de campo, seminários, palestras, workshops, debates, projecção de filmes ou documentários, entre outros.

Mais informações

Call for papers - Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, n.º 12: Bairros de Lisboa

O próximo número da revista Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, coordenado por Raquel Henriques da Silva e Margarida Elias (IHA NOVA FCSH), será dedicado aos "Bairros de Lisboa", sua história, arquitectura e marcas identitárias.

Submissões: até 31 de Julho de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for papers - Revista Comunicação Pública, n.º 27 - Dossier A Comunicação Omnicanal em Turismo

Este dossier temático é organizado por Raquel Barbosa Ribeiro e Filipa Fernandes (CAPP-ISCP – Universidade de Lisboa).

Submissões: até 30 de Julho de 2019.

Objectivos e enfoques pretendidos


Identificar os agentes, os públicos, os processos e os resultados da comunicação turística – de massas, interpessoal e mediada por computador – em contexto omnicanal.

Compreender os desenvolvimentos da comunicação turística em contexto omnicanal, com enfoque em: influência digital, atendimento, formação e comunicação relacional.

Identificar processos de construção de narrativas e discursos turísticos em contexto de comunicação omnicanal.

Compreender a perceção dos consumidores sobre a comunicação turística omnicanal.

Estimular o debate sobre a complementaridade da comunicação online e offline, tomando o setor do turismo como referência.

Assim, serão bem acolhidas propostas inscritas nas problemáticas apontadas, fundamentadas numa investigação académico-científica, com destaque para os seguintes tópicos, embora não se limitando a eles em exclusivo:

a)     Agentes, públicos, processos e resultados da comunicação turística;

b)     Comunicação de massas, interpessoal e mediada por computador em turismo;

c)      Comunicação turística em contexto omnicanal;

d)     Influência digital, atendimento, formação e comunicação relacional em turismo;

e)     Narrativas e discursos turísticos;

f)      Complementaridade da comunicação online e offline em turismo.


Mais informação

Call for Abstracts - Congresso Internacional Transformar o Capitalismo com as Utopias Reais: Projetando o legado de Erik Olin Wright

Este encontro científico organiza-se a partir de três eixos teóricos que estruturaram a obra de Erik Olin Wright ao longo do seu percurso académico: análise de classes, crítica do capitalismo e utopias reais. Realizar-se-á em Coimbra, entre 23 e 24 de Janeiro de 2020.

Submissões: até 30 de Julho de 2019.

Call for papers em português

Call for papers em inglês

Mais informação

Call for Abstracts - Jornada Educar para a Morte

O Instituto de Estudos Avançados em Catolicismo e Globalização (IEAC-GO) promove este encontro científico, entre os dias 25 e 26 de Outubro, em Viseu, no seguimento do já realizado "I Congresso Internacional A Morte: Leituras da Humana Condição". Esta Jornada pretende incidir sobre múltiplas áreas: sociedade e comunicação, psicologia e psiquiatria, arte, educação.

Submissões: até 19 de Julho de 2019.




Áreas Temáticas



Representações e ocultações sociais da morte;
Agrupamentos humanos e a morte;
A morte nos media;
A morte e as redes sociais;
O impacto social e humano das novas formas de comunicar a morte.



Dor, memória e luto;
A questão da morte à luz da psicologia clínica, educacional e das organizações;
Limites do trabalho do psicólogo e do trabalho do psiquiatra;
Experiências e desafios de médicos e cuidadores;
Trabalhar diariamente com a morte.



A representação da morte na arte;
O impacto da arte na perceção social da morte;
Arte, ética e morte;
Os contributos e desafios da arte na educação para a morte;
A arte como terapia.



Experiências, limites e desafios dos agentes educativos;
Abordagem programática da morte no âmbito escolar;
O papel da escola na perceção da morte em família e em sociedade;
Lidar com a morte no âmbito da escola;
O lugar da espiritualidade.

Mais informação

Call for abstracts - VIII International Conference of Sociology and Social Work: The challenges of Democracy: Making Society in Times of Individualization

A conferência realiza-se entre 20 e 22 de Novembro de 2019 em Coimbra e no Porto e está subordinada a três grandes temas: 1. The Challenges of Democracy in the Present Time; 2. Making Society as an alternative to Social Complex Problems; 3. Sustainability of Contemporary Democracies.

Submissões: até 21 de Junho de 2019

Mais informações

Chamada de Artigos - Revista Configurações n.º 25/2020 (CICS.NOVA.UMinho)

Esta revista, editada pelo CICS.NOVA.UMinho, convida à submissão de propostas de artigos para o número subordinado ao dossier temático "Debater o desenvolvimento: questões, dilemas e alternativas".

Submissões: até 1 de Julho de 2019.

Os temas sugeridos são:

(i) O desenvolvimento como objeto histórico, político e sociológico;

(ii) Desenvolvimento, progresso, capitalismo e os confrontos teóricos;

(iii) Crescimento económico e desenvolvimento;

(iv) A questão ambiental e o papel da sustentabilidade na renovação do desenvolvimento;

(v) Os debates em torno do decrescimento e os contributos radicais dos que imaginam o futuro sem o desenvolvimento;

(vi)  A demografia como questão e as polémicas (neo)malthusianas.


Este número tem como data prevista de publicação 30 de Junho de 2020.

Mais informação

Números anteriores

Call for Abstracts - AESOP 18th Meeting TG Planning & Complexity

Este congresso tem por temática "Games for Cities: Building synergies between games, complexity, simulation, planning and design" e vai realizar-se na NOVA FCSH entre os dias 7 e 8 de Novembro.

Submissões: até 30 de Junho de 2019.

Incentiva-se a submissão de resumos para apresentação de papers que:

- showcase how games can promote future cities;
- analyse critical conditions for successful application of games;
- evaluate how games can provide grip on the intrinsic complex nature of cities.

O evento terá como orador convidado o Professor Juval Portugali.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - Congresso do Bicentenário da Revolução de 1820

Este congresso conta com o apoio institucional do CICS.NOVA e procurará compreender o legado historiográfico deste período da história de Portugal, assim como estimular a apresentação de novas abordagens e perspectivas de análise.

Submissões: até 30 de Junho de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for Papers - Revista Forum Sociológico 2019

Forum Sociológico, publicação do CICS.NOVA, convida a todos a submeter artigos originais para publicação. Além de artigos originais, aceitam-se propostas de dossiês temáticos e recensões críticas de obras relevantes.

Submissões: esta chamada está aberta em permanência.

As propostas de artigos poderão incidir em diversos temas no âmbito das Ciências Sociais.

Todos os artigos estão sujeitos ao um processo de peer review, sendo submetidos a dois especialistas de reconhecido mérito na área temática em regime de anonimato bilateral.

A Forum Sociológico é publicada em open access e está indexada na OpenEditionJournalsLatindexCAPES (Brasil) e na SHERPA/RoMEO. Além disso, encontra-se em processo de indexação à SciELO e ao RCAAP.

Serão recebidos artigos originais em língua portuguesa, francesa, inglesa e espanhola. As normas de publicação da revista e outras informações relevantes, assim como os números anteriores, estão disponíveis em FORUM SOCIOLÓGICO.

Todas as propostas deverão ser enviadas para o seguinte endereço eletrónico:

Call for Abstracts - 4th World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR2019)

A conferência realizar-se-á no Porto, entre os dias 16 e 18 de Outubro.

Submissões: até 16 de Junho de 2019.


- Qualitative Research in Health (emphasis on the processes of research in the fields of Medicine, Nursing, Geriatrics, Gerontology, Psychology, etc.);

- Qualitative Research in Education (emphasis on the processes of research in various areas of Higher Education, Basic Education, Assessment, Curriculum, Teaching, Teaching Science, Languages, History, Technology, etc.);

- Qualitative Research in Social Science (emphasis on the processes of research in the fields of Communication, Linguistics, Sociology, Anthropology, Organizational and Work Psychology, Business Administration, Marketing, Management and Economics, Political Science, etc.);

- Qualitative Research in Engineering and Technology (emphasis on the research processes in the areas of Computer Science, Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering and Engineering Education).

Mais informação

Call for Papers - VI Encontro Ibérico de Estética - Arte e Sociedade

Este encontro, dedicado à temática "Arte e Sociedade", realizar-se-á na Universidade de Coimbra entre 24 e 26 de Outubro de 2019. 

Submissões: até 15 de Junho de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Sessions - II Colóquio do CICS.NOVA: “Populações, Desigualdades e Ação Pública”

Os investigadores do CICS.NOVA são convidados a propor painéis temáticos para este II Colóquio CICS.NOVA, que se realizará na Universidade dos Açores entre 30 e 31 de Outubro de 2019.

Submissões: até 11 de Junho de 2019.

Mais informações sobre o colóquio, incluindo call for papers, formulário de inscrição e informações sobre viagens e alojamentos podem ser encontradas em:

Além do que está no site, e em relação aos hotéis mais em conta, destaca-se este:

Call for papers - The Status of Academic Freedom - EPLab International Conference in Political Theory​

A conferência é organizada pelo IFILNOVA/EPLab e acontece na Unversidade Nova de Lisboa entre 10 e 11 de Setembro.

Sumissões: até 31 de Maio de 2019.

Tópicos surgeridos:

- Should we defend academic freedom?

- Can academic freedom survive in societies with different worldwide identity groups?

- What are the dangers of legitimising the censorship of controversial topics?

- Should the mission of the university be to produce knowledge regardless of its social impact?

- Are there ethical limits on academic research and communication?

- Is ideological pluralism important for attaining robust academic knowledge coming out of competing claims?

- How to distinguish the protection of academic freedom from the protection of academics’ non- scholarly opinions?

- Regarding legitimation, is there a difference between censorship via peer pressure and formalised institutional censorship?

Mais informação

Call for papers - IV Conferência Rumos da Sociologia do Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal

A secção temática 'Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia', da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, organiza este encontro nos dias 10 e 11 de Setembro no Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto.

Submissões: até 15 de Maio de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - AGEINGCONGRESS2019 – Congresso Internacional Sobre o Envelhecimento

Este encontro científico é organizado pela ANGES-Associação Nacional de Gerontologia Social (sediada na Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra), em colaboração com INTERTECH, Unidade de I&D das Universidades de Valência e Politécnica de Valência. Acontecerá no Instituto Superior de Engenharia, em Coimbra, nos dias 26, 27 e 28 de Maio de 2019.

Submissões: até 1 de Maio de 2019.

Este Congresso englobará também o primeiro encontro Luso-brasileiro de Educação Social (25 de Maio) e a primeira Feira de Envelhecimento, Saúde e Tecnologias (26, 27 e 28 de Maio).

Mais informação

Call for chapter proposals - "Exploring Ibero-american Youth Street Cultures in the 21st century. Creativity, Resistance and Transgression in the City", coord. Ricardo Campos e Jordi Nofre

Os investigadores do CICS.NOVA Ricardo Campos e Jordi Nofre coordenam esta obra, a ser proposta para publicação a uma editora internacional de prestígio na área das Ciências Sociais e Humanidades.

Submissões: propostas até 30 de Abril de 2019; capítulos concluídos até 1 de Setembro de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers – Revista Cultura, Espaço e Memória

O CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória convida a todos a submeterem propostas de artigos para a Revista CEM/Cultura, Espaço e Memória 10 – 2019, subordinada ao tema Imagem em Movimento e Cultura Visual.

Submissões: até 30 de abril de 2019.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers - 4th Regional Helix Conference: Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Sustainability – Rethinking the Helix

This edition is specially focused on rethinking the Helix, debating and proposing solutions for key problems related to entrepreneurial and societal challenges, targeting to the creation of added value for real, and nowadays circular, economy.

Submissões: até 22 de Abril de 2019.

Mais informações.

Call for Papers - International Conference Cinema, Philosophy and Children’s World

Esta conferência é promovida pelo IFILNOVA e acontecerá na FCSH entre 9 e 10 de Julho de 2019.

Submissões: até 20 de Abril de 2019.

Tópicos propostos:

-       Children’s experiences and their epistemological and political impact
-       Pedagogy and its other: approaching children from an adult’s perspective
-       Different philosophical approaches to childhood and their cinematic reflection
-       Perception, Knowledge and Recognition
-       The Meaning of Shared Values
-       Growth, Aggression and Violence
-       Strong affects: On Laughing and Crying at the Cinema
-       Transformation and mimesis
-        Other cinematic or philosophical approaches

Mais informação

Call for Papers - International Conference Europe as a Global Actor - EGA 2019

Este encontro, organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Internacionais (CEI) do ISCTE-IUL, acontece entre os dias 8 e 10 de Maio de 2019.

Submissões: até 12 de Abril de 2019.

Tópicos propostos:

- European elections, democracy, and Euroscepticism
- The future of the CFSP and the CSDP
- Migration and asylum policies
- Key threats to the EU’s ontological security
- The EU and other major players
- The EU’s neighbourhood
- Transatlantic relations
- The Brexit process
- The EU’s actorness in different areas of the globe and in different issue-areas

Mais informação

Call for Papers - Special Issue of Societies on “Socio-technical Approaches for Assistive Technologies and People with Disabilities

A revista Societies (ISSN 2075-4698) recebe propostas de artigos para o seu número especial sobre  “Socio-technical Approaches for Assistive Technologies and People with Disabilities". Este número tem como enfoque a inclusão, participação e envolvimento de pessoas com deficiência na sociedade, através de uma perspetiva centrada no contexto sócio-técnico das tecnologias de assistência (AT).

Submissões: até 31 de Março de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Abstracts - 2nd International Meeting on Patient Safety for New Generation of Healthcare Professionals

O grupo de investigação da NOVASaúde - Quality Improvement and Patient Safety integrado na área estratégica Health Dynamics e a Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da NOVA, em parceria com o Centro de Gestão do Risco e Segurança do Doente da região Toscana, Itália (Centro Colaborativo da OMS), estão a organizar o 2nd International Meeting on Patient Safety for New Generation of Healthcare Professionals.

Submissões: até 30 de Março de 2019.

O encontro realiza-se nos dias 1 e 2 de Julho no Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Mais informações

Call for Papers - Conferência internacional "COMbART: Art, activism and citizenship"

A conferência internacional "COMbART: Art, activism and citizenship" é o resultado de um consórcio constituído por diferentes entidades, instituições e associações académicas, no sentido de trazer diferentes olhares e experiências sobre a matéria.

Submissões: até 25 de Março de 2019.

A conferência COMbART visa potenciar a reflexão sobre as “Artes de Combate”, sobre as articulações contemporâneas entre a arte, o ativismo artístico e a participação política, promovendo a partilha e o debate sobre as mais diversas manifestações estéticas, culturais e artísticas.

A organização envolve o Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto, o CICS.NOVA da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Rede Luso-Brasileira Todas as Artes (TAA), a Rede de Pesquisa Luso-Brasileira em Artes e Intervenções Urbanas (RAIU) e o Electronic Music and Media Arts Observatory (ObEMMA – CIC Digital) e decorrerá nos dias 11 e 12 de junho de 2019, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - II Seminário Internacional "Currículo, Avaliação, Formação e Tecnologias educativas" (II CAFTe)

Este Seminário é organizado pelo grupo que constitui a comunidade prática de investigação CAFTe, do Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP). O grupo – formado por investigadores de Portugal, Brasil, Angola e de Moçambique – elege como objeto de estudo a educação formal, com especial foco nas políticas de educação, na formação, na avaliação, nas práticas curriculares de diferentes níveis de ensino e nas tecnologias educativas nelas mobilizadas.

Submissões: até 25 de Março de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - Conferência ESPAnet Portugal 2019 | Política Social em Portugal Pós-crise e Austeridade

A conferência realizar-se-á entre 13 e 14 de Setembro de 2019, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Este encontro científico é organizado pelo Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto e visa continuar a estimular a discussão académica sobre o presente e o futuro do Estado Social em Portugal.

Submissões: até 22 de Março de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for Papers - Colóquio "Dinâmicas dos Espaços Rurais (Norte e Sul) e Adaptações aos Desafios Contemporâneos" - Journées Rurales 2019 – Portugal

O CICS.NOVA e a Comissão de Geografia Rural-CNFG organizam este colóquio, que se realizará em 17 de Junho de 2019 na NOVA FCSH.

Submissões: até 18 de Março de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers

Call for Sessions - RC23 ISA - IV ISA Forum Sociology

O IV ISA Forum Sociology (14 a 18 de Julho de 2020) realizar-se-á em Porto Alegre, no Brasil. A principal temática deste Fórum será "Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality.”

Submissões: até 15 de Março de 2019.

Mais informações

Os coordenadores do Simpósio 28 "Comunicación y narrativa mediática acerca de la cultura de prisión, de represión y de la reinserción social" no âmbito do IV Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento. Comunicación Emergente convidam à submissão de propostas individuais de comunicação e de publicação (até 3 por autor/coautor).

Submissões: até 11 de Março de 2019.

O colóquio realiza-se na Universidade de Sevilha entre os dia 10, 11 e 12 de abril de 2019.

- Comunicações: cada participante dispõe de até 15 minutos para apresentar a sua comunicação seguindo-se um período de debate.

- Publicação:

1. Livro de resumos publicado pela editora Egregius Ediciones com ISBN espanhol distribuído gratuitamente 1 unidade no decurso dos trabalhos do simpósio.

2. Os textos finais de todas as comunicações aprovados serão publicados em capítulos no livro do simpósio publicado pela editora Egregius Ediciones com ISBN espanhol em dezembro de 2019. A submissão tem prazo até 30 de Junho de 2019.



Mais informações

Plataforma de submissão de propostas

Call for Chapters - Livro Multidisciplinary Approaches to Crowdfunding Platforms (IGI Global)

A publicação será coordenada por Carla Sofia Vicente Negrão e João António Furtado Brito e editada pela IGI Global.

Submissões: 7 de Março de 2019.

Mais informação

Este encontro científico convida à submissão de propostas para Sessões Especiais, na expectativa de se tornar uma plataforma alargada de reflexão sobre a necessidade de se: i) ter mais e melhor informação territorial; ii) desenvolverem e aplicarem melhores metodologias (inovadoras e integradas); e iii) identificarem as necessidades e os desafios colocados pelos decisores políticos, instituições e empresas, bem como pela sociedade em geral, para melhor qualificar os territórios. 

Submissões: até 28 de Fevereiro de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for Papers - Scuola Democrativa. First International Conference

A Conferência terá lugar na Universidade de Cagliari, Itália, entre 6 e 8 de Junho. O encontro científico abordará os temas "educação e pós-democracia".

Submissões: até 28 de Fevereiro de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Videos - Urban Audiovisual Festival

Urban Audiovisual Festival, co-organizado pelo CICS.NOVA, recebe propostas de vídeos a serem incluídos na sua mostra. A temática do festival é "Urban Mobilities". O festival realizar-se-á na Biblioteca de Marvila, em Lisboa, entre 28 e 30 de Junho de 2019 e é uma iniciativa conjunta do CICS.NOVA, CIES-IUL e IS-FLUP.

Submissões: até 28 de Fevereiro de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - Revista Cuestiones de Género: N.º 14 “Violencia contra las mujeres: miradas sin frontera”

Convidam-se os interessados a submeter proposta de artigo para o número 14 (junho de 2019) da Revista Cuestiones de Género, cuja temática é “Violencia contra las mujeres: miradas sin frontera” e que será coordenado por Maria Teresa Santos e Saudade Baltazar.

Submissões: até 28 de fevereiro de 2019.

A submissão deverá ser feita através desta plataforma online.

Call em Português | Call em Espanhol | Call em Inglês

Call for Sessions - European Association for Urban History 2020

  • The “Call for Sessions” is open since 1 December 2018 (and closes on 28 February 2019).
  • The “Call for Papers” starts on 1 June 2019

Call for Sessions:

Call for Papers - IV Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento. Comunicación Emergente - Simpósio 28

O Congresso realizar-se-á na Universidade de Sevilha nos dias 10, 11 e 12 de abril de 2019, e cada autor ou coautor pode submeter até 3 propostas de comunicação.

Submissões: até 25 de Fevereiro de 2019.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - 5th Symposium on Ethics and Social Responsability Research

The 5th SESRR aims at not only promoting discussions on theoretical models and research empirical results, but also debating policies, strategies, and practices. It will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 6 and 7 june 2019 and it is organized by DINAMIA’CET, a research unit of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.

Abstract submission: until 17th February 2019.

More information:

Call for Papers - III Conferência Internacional de Turismo & História - Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano: Desafios Futuros no seu Planeamento & Gestão

A III Conferência Internacional de Turismo & História será realizada em simultâneo, nos dias 28 e 29 de março de 2019, pelas Universidades do Algarve e de Caxias do Sul (Brasil).

Submissões: até 5 de Fevereiro de 2019.

Esta 3.ª edição irá abordar quatro temáticas, onde os autores podem apresentar resumo e artigo:

1) Património da Humanidade no espaço Ibero Americano: Planeamento e Gestão turísticos;

2) Recursos, Produtos e Experiências Turístico Culturais no Contexto da Identidade Ibero-americana;

3) Indicadores de performance turística & sustentável; e 4) Turismo Gastronómico/Enoturismo; e ainda um projeto interativo de construção de uma Rota Transnacional – A Rota do Ouro.

A iniciativa conta com o apoio de um conjunto de Universidades parceiras pertencentes ao espaço Ibero-Americano, como a Universidade do Minho, a Universidade de Coimbra e o Instituto Federal do Ceará (Brasil). Conta ainda com a colaboração do Centro de Investigação sobre o Espaço e as Organizações (CIEO) da UAlg, do Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais - Pólo Universidade do Minho e do Núcleo de Estudo (NID) Cultura, Arte e Patrimônio/UCS, e com o apoio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo e Hospitalidade da Universidade de Caxias do Sul.

Mais informação

Call for Papers - ESA Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology) «Boundaries and belonging in urban realities»

Europe is going through difficult times: of rising nationalism, populism and unstable political, social and economic situations which have the city as their main setting. We take the theme of this ESA Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Borders and Belonging” as an opportunity to debate social, symbolic and physical dimensions of the boundaries and borders creation, negotiation and transgression in urban areas. Within a critical approach, belonging has the potential to help us rethink attachment to place and local life in a time of increased mobility between world cities, of virtual networks and communities, but also of privatisation of public spaces and commodification of urban life. 

Deadline for abstracts: 1st February 2019.

We welcome papers on topics including, but not limited to:

• RN37_a - Urban Sociology (Open Session)
• RN37_b - Segregation and spatial forms of inequality
• RN37_c - Urban movements, the right to the city and new urban policies
• RN37_d - Consequences of digitalization in cities and urban life
• RN37_e - Mobility and its impact on urban communities
• RN37_f - Materiality in urban life
• RN37_g - Everyday life: continuities, changes, resistances
• RN37_h - Housing and dwelling
• RN37_i - Gender, age, ethnicity in urban space

The ESA RN37 Urban Sociology aims to continue the work developed at the previous ESA conferences and Midterm Conferences, by stimulating the cross-disciplinary debate on urban life, urban spaces and urban dynamics. At the Manchester ESA Conference we are interested in receiving proposals focusing on empirical data, but also specifically on the theoretical and methodological aspects of research, especially papers proposing innovative approaches.


Joint Sessions

With RN01 Ageing in Europe

“Urban Ageing: Towards an enhanced spatial perspective” 

Cities have become central to research on the complexities and multidimensionality of ageing. By combining the perspectives of urban sociology and the sociology of ageing we seek a better understanding of what urbanity represents in terms of experiences, advantages and disadvantages for older residents. We would welcome papers applying innovative theoretical and methodological approaches in studies on urban ageing, but also papers comparing aspects of ageing in urban, suburban, or rural settings.

With RN15 Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology: «Transforming cities in a global transforming world»

Cities are places where globalization manifests itself with particular intensity; and cities, in turn, contribute decisively to shaping globalization processes. For this reason, cities are a privileged observation point for globalization and in particular for global / local dialectics. So, we welcome contributions which analyze, on one side, the impact of globalization processes on cities’ life and structure, and, on the other side, the role of cities in shaping and directing globalization itself.

With RN35 Sociology of Migration «Migration and the city: Urban spaces and the reordering of borders, boundaries, and belongings in contemporary Europe»

Migration and urban realities are deeply entangled. Cities and metropolises have had  an important impact on migrants’ everyday life and biographies throughout our modern times. In turn, urban neighbourhoods are socially, politically, and economically affected by transnational mobility. The key question of this joint session s how the political and the spatial dimensions are intertwined in the current European context. It focuses, first, on the tensions that currently evolve between urban, national, and European political dynamics and, second, on the “urban” opportunities for countering everyday racisms and authoritarian backlashes in European migration regimes.

ESA Abstract submission deadline: February 1st.

More information: ESA Conference 2019.

Call for Papers – APA 2019 Painel «Políticas Culturais, Indústrias Criativas e Regeneração na Cidade Pós-Industrial»

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos no âmbito do painel Políticas Culturais, Indústrias Criativas e Regeneração na Cidade Pós-Industrial do VII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (APA2019), que ocorrerá em Lisboa de 4 a 7 de junho. São fortemente encorajadas comunicações de natureza multidisciplinar na área dos Estudos e Políticas Públicas Culturais, Pós Industrialismo, Indústrias Criativas, Património Material e Imaterial, Gentrificação, Reação de Residentes, Participação e Movimentos Sociais locais, Eventos Urbanos e as considerações mais globais acerca deste modelo de Regeneração Urbana através da reutilização do Património e Cultura Urbana em contextos de exclusão socioeconómica.  

Submissões: até 21 de janeiro de 2019.

Este painel inscreve-se num conjunto de atividades de disseminação e comunicação científica do Projeto H2020, "ROCK: Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge Cities", que tem como palco a frente ribeirinha de Marvila e do Beato em Lisboa.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers – Conference «Knowledge, people and digital transformation - Approaches for a sustainable future»

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, are the world's greatest proposal to build a better world for people and for our planet by 2030. However, the digital transformation of the economy along with political and organizational amnesia about the values of a society that works for the common good may call into question this plan. The objective of this call is to explore the role of knowledge, on its different forms (intellectual capital management or knowledge management), in a context of digital transformation, where the people, commonly seen as human capital, have an important role as guardians of a more sustainable society, guided by ethical principles in which technology, innovation and development are placed at the service of the good and the people.

Submission of abstracts (150 to 250 words): January 18th, 2019.

Notification of Results: January 31st, 2019
Submission Deadline of Full Papers: March 15th, 2019
Registration Deadline: March 31st, 2019

More information:

Call for Papers - VII Congresso APA | 7th APA Congress: Painel "Cidades que falam português: o desafio da etnografia"

Convidam-se todos os interessados a apresentar propostas para o painel "Cidades que falam português: o desafio da etnografia", coordenado por Graça Cordeiro (ISCTE-IUL) e Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (USP). O VII Congresso APA realiza-se em Lisboa entre 4 e 7 de junho de 2019.

Submissões: até 7 de janeiro de 2019.

Mais informações

Call for Papers – APA 2019 Painel «Juventudes, decolonialidades e estéticas periféricas»

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para trabalhos no âmbito do painel Juventudes, decolonialidades e estéticas periféricas do VII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (APA2019), que ocorrerá em Lisboa de 4 a 7 de junho.

Submissões: até 7 de janeiro de 2019.

Mais informações:

IV International Meeting of Sociology (ISSOW) «Work, (In)equalities and Social Relations in the Digital Economy»

Encontra-se aberta a call for papers para o IV International Meeting of Sociology (ISSOW) da APSIOT, a realizar nos dias 16 e 17 de março de 2020 no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa.

Submissões: até 6 de janeiro de 2020

The IV International Meeting of Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Organisations and Work (ISSOW) will explore the multiple and complex implications of the digital economy on working conditions, working time and work-life balance, labour relations, skills and occupations, gender and social inequalities, subjectivities and regulatory institutions.

Advanced technologies, ICTs, robotics and artificial intelligence are accelerating the reconfiguration of occupations, skills, working conditions, labour relations and work organization.  Digital platforms are giving rise to new business models, new forms of hiring, managing and controlling. Labour processes across diverse industries are rapidly changing, as well as power relations and subjectivities at work. While new occupations are emerging and new skills are being demanded from the workforce/service providers, many jobs are rendered obsolete and/or relocated globally.

Digital technologies are also profoundly transforming the locations from where people work, how they work and when work is performed.  While optimistic accounts see the  increasing panoply of technological devices, IT services and networks as sources of greater quality of life, critical tones stress the blurring of boundaries between paid work and non-paid work activities.

Yet, despite the widespread changes, complex patterns of social inequality and labour market discrimination are shaped by gender, age, ethnic/cultural background and social class. The institutional and regulatory structures also need to be brought into the sociological debate.

Papers focusing in the following topics are particularly welcome:

1-Working conditions and labour relations in the digital economy

2-The (global) digital labour platforms and the ‘uberisation’ of work

3-The impact of digital technologies on working time and work-life balance

4-Innovation, occupations and skills in the digital economy

5-Training and employment in the digital economy

6-The role of public policies and regulatory institutions

7-Gender and the digital economy


Data limite para a submissão de propostas: 6 de janeiro de 2020.

Mais informações, aqui.


Call for Papers – ESA RS12 - Simmel and Beyond

The 100th anniversary of the death of one of the most singular thinkers in the history of Sociology is celebrated: Georg Simmel. In the certainty that the events in the world and particularly in Europe constitute a powerful challenge to the application and development of the Simmelian legacy, our purpose is to invite all those who feel somewhat challenged by Simmel's thinking and who use his concepts and methodology, to present here the results of their investigations.

Abstract submission: until 1st February 2019.

As a pioneer and visionary, Simmel was the inspirer of a way of doing sociology, leaving for posterity a reasoning and a method of its own, based on a conceptual apparatus that privileges the interrelations between formal categories and empirical engagements. Examples of this are the concept of the bridge, the door and the stranger. The bridge and the door are sociological configurations that can emerge in a human attempt to overcome the barriers to their activity. They are at the crossroads of the bounded and the boundaryless. The bridge, in Simmel words, connects symbolically the infinite with the finite. The door, "precisely because it is also opened", is another configuration of a permanent interchange: "the bridge is mute, but the door speaks ". Across the bridge and the door comes the stranger, an entity (individual or collective) who comes and goes, but who can also stay. What differentiates the stranger from the others is its non-belonging to the space in which she lives, which has the effect of its dispossession and ambiguity.


  • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
  • Submission is through the ConfTool:


  • Pedro Jorge Caetano, Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
  • Laura Centemeri, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France.
  • Maria Manuela Mendes, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, CIES-UL; Faculty of Architecture of Universidade de Lisboa. Principal Investigator of the project «Educational achievements among Ciganos: research action and co-design project» (PTDC/CED-EDG/30175/2017).
  • José Manuel Resende, Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), Escola de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Évora.

Call for Papers - Dossier «Futuros do Trabalho: Políticas, cenários e vivências subjetivas»

Encontra-se em aberto a chamada para trabalhos da Revista Configurações no âmbito do dossiê temático Futuros do Trabalho: Políticas, cenários e vivências subjetivas a ser coordenado pelos Doutores Ana Paula Marques (CICS-UMinho/ CICS.NOVA), Miguel Chaves (CICS.NOVA/ FCSH.UNL), Helena Serra (CICS.NOVA/ FCSH.UNL) e Paula Urze (FCT-UNL, CIUHCT) e publicado no segundo número de 2019.

Submissões: até 31 de dezembro de 2018.

Com a intensificação da crise económico-financeira, que afeta o capitalismo contemporâneo e a confiança no futuro, o trabalho, as organizações e as profissões têm conhecido profundas transformações nas suas práticas, conteúdos e sentidos. Importa, por isso, assinalar os seguintes processos de ressimbolização do espaço social do trabalho: i) exaltação de uma cultura de “risco” e incerteza no quadro da Revolução 4.0; ii) exigências de compromisso e lealdade dos atores sociais em contextos de vulnerabilidade de vinculação laboral; iii) apropriação do controlo gestionário e administrativo pelos grupos profissionais pressionados pelas lógicas de produtividade e de custo/benefício; iv) fragmentação crescente de coletivos de trabalho, tempos de trabalho e estatutos (e.g. “integrados”, “precários”, “bolseiros”, “formandos”), criando comunidades fracionadas e instáveis de interesses; v) maior exposição a situações de subemprego e experiências de desemprego, e fluxos significativos de mobilidade (trans)nacional por grupos sociais alargados, vi) dificuldades de subsistência, assim como de auto e heteroreferenciação identitária perante experiências de desemprego e exclusão social de um número crescente de grupos sociais, com especial destaque para jovens, mulheres, indivíduos desqualificados ou com baixas qualificações e trabalhadores mais idosos; vii) défices de statusperante esses mesmos cenários; vii) refluxo da regulação estatal na economia em geral e no trabalho (e emprego) em particular com efeitos na desproteção dos trabalhadores, em especial os mencionados no ponto anterior, e na dessindicalização de amplas faixas da população ativa.

Em suma, os processos globais de mudança social têm vindo a implicar transformações significativas nas organizações, no trabalho, nos grupos profissionais e nos cidadãos em geral. Os contornos destas dinâmicas permanecem, no entanto, em larga medida, por conhecer, compelindo os cientistas sociais a anteciparem futuros possíveis no quadro da crescente incerteza que caracteriza as sociedades atuais. Este dossier temático visa acolher trabalhos originais nos seguintes tópicos:

- Digitalização e autonomização da economia e trabalho;
- Tecnologia, comunicação e riscos;
- Ecologização das empresas e gestão verde;
- Privatização, liberalização e reconfiguração dos serviços públicos;
- Mercados (trans)nacionais de emprego;
- Migrações, direitos de trabalho e cidadania;
- Subemprego, precariedade e desemprego;
- Dilemas da educação e formação em contexto de trabalho;
- Profissão, Profissionalização e Profissionalismo;
- Formas de produção de subjetividades no trabalho;
- Diálogo social e desafios de concertação coletiva;
- Desenvolvimento, políticas e redes interorganizacionais.

Os artigos poderão ser provenientes de qualquer domínio das ciências sociais, devendo reportar-se a investigações empíricas e apoiar-se numa reflexão teórica robusta. Os artigos devem ser enviados para e estar em conformidade com as normas adotadas pela revista.

Datas importantes:

Deadline para a submissão do artigo: 31 Dezembro de 2018
Envio da decisão para os autores: 31 Maio de 2019
Publicação da revista: 31 Dezembro de 2019

Informações adicionais encontram-se disponíveis em:

Call for Papers - XIII Congresso Espanhol de Sociologia

Encontra-se aberta a chamada de trabalhos no âmbito do XIII Congresso Espanhol de Sociologia "Sociedades en la encrucijada, compromissos de la sociología".

Submissões de resumos: até 31 de dezembro de 2018.

Mais informações: XIII Congresso Espanhol de Sociologia

Call for Papers: 4th Transforming Care Conference – Copenhagen

We invite scholars to express their interest in submitting an abstract to the selected Thematic panels (TP) of the Transforming Care Conference 2019. 

Abstract submission: 1st January 2019. 

Please note that you are required to send in a paper before the conference. The paper will be available for the conference delegates through the conference website.

More information:

3rd International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

Building on two successful editions, with over five hundred participants per edition, ICCA has been gaining notice beyond borders, gathering participants from all 5 continents who share their experiences and knowledge in an intense and diversified three day program. We’re sure that everything is set so that 2019’s edition goes as well as before with new discussions, new speakers and the same will to provide an unique and unforgettable experience.

Abstract submission: until 30th November 2018.

*All the presented abstracts will be included at the proceedings book and will have the opportunity to integrate the conference ebook (booth with ISBN Register).

More information:

Calls for Papers - Dossiê «O campo das pesquisas em educação: contribuições da sociologia francesa»

A Revista InterMeio - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul abre chamada para artigos para o dossiê de janeiro-junho de 2019 intitulado O campo das pesquisas em educação: contribuições da sociologia francesa.

Submissões: 30 de Novembro até de 2018.

Os artigos a serem apresentados poderão abordar uma ou várias dimensões do campo da educação na sua vertente institucional e/ ou individual; poderão explicitar discussões de natureza teórica e/ou metodológica; bem como poderão circunscrever as dimensões culturais e sociais da educação, tomando como foco as contribuições da sociologia francesa. A intenção é identificar e analisar de forma transversal a multiplicidade de objetos no interior deste campo.


- Fabiany de Cássia Tavares Silva Faculdade de Educação - UFMS

- Maria da Graça Jacintho Setton Faculdade de Educação - USP


Consultar chamada.

Mais informações em

Call for Papers - VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia

Se encontra aberta a chamada para comunicações no âmbito do Painel 068 Educação, formação e mediação intercultural em sociedades em mudança – Entre a teoria e a prática da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia.

Submissões: até 07 de janeiro de 2019.

Sobre as regras para apresentação de propostas:

– Cada proponente poderá apresentar apenas uma comunicação ao congresso.
– As propostas de comunicação têm de conter obrigatoriamente a seguinte informação: nome do(s)/da(s) proponente(s), filiação institucional e endereço de e-mail; título; resumo curto (máx. 50 palavras); resumo longo (máx. 200 palavras).
– As propostas são enviadas diretamente aos coordenadores do painel escolhido (os contactos dos coordenadores podem ser encontrados na informação detalhada de cada painel).
– Relativamente às línguas em que as propostas devem ser redigidas (língua principal e língua complementar), os proponentes devem ter em conta as especificações de cada painel. Consultar para este efeito a informação detalhada do painel ao qual pretendem submeter uma proposta. Em caso de dúvida contactar diretamente os coordenadores dos painéis.
– Dependendo das especificações de cada painel (ver ponto anterior), as propostas podem ser redigidas em Português (PT), Espanhol (ES) ou Inglês (EN); a par da língua principal em que são redigidas, os proponentes têm de enviar sempre uma versão na língua complementar do painel (consultar para este efeito a informação detalhada do painel ao qual pretendem submeter uma proposta).
– As propostas de comunicação devem especificar desde logo os meios audiovisuais e informáticos necessários para a sua apresentação ao congresso.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers - International Conference «Small Cities and Environment (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times)»

The international conference Small Cities and Environment (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times) will be held in Castelo de Vide (Portugal) between 14 and 16 March 2019. Its organisation is the result of a joint initiative by the International Network_ Small Cities in Time, Castelo de Vide Local Authority, the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the NOVA University of Lisbon, IEM, CHAM, IHC, and the School of Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), through the CIDADES programme.

Submissions: until 31st October 2018.

Researchers are invited to submit sessions or individual papers proposals, addressing this problematic, from a monographic or comparative point of view, based on a historical period or in several chronologies, according to the following thematic axes:

- The impact of small cities on the natural and cultural environment.
- The impact of the natural environment on small cities.
- Society’s responses to the changes in the urban environment and to urban environmental problems.
- The environmental aspects of small cities’ relations with their surroundings, and possibly with their area of influence.


More information: |

Call for Papers - Seminário Internacional e Interdisciplinar «Viver em|a mobilidade: (Com)Passos, rumos e políticas»

Em 2016 reunimo-nos em Braga para discutir experiências em torno do viver em|a mobilidade e debater reflexões e resultados da investigação realizada sobre (novas) culturas de tempo, espaço e distância. Dois anos volvidos descemos ao Sul. Em Évora, 2018, propomo-nos manter o tema e alargar o debate sobre a mobilidade na contemporaneidade, olhando particularmente aos seus (com)passos, rumos e políticas.

Submissão de resumos: até 30 de Setembro de 2018.

A Comissão Organizadora do Seminário convida à submissão de trabalhos no âmbito das temáticas que integram o programa. 

Apelamos a uma participação rica e criativa, multidisciplinar e multiformato, que permita compreender as várias experiências e sentidos do viver em|a mobilidade, seja no quotidiano dos dias “banais” de pessoas e organizações, seja nos gabinetes de planeamento e intervenção social e política seja no cenário da vida em comunidade e da produção cultural. 

Mais informações em

Call for Papers - 15th Conference of the European Ecological Federation «Embedding ecology in sustainable development goals»

This 15th EEF Congress aims to present the most advanced achievements of ecological research and the burgeoning issues of ecologists, discussing inter-, intra- and trans-disciplinarily their impacts on the present problems societies face. Using the officially called “Major Groups” of United Nations, the conference intend to extend discussions based on ecologically relevant interfaces to tackle the sustainable development goals and help to create a more sustainable biosphere and a more equitable society.

Proposals: until 30th October 2018.

More information:

Call for Papers - Conferência Internacional «Mulheres, Mundos do Trabalho e Cidadania - Diferentes Olhares, Outras Perspetivas»

Em 1929, Virgínia Woolf enfatizava a necessidade de se reescrever a História para que às mulheres fosse dado o destaque a que tinham direito. Praticamente seis décadas após esta proclamação, Joan Scott referia que o apelo de Woolf havia sido satisfeito, sublinhando que, sobretudo a partir da década de 70, as prateleiras das livrarias e das bibliotecas tinham passado a estar relativamente bem guarnecidas com obras realçando o papel da mulher no processo histórico. Esta conferência pretende explorar novas perspetivas nos estudos que se centram nas mulheres e na sua inserção no mundo do trabalho, bem como na sua participação cívica e política, a partir dos olhares diversos protagonizados pelas várias ciências sociais e humanas. 

Submissão de resumos: até 30 de setembro de 2018.

Uma parte da conferência será dedicada ao tema mulheres e mundos do trabalho, onde, entre outras, poderão ser abordadas temáticas como:

- O trabalho remunerado ou não remunerado e suas conexões nas várias épocas históricas;
A precariedade laboral;
A prostituição: trabalho sexual que deve ser regulamentado ou forma de violência contra as mulheres incompatível com os direitos humanos?;
- O trabalho das mulheres em sectores ou profissões altamente masculinizadas;
- As desigualdades no mercado de trabalho;
- Mulheres, ciência e universidade;
- A negociação coletiva: produtora de desigualdades ou promotora de igualdade?
- Os direitos das mulheres trabalhadoras.


Outra parte será dedicada ao tema mulheres e cidadania, em cujo âmbito poderão ser abordadas temáticas, ainda que a elas não se restringindo, como:
- A ação coletiva das mulheres em contexto laboral ou extralaboral;
- Mulheres e participação associativa: mutualidades, sindicatos, associações de diversa índole;
- Os movimentos feministas como atores de mudança social;
- Movimentos feministas, (des)institucionalização, discursos e práticas;
- Redes e/ou alianças de ativismo nacional e/ou internacional, suas potencialidades e dificuldades;
- Género e democratização;
- Políticas para as mulheres e mulheres na política;
- A invisibilidade das mulheres como problema político.

Datas importantes:
Submissão de resumos – 30 de Setembro de 2018
Comunicação dos resultados da avaliação – 20 de Outubro de 2018
Data limite de inscrição – 15 de Novembro de 2018
Divulgação do programa definitivo – 30 de Novembro de 2018
Datas da conferência – 6 e 7 de Dezembro de 2018
Envio dos textos para publicação em e-book – 15 de Janeiro de 2019

Submissão de resumos:
Resumos com até 500 palavras devem ser enviados até à data referida anteriormente No assunto, deve ser inserido o seguinte texto: Conferência Internacional “Mulheres, Mundos do Trabalho e Cidadania – Diferentes Olhares, Outras Perspetivas”.

A proposta de comunicação deve incluir o nome dos/das comunicantes, a sua filiação institucional e um contacto de email. Cada comunicante pode submeter um máximo de dois resumos.


Mais informações:

Call for Papers - III CICA Congresso Internacional Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente «Contextos de aprendizagem»

O III CICA Congresso Internacional Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente, subordinado ao tema “Contextos de Aprendizagem”, e organizado pelo NICA - Núcleo Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente da Universidade dos Açores, terá lugar de 25 a 27 de outubro de 2018, na Universidade dos Açores em Ponta Delgada. Assim, convidamo-lo/la a apresentar uma comunicação ou um poster sobre investigação ou boas práticas, na área dos contextos formais e informais  de aprendizagem (educação pré-escolar, educação básica, atendimento em creches, educação parental e familiar, expressões artísticas, ambientes digitais, filosofia para crianças, ocupação de tempos livres, entre muitos outros).

Submissão de resumos: até 28 de setembro de 2018.

As propostas de comunicação ou poster, sob forma de resumo, devem ser enviadas para o email

Mais informações:

Call for Papers 2018 – Revista Desenvolvimento e Sociedade (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora)

A Revista D&S convida os autores interessados a submeterem artigos para publicação na edição de 2018, subordinados aos seguintes temas: Cidadania, trabalho e tecnologia; Cidades, ambiente e desenvolvimento; Desigualdades sociais e ação pública; Educação, conhecimento e cultura; Saúde, população e bem-estar; Sistemas de modelação e planeamento.

Submissões: até 15 de Setembro de 2018.

Critérios de submissão:

Para a presente call 2018, as propostas de artigo devem seguir os critérios de formatação da revista D&S. Ver a seção de instruções aos autores no sítio internet da revista em: 

Por razões de ordem técnica, não nos é possível aceitar a submissão online através do sítio internet da revista. Todas as propostas de artigo da presente call devem ser submetidas diretamente à Direção e Coordenação Editorial da revista, através do seguinte email:

Data limite para submissões: 15 de Julho de 2018
Divulgação de resultados: 30 de Julho de 2018
Publicação online (previsão): Setembro de 2018

A Direção e a Coordenação Editorial da revista reservam o direito de não aceitar as propostas que não estejam em conformidade com os critérios de submissão.

Avaliação dos Artigos (peer review): Todas as propostas de publicação, apresentadas em conformidade com os critérios de formatação da revista, serão submetidas a um painel de avaliadores, nacionais e estrangeiros, em regime de double blind peer review e ou avaliação cega por pares.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers - Seminário Internacional «Insegurança e punitividade na América Latina: Condições, conexões e efeitos»

O CICS.NOVA conjuntamente com a Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Brasil), a Universidade Nacional do Litoral (Brasil), o Conselho Latino Americano de Ciências Sociais, a Universidade de Warwick (Inglaterra), e o Instituto Universitário da Maia (Portugal) organizam o Seminário Internacional Insegurança e punitividade na América Latina: Condições, conexões e efeitos a ser realizado entre os dias 10 e 11 de dezembro na Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brasil.

Submissões: até 01 de Setembro de 2018.

Consultar chamada.

Call for Papers - Revista SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE 2018

A Revista SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE, publicação da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS), abriu a chamada de artigos para os seus números de 2018.

Submissões (3º Número): até 31 de Agosto de 2018

A SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE publica três números por ano, está documentada na Latindex e aguarda indexação na SHERPA/RoMEO e na ERIH PLUS.

Call for papers em português
Call for papers em inglês

Call for Papers - Colóquio Internacional sobre Karl Marx: Legado, Críticas e Atualidade

Duzentos anos depois do seu nascimento, Marx permanece nos debates sociais e políticos contemporâneos, sendo os seus textos indispensáveis não só para compreender o capitalismo, suas lógicas, dinâmicas e crises, como também para escrutinar os caminhos futuros para a sociedade humana. Num momento histórico marcado por mais uma crise geral do capitalismo global, parte inseparável da crise social e ambiental que atinge a humanidade e o planeta, e confrontados com o crescimento das desigualdades sociais e económicas entre países e no interior de cada país, o pensamento de Marx conhece um interesse revigorado, incluindo por aqueles que, não se identificando como marxistas, encontram no teórico alemão contributos decisivos para fazer o debate sobre o nosso presente e futuro comuns.

Submissões: até 15 de Agosto de 2018.

A renovação das leituras não dogmáticas do pensamento de Marx é um exercício intelectual e político que reclama uma análise dialética que coloca no seu centro as contradições sociais e ambientais decorrentes da expansão e consolidação do capitalismo, simultaneamente portador de progresso e de regressão. Recusando as conceções mecanicistas e deterministas, o debate terá de considerar que o capitalismo não desaparecerá por si próprio, nem a história tem um único sentido, mas antes diversos caminhos a explorar pela teoria e pela conjugação das condições necessárias para a ação coletiva no quadro dos diversos movimentos sociais, nomeadamente sindical, ambientalista, feminista e antirracista. Apesar das muitas derrotas das forças e movimentos anticapitalistas, mesmo que a história nos coloque perante as dificuldades da luta contra o capitalismo e sua improvável superação a curto/médio prazo, a obra de Marx continua a inquietar‑nos. O seu pensamento, assim como o de Engels, está bem vivo quando nos interpelamos sobre as consequências produzidas pelo capitalismo: o desenvolvimento desigual, a concentração da riqueza, as desigualdades e as exclusões sociais e as novas formas de poder, exploração e dominação.

Rejeitando leituras lineares e esquemáticas, o colóquio pretende debater o legado e a atualidade de Marx, sendo bem acolhidas propostas de comunicação que, ancoradas em diferentes enfoques disciplinares, metodológicos e geográficos, se inscrevam num dos seguintes tópicos:

(i) O materialismo histórico e dialético em Marx: totalidade, contradição, mudança e progresso;
(ii) Trabalho e tecnologia: revolução industrial, revolução digital e as mudanças impulsionadas pela “indústria 4.0”;
(iii) Capital e lutas sociais: economia e política, sociedade e Estado;(iv) Capitalismo, globalização e imperialismo: desenvolvimento desigual, desigualdades e exclusões sociais;
(v) Natureza e sociedade: capitalismo e crise socioambiental;
(vi) Socialismo, modelos e experiências reais: sucessos, fracassos, críticas e lições para o futuro;
(vii) Alienaçãoideologia e utopia: caminhos para pensar a saída do capitalismo;
(viii) Filosofia, ciências sociais e políticas na tradição marxista: produção de conhecimento, autores (neo)marxistas, praxis e ativismo;
(ix) Cidadania, educação e cultura(s): perspetivas marxista e neomarxista;
(x) Novos objetos de investigação a partir do legado marxista

Para mais informações, consulte o

ou contacte-nos através do e-mail:

Call for Papers - 4º Congresso de Cooperação e Educação «Cooperação e educação de qualidade»

O Centro de estudos internacionais do ISCTE-IUL e a Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria vão organizar, dias 8 e 9 de novembro de 2018, o quarto Congresso de Cooperação e Educação – IV COOPEDU, subordinado à temática “Cooperação e Educação de Qualidade”. Pretende-se com esta iniciativa dar continuidade à reflexão sobre a cooperação a nível da Educação entre os países africanos e outros países, à luz dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).

Submissões: até 26 de Julho de 2018.

O Congresso está orientado em quatro eixos:

- Cooperação portuguesa na área da educação;
- Medidas para a qualidade nos sistemas de ensino africanos;
- Formação de recursos humanos em África;
- Políticas linguísticas nos países africanos.

Cada um destes eixos será enquadrado por uma sessão plenária (com uma comunicação de fundo por um orador convidado) seguida por sessões temáticas em painéis.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers - ESA/RN27 Mid-term Conference 2018

The ESA/RN27 Mid-term Conference 2018 Social structures, culture and institutions in Southern European societies will discuss the challenges and dilemmas of Southern European Societies in several strands of research in order to provide an authoritative account of the current situation. Participants are invited to discuss comparative research and specific studies with general implications as a means to understanding Southern European Societies at regional and international level.

Abstract submission: until 25th July 2018.

Scientific Comittee:
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas (CSIC, Spain)
Eleni Nina-Pazarzi (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Paola Borgna (University of Turin, Italy)
Ana Ferreira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
Teresa Consoli (University of Catania, Italy)
Carlo Pennisi (University of Catania, Italy)
Sandro Giachi (CSIC, Spain)
Laura Oso (University of La Coruña, Spain)
Apostolos Papadopoulos (Harokopion University, Greece)
Inês Vieira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
FoteiniTzavella (University of Peloponnese, Greece)
Fiorella Vinci (University Uniecampus, Italy)

Advisory Board
Luís Baptista (Portugal)
Daniel Bertaux (France)
Roberto Cipriani (Italy)
Consuelo Corradi (Italy)
Ana Romão (Portugal)
Manuel Carlos Silva (Portugal)
Andrea Vargiu (Italy)

More information here.

Call for Papers - ESA/RN27 Mid-term Conference 2018

The ESA/RN27 Mid-term Conference 2018 will discuss the challenges and dilemmas of Southern European Societies in several strands of research in order to provide an authoritative account of the current situation. Participants are invited to discuss comparative research and specific studies with general implications as a means to understanding Southern European Societies at regional and international level.

Abstract submission: until 15th July 2018.

Scientific Comittee:
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas (CSIC, Spain)
Eleni Nina-Pazarzi (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Paola Borgna (University of Turin, Italy)
Ana Ferreira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
Teresa Consoli (University of Catania, Italy)
Carlo Pennisi (University of Catania, Italy)
Sandro Giachi (CSIC, Spain)
Laura Oso (University of La Coruña, Spain)
Apostolos Papadopoulos (Harokopion University, Greece)
Inês Vieira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
FoteiniTzavella (University of Peloponnese, Greece)
Fiorella Vinci (University Uniecampus, Italy)

Advisory Board
Luís Baptista (Portugal)
Daniel Bertaux (France)
Roberto Cipriani (Italy)
Consuelo Corradi (Italy)
Ana Romão (Portugal)
Manuel Carlos Silva (Portugal)
Andrea Vargiu (Italy)

More information here.

NOVAsaúde Ageing: 1ª Conferência Internacional para o «Envelhecimento ativo e saudável»

A NOVAsaúde organiza no dia 19 de setembro o NOVAsaúde Ageing: 1ª Conferência Internacional para o Envelhecimento Ativo e SaudávelNesta conferência estarão presentes especialistas nacionais e internacionais ligados à área do envelhecimento para debaterem temas ligados a boas práticas para o desenvolvimento de um estilo de vida saudável durante o processo de envelhecimento.

Submissões: até 15 de Julho de 2018.

A entrada é livre mas sujeita a inscrição através do formulário de registo.

Mais informações:

Call for Papers - International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (INAAM 2018)

The INAAM 2018 aims to bring together researchers and educators interested in discussing contributions to improve on this situation. Focusing on secondary and introductory university levels we welcome theoretical, empirical or innovation development contributions distributed by all STEM areas and applications.

Submissions: until13th july 2018.

The development of knowledge following contemporary activities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) involves epistemologies and cognition frames associated with modelling processes that balance different elements from theory, experimentation and scientific computation. In addition, many such processes increasingly require advanced mathematical physics models and methods of scientific computation. It then follows that STEM educational curricula, methodologies and teaching-learning environments should envision the development of meaningful learning paths going through balanced interactive explorations of all the different phases of the modelling cycle, namely, qualitative contextual description, definition, exploration, interpretation and validation of mathematical models, communication of results and generalizations. Furthermore, and always taking into account specific area dependent contexts, it is fundamental to achieve an early balanced integration of computational modelling, and to bring up a strong integrated background in physics, mathematics and scientific computation. However, in spite of the increasing amount of scientific evidence accumulated over the years, the majority of current practices in STEM education courses are still not able to reflect such balanced STEM epistemological and cognitive characteristics. Moreover, these are courses that often have many students with fragmented knowledge states, deteriorating expectations and low exam success rates.

Topics include but are not limited to:
- STEM knowledge development and modelling paths.
- Conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning and problem solving capabilities.
- New approaches, curricula or learning-teaching sequences.
- Interactive learning-teaching environments.
- ICT, multimedia and scientific computation.
- Teacher training and professional development.



Rui G. M. Neves, DCT & Autónoma TechLab - Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, UIED/CICS.NOVA – Universidade Nova de Lisboa


This Symposium is a part of the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2018 (ICNAAM 2018), which will be held in Rhodes, Greece, at the Sheraton Hotel, on September 13-18, 2018. See the Conference webpage at


More information here.

A FPCEUP – Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, a UMAR – União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta e o projeto Bystanders – Desenvolver Respostas para o assédio sexual entre jovens através de bystanders, têm o prazer de o/a convidar para o Seminário Internacional sobre Assédio e Violência Sexual: vítimas, perpetradores e bystanders que terá lugar nos dias 8 e 9 de outubro de 2018 na FPCEUP, Porto.

Submissões: até 30 de Junho de 2018.

O objetivo deste seminário internacional é juntar investigadores/as, académicos/as, estudantes de doutoramento profissionais e decisores/as políticos para:

- promover o desenvolvimento de investigação e práticas no âmbito da prevenção e combate ao assédio sexual e à violência sexual;
- debater conceptualizações e perspetivas sobre o assédio sexual e a violência sexual;
- articular a investigação e a intervenção na área;
- criar um fórum de contactos entre investigadores/as e profissionais;
- partilhar estratégias de intervenção de forma a melhorar a proteção das vítimas de assédio sexual e de violência sexual;
- disseminar e partilhar os resultados do projeto “Bystanders”;
- partilhar resultados de políticas sociais e jurídicas sobre assédio sexual e violência sexual


Os temas do seminário são:

- Violência sexual e suas consequências

- Conceptualizações em torno do assédio sexual e da violência sexual

- Violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes

- Assédio sexual em contexto escolar

- Assédio sexual em contexto laboral

- Assédio sexual nos espaços públicos

- Prevenção do assédio sexual e da violência sexual

- Intervenção com vítimas de assédio sexual e de violência sexual

- Intervenção com perpetradores de assédio sexual e de violência sexual

- O papel dos bystanders no assédio sexual e na violência sexual


O evento contará com a presença e participação das conferencistas Liz KellyMarceline Naudi e Alessandra Pauncz.

As línguas oficiais do seminário serão o português e o inglês.


No primeiro dia serão apresentados e debatidos os resultados do projeto "Bystanders - Developing bystander responses to sexual harassment among young people" que contou com a participação de 4 países: Portugal, Reino Unido, Malta and Eslovénia. Jovens e professores/as que participaram neste projeto estarão presentes para partilhar as suas experiências. Estas sessões do primeiro dia são abertas a todos os/as participantes e podem ser uma oportunidade de estabelecer contactos e futura implementação do projeto Bystanders noutros países.O segundo dia é dedicado à apresentação de trabalhos/comunicações distribuídas por diversos painéis.

Submissão dos resumos:

A submissão dos resumos deve ser feita entre os dias 22 de maio e 30 de junho de 2018.

Notificação de aprovação de resumos até dia 15 de julho.

Cada pessoa pode submeter apenas um resumo como primeiro autor/a, para cada tipo de apresentação (serão aceites apresentações orais e apresentações de posters). O resumo deve ter no máximo 300 palavras e 3 palavras-chave.


Mais informações:


Call for Papers – I International Congress on Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures

The I International Congress on Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures will take place in Lisbon, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, between the 16th and the 18th of January 2019. This congress seeks to address the dynamics of occupation of colonial territories and their repercussions as independent countries, focusing on architecture and urbanism, namely on how colonial infrastructure has influenced the current development models of the new countries.

Submissions: until 30th June 2018.

More information at:

Call for Papers - 2nd International Conference on Woman and Gender Universe(s)

Once again, Wo(man) XXI opens the door to a multidisciplinary dialogue, involving different areas in a debate of common interest: from Medicine to Sociology, Sport, Nutrition, History, Law, Psychology, Arts, Fashion, among others; all areas come together in a unique and memorable experience. 

Abstract submission: until JUNE 30, 2018.

After a successful first edition, Woman XXI becomes Wo(man) XXI, a moment of sharing knowledge and experiences, not only about Women, but about the extensive, complex, and still unexplored, Universe of the Gender. An informal and multidisciplinary meeting about multiple areas of social life that, in one way or another, gravitate around (and are influenced by) gender issues. A moment that promotes an holistic and critical view about a set of current and relevant issues, and that intends to contribute to a deeper understanding about gender universes. This is a meeting for sharing expertise, but also everyday experiences of all those who, for personal or professional reasons, may be interested in this subject. 

Call for Papers – Encontro «Os desafios da investigação: Questões de método, dilemas éticos e problemas políticos»

A pesquisa social é um terreno plural e multidimensional onde se entrecruzam questões epistemológicas e teóricas, dispositivos metodológicos e procedimentos analíticos ajustados às diferentes realidades em estudo. Para além de se desenvolverem em torno destas componentes, os processos de investigação nas ciências sociais configuram, eles próprios, processos sociais que têm subjacente uma multiplicidade de desafios de vária ordem. Com o objetivo de consolidar a reflexão sobre os diferentes tipos de dilemas metodológicos com que os investigadores se deparam, bem como sobre as estratégias que os mesmos desenvolvem para lhes dar resposta, o Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), do ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, promove um segundo encontro sobre o tema, que vem dar continuidade às questões levantadas na primeira edição deste evento (2016).

Submissões: até 29 de Junho de 2018.

Apela-se à submissão de contributos que reflitam sobre um ou vários dos seguintes aspetos:

(1) O modo como o uso de métodos de pesquisa consolidados nas ciências sociais tem mudado ao longo do tempo e tem contribuído para atualizar e revigorar técnicas de recolha e de análise dos dados;
(2)  Relação entre problemas que resultam da prática de investigação e questões teóricas e metodológicas;
(3)  Abordagens metodológicas e técnicas inovadoras em ciências sociais;
(4)  Questões éticas e políticas inerentes ao processo de investigação: o acesso, permanência e saída do terreno;
(5)  Impactos na investigaçāo de dinâmicas globais do campo científico e social, tais como a escolha das agendas de pesquisa ou a configuraçāo dos contextos institucionais;
(6)  Democratização do conhecimento no processo de produção e disseminação dos resultados de pesquisa.

Os resumos não devem ultrapassar as 350 palavras, devem fundamentar o enquadramento em um ou mais dos tópicos acima referidos e devem conter os seguintes elementos:

.Título do trabalho
.Nome/s do/s autor/es
.Filiação institucional
.Endereço de e-mail.

Data limite para envio: 29 de Junho de 2018
Notificação de aceitação: 31 de Julho de 2018


Os resumos devem ser enviados até 8 de junho de 2018 para o seguinte correio eletrónico:

Comissão organizadora: Helena Carreiras, Mara Clemente, Ana Caetano, Anne Schippling.

Call for Papers – 25th APDR Congress

July 5-6 2018 | FCSH-UNL, Lisbon, Portugal

Special Session (SS04): Students' come and go. Unpacking the effects of academic mobility in urban metabolism and regeneration

Academic mobility’s impact in hosting cities and regions is often overlooked as it is perceived as being episodic, with a limited and temporary effect. Against this background, this special session aims to unpack the long-lasting influence of academic mobility in urban metabolism and regeneration processes. From larger to smaller cities and universities, how can we make use of the principles of a circular economy to understand the effects, strengths and limits of academic mobility in regional development? As academic mobility is increasing worldwide, this special session looks at the particular challenges it raises for a sustainable future.


Abstract Submission Deadline: May 6, 2018
Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately: May 20, 2018

Submit an abstract:



Carlos Vieira - Universidade de Évora and CEFAGE, Email:;

Isabel Vieira (Chair) - Universidade de Évora and CEFAGE, Email:

Rosalina Pisco Costa - Universidade de Évora and CICS.NOVA.UÉvora, Email:

Call for Papers – Master and Doctoral Consortium for Research on Public Policy

“Conceptualizations of the participant revisited: Challenges of a biological citizenship model for democratic participation” - Sessão em International Conference Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century's