
OCEANID - EU Integrated Maritime Policy and Blue Growth

Researcher in Charge: Regina Salvador
Reference: João Braga de Macedo (Nova SBE)
Team: Francesca Poggi
João Figueira de Sousa
Researchers not belonging to CICS.NOVA: Francesca Poggi
Applicant Entity:

NOVA FCSH: Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA)

Funding Entity:

União Europeia (Cátedra Jean Monnet)

Keywords: Geography of the European Oceans and Seas; European coastline; Maritime History of Europe.

The OCEANID Jean Monnet Chair intends to contribute to an improvement in maritime and marine knowledge along the lines of the European Commission communication COM (2012)494 entitled “Blue Growth, Opportunities for Marine and Maritime Sustainable Growth”. This contribution will be implemented both through traditional academic education and professional training – be it to the public (DG on Maritime Policy, DG on Marine Resources, Municipalities Association, secondary level teachers) or the private sectors (Forum on Maritime Economy, Portuguese Industrial Association), as the accompanying letters put in evidence. And will also be complemented with R&D activities and the organisation of two conferences and three workshops.

Starting Date: 2017
Ending Date: 2020